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Everything posted by TheKosanianMethod

  1. A logo I made for the Kerbal Air Force, or KAF. Thanks, MS Paint!
  2. I hardly use mods other than BDA, but if this was a thing, I might use it.
  3. The Saturn V is feasible, but it would completely change. The AGU and AGC could be run from a much smaller computer, and most of the flight, including liftoff, most or maybe all burns, landing, and docking could be done automatically. The engines would be completely changed. Many systems could be made much lighter and smaller. Instead if a myriad of switches, the CM and LM controls would probably be on a much smaller UI, possibly be on a large touchscreen. And the space food would be better. Mountain House meals FTW!
  4. I haven't watched LEMMiNO in months, now's a perfect time.
  5. Mine was going to be the same as my youtube profile picture, but was too big. Not long ago, I was making a flag based off the USAF logo for my Kerbal Air Force. I randomly decided to try and use it for forum avatar, and I think it fits perfectly. Edit Well, now it's my YT avatar as well, but this one is formatted better. I was just going to ask what the dice meant on Forgotten Space Program.
  6. I think I have an idea for taking off underway. Use docking ports on plane and ship to hold plane in place, open the throttles, wait until full power, undock, use RATO in place of a catapult. And don't forget to play danger zone in the background.
  7. I'm guessing this series is on hiatus for now? Or has it been abandoned? Seeing as the last update was ten months ago...
  8. After about a minute of watching this, I figured out what it was. BTW Gene Kranz is the guy just left of the center, hands on his waist. Also the only guy wearing a white vest.
  9. Y'know, Chuck Yeager, the first person to break the sound barrier? I was kidding about him though.
  10. This actually seems interesting. When does Chuck Kerman come into play? Totally didn't just watch a part of The Right Stuff.
  11. I don't feel right being self-promotional. Screw it. My channel is currently just KSP, but I'll put some other games up in a while. I'm unable to post anything right now, because of blue screens and having a life taking up most of my time. And I'm trying to download OBS.
  12. Here in Northern VA, we are preparing for what may be a few inches of rain over the weekend, or a few in an hour. I keep seeing mixed reports. As for the car pontoons, you may need this. Do you happen to own a Ford Bronco?
  13. I think there is. Go to ListenOnRepeat, type in the name of the video, and you can watch it without it being recorded as a view. I'm not sure, though.
  14. Glad to see that you made it, I hope everything finishes healing quickly. If you ever need motivation, remember that this guy had more or less a tunnel in his head, and recovered. And I thought I was so amazing with the hole I had in my back. Also, remember the probiotics after you finish needing antibiotics, as someone else has said.
  15. This is now the first thing I check when I come onto the forums.It's inspired me to perhaps start playing career again. I started a save when I first got 1.0.5, and spent half an hour on it. I spend most of my time in sandbox making fighters.
  16. I haven't seen another bluescreen since that one, and my computer is fine for now...
  17. The only mods I use are BDArmoury, and I'm trying to get a few other small mods to work (Kerbinside and Adjustable Landing Gear). I use Infinite Fuel when I'm testing planes, I almost always use Unbreakable Joints and No Crash Damage, which only seem to work half the time. When I'm testing a fast reentry or a fast plane, I use No Reentry Heating. I'm thinking of using HyperEdit though. I also use Infinite Fuel if I run out of fuel during a mission, because I'm horrible at selecting a landing point for rescues, or if I'm in the middle of a burn or landing, but then I abort the mission and go straight back to Kerbin. My first Duna landing was done with Infinite Fuel and the Kerbal X.
  18. I once had a whole series of planes named after Top Gun callsigns. Then, I named a really badass fighter "Gibbs"
  19. I tested a new fighter. It's an odd design, so it wobbled like a noodle until I strutted the hack out of it...
  20. Making Ridley Take Notes... Regaining Elevator Effectiveness... (Who got those?) Flying Right On By... Doing Barrel Rolls Eating All the Snacks... Landing On A Barge... Testing Aircraft... (Displayed right after) Ejecting From Aircraft... Hitting The Afterburners... Adding New Features... Contacting Light...
  21. I use a 4-year-old laptop. I just closed KSP. I proceeded to check my email. I walked away, and it started to rain and thunder. So, being the smart laptop user, I unplugged the computer so any power surges wouldn't screw anything up. I came back about an hour later, and the screen was all black, but the power light was on, and the ring of light around the mousepad was still lit, so the computer was still on. I figured that the battery was low, so I plugged the cord back in. Nothing. I restarted the computer. About a minute later, it happened - the Blue Screen of Death. I thought, "Oh s#!t, my computer is screwed!" Then I did what any person would do - turn it off and on. I rebooted fine. I'm going to have it checked by the people at Best Buy. But that was the first BSoD I'd ever seen in person. I'd had the laptop for four years. I'd used computers in the labs at school, and even though they were state-of-the-art at the time, they were still Windows XP and 98. I have an old HP Windows 95 in the basement that still runs - never seen it bluescreen. But somehow my laptop running Windows 7 did. Questions: When did you see your first BSoD?
  22. What's the point of seeing the movie when you know EXACTLY what's going to happen? While yes, the movie skipped a few things, and the book was better, I don't want to watch a movie that's a copy-and-paste of a book. My attention span would make me go insane (but I already saw this part... oooh, look, more popcorn!)
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