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Everything posted by dryer_lint

  1. 4070: Progress in Glitch Theory allows the kerbals to develop an advanced device and patch the walrus bug. Seriously though guys, can't we try to keep it a little bit realistic? Wasn't this the problem with the old thread, stuff kept spawning out of nowhere?
  2. 4060: While aboard the ship, a team of scientists begin working on Glitch Theory, which will attempt to explain the anomalies and perhaps find a way to restore the universe to its original, bug-free state. 4062: The ship arrives at Laythe and bases are set up. Colony status: Approx. 1,000 Survivors
  3. 4058: Second is launched from LKO with no incidents. It sets course for a nearby star system known as Labker-10A. 4059: A scientific organization is created to study anomalies such as the kittens. It is named the SKP Foundation (Secure, Kontain, Protect)
  4. You accidentally hit a piece of fuel tank debris and get blasted into Kerbin orbit. Minmus is too easy to take off from. I claim the icy hill now that you're gone. My icy hill.
  5. I'm just waiting for the devnotes tomorrow. Mmm, fresh steamy devnotes delivered straight to my seat on the HypeVehicle
  6. I HyperEdit Minmus so it crashes into Kerbol. My Kerbol.
  7. 4405: Protesters begin to resist the development of the new "mods". They form a group and name themselves the "stock purists". 4406: An autopilot known as MechJeb is created. Protesters go absolutely crazy. 4407: Some rather strange scientists begin the development of a new mod of mass destruction, codenamed "HyperEdit". Kerbal governments all over the planet unite to destroy this new mod before their universe is torn apart by the dreaded theoretical event known as a "crash"
  8. My laptop supports two-finger scrolling but KSP doesn't. Dang it...
  9. 4034: Everyone starts going insane due to Hello Kitty, so the KSP just builds ballistic missiles for a year to destroy it. 4034.6: A group of scientists begins to investigate the anomalies. KIONICLES? Hello Kitty? What is happening to their universe? 4035: The team comes out with a shocking result - the very fabric of their existence is unstable and constantly subject to outside change. The anomalies they discovered are renamed "mods".
  10. 4032: For several months, no manned rockets can be launched. They can be built, taken to the pad, and fueled, but there's no launch tower to put the Kerbals inside. Everyone is confused. 4032.5: In a revolutionary discovery, Linus Kerman realizes that they can just put the Kerbals in while the rocket is still in the VAB. He is promoted to Assistant Science Director.
  11. I agree. This would be a great feature that's not as complicated as Alignment Indicator (for new players)
  12. *mind blown* Anyways: 4026: Kerburture places a massive order for 100 tons of Mun dust. Mortimer Kerman goes insane from managing the funds and starts throwing around chemical tanks. Since he shares an office with Walt Kerman, we now know why Walt had that HAZMAT suit on. 4027: Space Agencies all over Kerbin begin to consider merging into one, worldwide Kerbal Space Program
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