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Everything posted by tseitsei89

  1. Hmm... the problem seems to be drag. Since there is no 0.625m fairing the craft will be extremely draggy. Plus you also have to do some "creative" solutions for re-enrty since service bays, fairings and all crew modules are 1.25m or bigger And that creative re-entry solution will probably further increase your drag since it has to be big enough to hide the kerbal completely.... I wasn't able to (quickly) find a way to do all of this at once.
  2. Here is an entry I made for another challenge a while back. It is extremely light and uses only 1.25m or smaller parts so should qualify for Legend category. I might have to try and see if Ultimate category can be done.
  3. So build a rover and make it jump from a hill or a ramp so that it hits a satellite? Is that what you mean? What means of propulsion are allowed for the rover? Only wheels or liquid/solid fuel allowed...
  4. If a satellite crashes to ground base on the ground it is clearly not on a stable orbit. And if a ground base is not on a ground it is not really a ground base anymore. So what exactly do you want us to do? And how do we get points/win?
  5. The mod kOS is great. It gives you a programming language that you can use to program your probes to do pretty much whatever you want. If you haven't done any coding before it can be quite confusing at first. I for example have already written a script that can fly a ship to mun, land it and return to kerbin safely without any input from me. It was a fun exercise. And currently I'm trying to make a script that can precision land at given coordinates
  6. What do you want us to do? Landing or no landing? There and back or only there? If landing is not required then when exactly should we record our time? What mods, if any, are allowed? So many questions...
  7. Yeah nice work. BUT If you just put 3 evenly spaced satellites at equator and 3 evenly spaced at polar orbit you get full coverage. Yes you use 2 more satellites BUT all of them can be very conveniently place to their orbits with only 2 launches (1 equatorial launch and 1 polar orbit launch). In this tetrahedral case the orbits are so inclined compared to each other that you need more launches or more dv in orbit to constantly change your inclination and place the satellites --> more money (and time/effort) spent. But that said I really like how this constellation actually works It is beautiful
  8. One thing/trick I didnt see mentioned regarding this. If you are low on dv and coming back to kerbin (lets say from Moho for example) and dont have enough left to get a stable kerbin orbit, you can just do a flyby/gravity assist and set it up so that it kicks up your sun periapsis so that you get some kind of a resonant orbit. What that means is that the orbital period of your ship is some fraction*kerbin orbital period. Here we could for example choose a resonant orbit of 3/4 which means that kerbin will perform 4 complete orbits in the same time our ship completes 3 orbits. That means way you will have a new encounter after 3 kerbin orbits around the sun so after 3 kerbin years and your relative velocity to kerbin will be much less... The altitude of your target pe can be quite easily calculated from the keplers third law and in this case it would be around 8.76 * 10^9m. It takes a longer time but you can save dv by using the first kerbin encounter as a gravity assist.
  9. 3. Yes that sounds like a good idea since ore is the densest resource in stock game. Also you can pretty much "fly" under water to control your submarine so use some control surfaces. 4. The only reasonable alternative for precision landing is really a rocketplane like solution so you can actually fly it where you want. You can also attach an ISRU so you can use all the fuel to fly to your preferred landing location and fill up the tanks once there. Then you probably want to decouple the ISRU and drills before the takeoff to shave off some weight... And you dont want to ascent like a plane, only to land like one. So you should pull the nose up immediately and then just decouple the wings too since they are just excess mass and drag during the ascent. EDIT: Also if you dont already use a mod called Hyperedit I highly recommend you to download it so you can teleport your ships(submarine and the ascent/descent vehicle) to Eve for testing before the actual mission...
  10. Interesting. How did you manage that? In my experience they always flame out at 20something kilometres. How can you get apoapsis to munar height with only jets? IMO a more feasible way (although probably still quite impossible) would be to use a "centrifugal catapult" since nobody said this needed to be SSTO. So 1. Have a plane to get ap out of atmosphere. 2. Decouple the "catapult" which is just a long stick with command pod on the other end and lots of reaction wheels + EC on the other end. 3. Spin. Fast. Like really fast. 4. Decouple the pod at the right moment so it will fly prograde and hopefully be enough to raise pe to > 70km But yeah even that would be amazingly hard since jets just dont get enough speed to get periapsis and apoapsis high enough for a "catapult" like this could finish the circularization (I would love to be proven wrong though...) Even if it was a typo it probably still didn't happen (the 4.1km/s run with jets I mean). Since in this thread we have achieved ~2km/s and there have been some quite competent people trying. So either he somehow "broke" the game physics with some new trick or he is just lying...
  11. Simpler and easier mechanics dont mean better and/or more game. They mean simpler and easier game. And to me challenge is what makes the game fun. So yeah MORE FUN GAME!!
  12. Ok I have now written a script that can get different ships to orbit reasonably effectively and another scipt that can transfer to low mun orbit from LKO. However when I started to write a script that could land the ship on mun I noticed that alt:radar seems measure altitude to "sea-level" rather than to the actual ground. I couldnt understand why I was hitting the ground so fast every time so I told the script to print alt:radar on every iteration of the loop and it turned out that it printed the same numbers as the big altitude meter in the game shows (and that measures to "sea-level"). Simultaneously KER confirmed my results by showing the actual altitude to surface which was almost 3 km less... Is alt:radar working properly for everyone else?
  13. Does anyone know the coordinates of the highest mountain? This biome hop + SSTO thing sounds like something I might want to attempt at some point but coordinates of the best launch side would be very useful...
  14. How though? If my base only has one kontainer for supplies and it has a capacity of 16000 units. With that setup there is no way to do this that I know of... Eve is the biggest celestial body you can land on. It has the radius of 700 000m so that means circumference is 700 000*pi*2 so the longest possible distance between bases in the game is half the circumference of Eve so 700 000m * pi = 2199114m. It is very easy to build a rover that is capable of 20+ m/s speeds. So that means our traveling time would be 2199114m / 20m/s = 109955s = 30.54 hours = 5.09 kerbin days < 1 week. So week is plenty of time even in the worst case scenario But yeah this is really not a big problem since I can use either the "disable warehouse + smaller container for supplies to actively push" approach or I can just make the mining rig completely unmanned. I am just trying to say that there might be ways to make this feature work even better and make this awesome mod even better because nothing is ever perfect. I will still definitely keep playing with this mod since IMO this is one of the best mod(pack)s in KSP so big thanks to @RoverDude for that
  15. One final message to everyone arguing that PL mechanic is currently realistic. Then I'll stop cluttering the thread and I apologize if I hurt anyones feelings that wasnt my intention. But think about the following situation: Bill is living in a mining base and Jeb is a pilot in the main base. Bill: Hey Jeb we are running very low on supplies and will run out of those in a week. Could you send us some more? Jeb: Nah. I only have 15000 supplies (so enough for many years of consumption) but my warehouse can fit 16000 so you'll just have to wait. Bill: what Jeb?! We are actually starving in here! Jeb: well tough luck. Just deal with it. Bill: *starves to death* Sounds realistic to you? Yeah. I didn't think so...
  16. Nonono. Dont even go there. I am not one of those guys who say every feature and mechanic is "stupid" if they dont understand it and/or it makes the game harder. I say this is a "stupid" mechanic because IMO it doesn't make any sense. I men why wouldn't a kerbal pilot (who is handling the PL logistics from his logistics module) take supplies out of the larger container and ship them to another base but he can take them if you have a smaller container... Just doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Now if there is some kind of a coding reason why a better mechanic is hard/impossible to implement I completely understand the choice of current mechanic then. Much further away than 2km. Sorry if I insulted you. I think this (and other mods of yours) are amazing! This one feature just doesn't make a lot of sense to me but then again I have absolutely no idea how hard/impossible it would be to implement a better system... I was imagining it works pretty much like resources on the kontainers connected to PL logistics would be common for all bases and any base could use (pull) them as needed. What I think would be a nice feature is something like having a limiter on every container (one more slider on the right click menu) that basically says "keep container filled to this limit and push rest to PL storage" and we could freely change this limiter as we want. And in addition to that it would be nice if we could actively push resources to planetary storage like we can transfer resources to different parts of the ship (right click both and then push out or pull in). But this I already knew wouldn't work currently. Again sorry if I insulted you or your work. Hmm... An interesting idea thanks
  17. Oh well, since pushing resources doesnt need a pilot anymore I think I'll just make an unmanned mining rig then. Yes I know it is less effective but more drills and good location should be enough
  18. Yeah. What makes it pretty stupid IMO is that less storage space is actually better... Because if I have that 3000 units of supplies and only 2000 units of storage space then 1000 units are pushed in to the PL storage and are ready to be pulled out right? But if I have a bigger container (for example 2.5m kontainer is 16000 units) I have to manufacture 16000 unkts of supplies before anything can be pulled right? So you should only ever use the smallest konrainers if that is the case... Now I already have a 2.5m kontainer for supplies in my main base (which is of course nowhere near full...) because it also works as a structural element if my mining module there and I thought having plenty of storage space would be good. So that means that I will not be able to get ANY supplies in to the PL storage in a loooong time. If I had only taken the 1.25m kontainer I could soon start pushing supplies and everything would be fine
  19. So you are saying that if I have a container for supplies that has for example 8000 units capacity and it has 3000 units of supplies in it, the mining rig cant pull any supplies out of that and the kerbals in there will just die even though 3000 units of supplies would be plenty for every kerbal on the moon? If so then that is a stupid mechanic and should be changed asap IMO...
  20. I am planning to have: 1.a main base on a moon that has the ability to produce supplies and a piloted logistics module and a kontainer for supplies that has global warehousing enabled 2. a seperate mining rig on the same moon that has piloted logistics module and a kontainer for supplies with global warehousing. But no ability to produce supplies. So the question is: Will kerbals in my mining rig be able to "pull in" the supplies they need from the main base or do I need to produce supplies for them on the spot? I know different modules can send a pull request if they need resources but I don't know if kerbals (or any module) can send a pull request for supplies... Not a problem either way. I'll just slap a agri module on the mining rig if necessary but I would like to know in advance if I need one
  21. Oh too bad That would have been very useful information. But please do share your library I'll definitely see if I can understand any of it (I'm new to kOS and quite inexperienced in coding altogether...).
  22. Noob question as I just started learning this. How can I get the thrust and mass of the next stage of my vessel? I need it because I want to calculate my burn time for a node accurately even if I have to stage mid burn...
  23. Sorry about that. I intended to quote them from OP as well but my brain didnt work It would be nice I guess but IMO if your plane can't do a 90 degree turn quite easily you should probably plan it better anyway Also the fuel and time waste is quite minimal. But as I said I'm not against this idea but I dont consider it important either. There are much more important things for SQUAD to work on before this We use them in real life yes because landing in to a forest is bad but in KSP we can land pretty much anywhere safely already. Refueling point is true but Kerbin is so small that the need for refueling stations is somewhat questionable IMO. We already have a launchpoint at the optimal location, the equator, it is easy to launch to any given orbit from there. But again I'm not against this idea but I dont consider it that important either. Ok. I just don't ever see myself using gamepad/controller for KSP. Don't get me wrong I definitely use gamepad for other games but it just isn't that suitable for KSP IMO. I have previously used a joystick to fly some of my bigger planes since it gives me more precise control So I know that you already CAN use joystick with the game at least if you want to. I haven't tried with gamepad but that should also be possible... It could be made easier yes but again not that important IMO. (Although I'd rather take this than more/better KSC bases) So you really couldn't do much in the multiplayer mode then? Every time you are in MP mode you cannot timewarp so you have to wait until everyone leaves and then you can timewarp again but then you are already playing single player game again since everybody else already left... Ok then we just have to agree to disagree here. I usually listen to games soundtrack for some time when I first start playing it but in most of the games I have played longer I have already gotten bored of the same soundtrack and instead like to play my own music in the background. Especially in something I have played as much as I have played KSP.
  24. Okay I just downloaded the mod and run into a problem. Sorry if this is a noobish/already answered question http://imgur.com/eAshqMN As you can see from the screenshot I created a new file to test how this works. But the problem was when I tried to write PRINT "HELLO" I noticed that my R and E keys weren't working. So just to elaborate what my problem is I tried to wrote QWERTYASD after that. And as you can see R E and S keys are not registered. Coincidentally those happen to be the letters used for (R)eload, (S)ave and (E)xit (the buttons at the top right corner of that window. So that is somehow blocking them I believe... But I couldn't quickly find a way to make it work so I thought I would ask here if anyone has faced the same problem and/or knows how to fix it...
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