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Everything posted by TheKosanianMethod

  1. I use general USA/DoD aircraft designations (A for attack, B for bomber, and so on) but I always call my fighters "Fighter Mk X." My ships have a loose hull designation. "Battleships" are ships that are mainly gun-based, with no missiles. "Cruisers" are ships that carry long-range over-the-horizon missiles, and "destroyers" are pretty much everything else. Most of them are visual-range/close-range missile-based.
  2. When I was 8? I believe that was the year I went to the BSA's 100th year Jamboree. My cousin, who was from Boston, came with me and my mother. It was pushing 95°F every day, and even the southerner (me) was having trouble in the heat. It was still really cool, and I also remember playing with my cousin at my house.
  3. Just finished Christmas Eve dinner, and I feel fatter than I did at Thanksgiving. Crab cakes and perogis(I think that's how they're spelled) are amazing.
  4. And I thought my Christmas was hectic. At least mine's all in one country.
  5. It's not that great. Dominoes is cheap low-effort pizza.
  6. I have nothing to do for an hour. I have no homework, my computer is dead, it's dark out, and my internet doesn't feel like working fast enough for YouTube.
  7. "Boi" is a slang way of spelling "boy." "Gurl" is a slang way of spelling "girl." I have no free time. Homework takes most of it.
  8. Same here. I'm sick, but can't stay home because we just started new stuff in two classes, and I have a project in another. So DayQuil and Luden's to the rescue.
  9. I snowed on Saturday and now it's all gone.
  10. I broke another string on my violin! This is the second one in less than a month! At least I know how to fix it from last time.
  11. So this morning, I heard loud engine noises outside. There was firetruck and an ambulance in front of my friend's house. There was no way to get a car past the units, so I had to walk a quarter mile while it was 25F. I have no idea what was wrong, but I do know one of the kids has CP. I didn't hear them run code (siren), only lights.
  12. I've got a violin version of Radioactive looping on repeat in my head.
  13. So it's a really big water rocket. Like the ones I played with as a kid. You put water into a rocket-shaped container, pumped it up to pressure, and released. Is that what a "steam rocket" is?
  14. It's a top-secret aircraft under development by the US Air Force that's so slow, no plane can move slowly enough to shoot it down. Obviously.
  15. I mean, you did get a free shower. Just one that could've turned your face into a hamburger.
  16. I was watching one of those "Music of Memes" videos, and realized that all the songs from '00 to '12 feel old... then I realized I'm older than most of those songs... I'm not even 20 yet!
  17. Wake Me Up When September Ends was on the radio last night. Now it's in my head.
  18. Currently rockin' black Nike New Balances and dark blue Merrell trail runners.
  19. So last night, I watched a weird collection of videos. I started with some Two Steps From Hell while I attempted to stop a Reddit meme. After I got sick of mass downvoting comments about communism, I watched a WWII training film on how to shoot down enemy fighters from a B-17, which lead to a '50s short about the benefits of angled runways on aircraft carriers and how to use them. Then I found a video about how to destroy tanks as an infantry. As I powered down my laptop, I decided that I wanted to watch the rest of jacksepticeye's playthrough of Life is Strange. I started watching two years ago, but only three of the five episodes had been released. I decided that I should re-watch the first three episodes to regain context, then watch the final two. The thing is, it takes a little over two hours to play each episode, and 2 hours times five episodes is ten hours of video time. Solution? Binge every episode back-to-back in one night. I finished episode 4 around six in the morning, and finished the fifth a little after 8AM. I had to get up at 9 for church, so I got an hour of sleep at most. Episodes 1-4 were pretty good, but 5 was kinda off the rails and I didn't feel satisfied like I usually do when I watch a playthrough. I was actually kinda mad at myself, I felt like it was almost a waste of time. The game was good, I just don't know how I feel about it. TLDR: I watched ten hours of an Irish guy play Life is Strange, and am now sleep-deprived.
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