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Everything posted by dryer_lint

  1. I claim the nearby star, then I deorbit your planet so it crashes into the star. My star.
  2. 3321: Kerbals get overwhelmed by the Kethane discovery, impending ice age, and human contact happening all at once. An international "year of doing nothing" is declared. 3322: Scientists are shocked when the Kethane probe reports come back, as Kethane appears to be common throughout the Jool system, especially on Laythe. Some researchers believe that the mineral could save them from the upcoming ice age. 3324: Scanning satellites over Duna record an anomaly approx. 40km south of the base. Rovers are prepared to go investigate it.
  3. I think it's because in EVA, you wouldn't have all the fancy spacecraft controls at your disposal, you'd have to rely on your jetpack skills. So adding the Navball wouldn't make much sense... however, there are plenty of moments when I would also love to have that thing available.
  4. 1) Make an engine pointing straight up 2) Have the Kerbal walk onto the engine (it's ok, you'll be perfectly fine!) 3) FIRE THE ENGINE
  5. I think the Mk2 parts (cockpit and fuel tank) will be replaced by the Spaceplane+ parts, and the wings might be available alongside the stock wings?
  6. Probably with either nuclear or ion engines. Those things are crazy efficient, but they have very low thrust.
  7. Not bad, it looks pretty neat and professional Planets could use a bit more detail though, at the moment they look kind of like blobs...
  8. Who needs spaceplane parts, we wanted the banana! Commence riot, the HypeTrain is entering battle mode! Deploy weapons!
  9. Rule 101: If you kill a random white-suit Kerbal, you're an average player. If you kill Jeb, you're a sadistic monster.
  10. Bananal. Kanana. Banana-kerb. The possibilities of the banana world are endless.
  11. Year 3305: Scientists are now about 60% certain that there will indeed be an ice age. The Kerbal Space Program enters panic mode and begins preparing to colonize outer planets. Year 3305.5: A Minmus base is formed. Year 3306: A huge ship filled with 40 Kerbals is launched from the KSC, to colonize Duna.
  12. If it's not in the devnotes tonight, I think we're all going to be pretty mad...
  13. Can "Banana confirmed" be a new KSP meme?
  14. I disguise myself as a gas station worker and fill all the tanks with fuel. Then I throw a match into the Soyuz-TMA planet. My pile of rubble.
  15. Still though, imagine what would happen if SQUAD really did ​add the banana
  16. When you're doing the gravity scan, you right click on the sensor and select "Show display", or something like that. As for the temperature... I have no idea.
  17. Only one node in the tech tree? That's not enough to represent the whole world of bananas. We'll need another building, the Banana Research & Development Facility, with a separate tech tree for all the banana technologies. Basic bananas, advanced bananas, unmanned bananas, Kerbodyne bananas. While we're at it, we can add a Banana Assembly Building and a DLC pack for the game, Kerbal Banana Program.
  18. Half Life 3 confirmed! Seriously though, it's probably Spaceplane+ or a similar mod like Mk2 IVA. We already know they were working on spaceplane stuff, maybe Hugo redesigned the cockpits and they'll use SP+ for the other parts like fuel tanks?
  19. No, they wear shorts in the summer. What happens if I crash a plane?
  20. Someone just poured a gallon of gasoline into the HypeTrain engine.
  21. Probably the Mk2 cockpit IVA. HYPEHYPEHYPEHYPEHYPE
  22. You are surlaw. What is the Delta-V of a tree rocket?
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