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Ultimate Steve

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Everything posted by Ultimate Steve

  1. Unfortunately no, but since this is a CRS launch it should also be NASA streamed, and NASA TV is usually not blocked, so I should be able to watch it today. Thanks, though!
  2. And if you're at school like me, Arianespace streams their launches on a different platform on their site! http://www.arianespace.com/mission/ariane-flight-va246/ Finally, a launch I can watch!
  3. A X 0 X | X /| X /XX\ X |XXX\ A _________XXX| / \ |XXX| / 0 \========XXX| |XXXXX| |XXX| | U | |XXX| | N | |XXX| | I | |XXX| | T | |XXX| | E | |XXX| | D | |XXX| | |=======XXX| | S | |XXX| | T | |XXX| | A | |XXX| | T | |XXX| | E | |XXX| | S |=======XXX| | | |XXX| /| |\ |XXX| / \^^^^^/ \ |XXX| | ||\ X /|| | |XXX| |==================XX===| |=======================| (By me)
  4. Unless you're talking about the refurb costs for the RS-25s that will be used on the SLS.
  5. And hopefully, 24 hours and 4 minutes after this launch, we'll see CRS-16!
  6. That's going to be entertaining when I am able to watch it.
  7. Sounds really interesting, keep me posted if anything else interesting happens.
  8. T-30 minutes, enjoy your non-censored internet! jealous
  9. So that might fit in with my guess of a heat resistant carbon fiber, but that's pretty far fetched. Also, hooray for another text updates only launch! /s
  10. I wonder... What could possibly be gained from this much secrecy?
  11. Hello, @GameData! Simply put, Realism Overhaul is not out for 1.5.x yet. It isn't even 1.4.x ready due to the sheer number of mods it is comprised of. And these mods are way more than just parts, they're occasionally rewrites of a feature (FAR changes the atmosphere a lot, for example) and a lot of these depend on each other for the work they do. Until all of the dependent mods (or at least all of the important ones) are updated for 1.5.x there will not be a 1.5.x release of RO, so unfortunately you will have to downgrade to 1.3.1. If you want to play career, unfortunately RP-0 (RO/RSS career) is only at 1.2.2, so you may have to downgrade all the way back to 1.2.2. There is RP-1 which is 1.3.1 but that is highly experimental and currently (I think) only available through their Discord. Good luck getting this to work! My RO save is still 1.2.2. Also, welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy your stay!
  12. I forgot to remove RSS Visual Enhancements when converting my temporarily RSS game back to stock.
  13. Well, it's not the school internet filter. I can confirm that because it's a Saturday.
  14. I think nuclear engine heat was a problem a few versions ago, but I don' think it's a problem any more. You should be just fine without any radiators, or any other cooling part. But if I were you, I'd take a few radiators because they look cool just in case. Keep in mind that the static ones only cool a few parts around them, so try to put them near the engines.
  15. So I loaded up the game today with the intention of getting some quick screenshots (less than an hours worth of play) but I decided to make one of the supporting craft for Chapter 18 first. It's not even that important of a craft. I was originally going to handwave the propulsion and make up some random technology that would make it work, but then I tried to make it functional. And after about six hours of engineering, I got it! Except it's too big for where I want it to go, so I'll either have to make it smaller or fiddle with the story. And I haven't added all of the minor utilities yet. But when you see the craft, and you'll know which one it is, just know that it's legit.
  16. Oh. Well, I just realized that the nuclear ramjet I'm using actually does have a RAPIER-like function, it was just hidden, strangely. Hmm... I could use that for something SSTO-like but I'm almost there using an inertial fusion engine... Thank you all for the responses!
  17. I think this would fit in with KSP Interstellar Extended or Near Future Propulsion fairly well (the latter more than the former). There are mods with excellent nuclear engines. There are mods with nuclear turbo and ram jets. In stock KSP we have the RAPIER (and in real world we sort of have the SABRE) which combines a jet and a rocket... So how hard would it be to do the same with a nuclear engine? The idea came to me while trying to make a small Earth SSTO in RSS with a bunch of mods. I was using the nuclear turbojet (which can get me up to half of orbital velocity!) and I was trying to slap on a nuclear engine to get the last Delta-V required. It then occurred to me "Why do I need two reactors for this?" If this is a thing already, I would appreciate being directed to it. If not, I think this would be a great addition to an existing mod or a good standalone. It would basically be the mother of all engines, though. SSTO from basically anywhere.
  18. There's Columbia. And this burial company has done one mission before (it failed). But, another company, Celestis, have done several space burials, suborbital, orbital, and even lunar orbit IIRC. So you've been breathing dead people for a while.
  19. It's also launching a Elysium space burial satellite, with a bunch of people's ashes on board.
  20. Alright, my submission is complete! Here it is:
  21. From a technical standpoint, it's certainly possible if you beefed up the life support systems and only took one person. But, from a psychological standpoint... I wouldn't want to be that person.
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