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Everything posted by Pell

  1. yeah im getting this issue too... it's ruining all my plans for self sustaining colonies! does anyone have a solution or workaround until the developer manages to respond with a fix?
  2. hi, i'm not seeing any parts show up when i install this mod (mid-playthrough). is it compatible with the latest version of KSP, or do i need to start a new save for it to work?
  3. I'm getting an issue where the game will uncontrollably switch between vessels around a celestial body (including flags). I'm fairly sure this mod is the cause as disabling it via the in-game toolbar prevents it. Any suggestions on how to fix?
  4. Yeah turns out just reinstalling fixed it! I couldn't figure out why it broke as it was working fine the day before. I think some mod updates in CKAN might have been the cause... hopefully if anyone has a similar problem this will fix it for them too.
  5. is there an RC7 for 1.8+? because i'm not seeing one on the beta download page. just RC6, and there's an RC7 for 1.7+
  6. The quad core part for 1.25m does not have autostrut. Is this intentional, and if not is there a chance it can be fixed in the next release? I've also noticed some strange yellow lines on the 2.5m cylindrical fairing, similar to what appears in the aerodynamic overlay.
  7. I've noticed some texture issues with some parts, mainly the decouplers. This is porkjet colour scheme. The white parts will be visible even when there is no light.
  8. How easy would it be to make this mod work with module manager 4, for 1.7.3? Is the problem solvable but difficult, or has no solution at this point? My CPU is dying due to the big stations I keep trying to build... this mod would be a godsend.
  9. All of my vessels have started uncontrollably spinning whenever i disable SAS. not really sure what the cause is, as i have quite a few mods installed, so i was wondering if anyone else has encountered this issue so we can compare mod lists and maybe come to a solution! edit: never mind, turns out i had accidentally set trim, alt + x reset it!
  10. hi, there's an issue i have with this mod where several parts, the neutral ion detector, surface gravimeter and the surface magnometer explode when attached to the surface. they work fine when placed on another object like a plate or ground pylon. another issue is that when running the surface gravimeter, there is no response. everything else in the mod seems to work.
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