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Everything posted by Benti

  1. Thanks a lot for this mod mate! I truly love all your visual enhancement mods. I'll try to capture some more nice shots for your op if you'd like!
  2. @MrMeeb Thanks a ton mate. That is exactly what I had in mind. I love your videos btw, very awesome stuff best regards
  3. Hi Guys, I was wondering if there is a mod which has made a couple of historical flags as placable parts. And if not, if there is someone interested in doing something like that. best regards
  4. @Pilotmaster yes you can. Follow this link here: and see the post from @Rhavoreth. He provides a somewhat working solution. But please do read everything carefully and don't start complaining if it doesn't work.
  5. Did you try the solution that nathan provided? The problem seemed to be a faulty install with the real fuel mod. @Toonu good job finding this!
  6. Alright, thanks for letting me know. I'll keep my hopes up that you will consider it some day.
  7. Hi Guys and @stupid_chris I was just wondering if it is possible to add a collision model for the chutes? I just came back from an orbital flight and ditched my heatshield to reduce the vessels mass. I then noticed, that the heatshield flew through my drogue chutes without collision. Now I know that this is normal in stock, but I was wondering if it would be possible to code such a collision model with realchutes. regards
  8. sweet! I'll download now and post some screenshots soon™ Update: click the spoiler button and enjoy! Now, please keep in mind that these are one of my first screenshots. I hope they reflect the beauty that i see in them @Berlin great work I love it!
  9. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bglrwv6p6o4p7sn/AABvudVRx7OMjnpY-vuqz2gsa The dropbox link is working perfectly fine. I just downloaded the pictures
  10. It's always helpful for the modder to post a log. Otherwise it's quite hard to track down the possible error. If you go to the very first page of this thread, there is an instruction :). @magico13 thanks for updating this! I'll give the new version a try later on.
  11. @DuoDex your mod is absolutely amazing! Thank you very much for it
  12. Thanks for updating one of my must have mods!
  13. I'm using the mod in 1.1 and it seems to work fine. That is a new created career and only 11 experiments completed so far.
  14. If you check your ksp setting in your steam library you are able to get back to version 1.05. I'll glaly provide some screenshots for you.
  15. This is absolutely great and one hell of a fast development. Thank you! I'll try this tonight after work
  16. Thank you very much. This drastically improved my performance
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