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Everything posted by TheKosanianMethod

  1. It's for the sissies who love this whole "fuel economy" fad! Bah!
  2. As previously stated, the cells need oxidiser, and that's just extra mass to lug around. If you want, you can slap on a Juno engine (I think they have an alternator). If they don't have an alternator, use a Wheesley. If you don't want to do either of those, or that's too much redesign, RTGs don't need fuel or sun, but they don't put out a ton of power, so you'll want to use several. Good luck!
  3. Whenever I use the Panther engine, I run around on full afterburner, even if I don't need it. If I wanted fuel economy, I wouldn't use the Panther.
  4. If you mean that you're walking and you turn on RCS, causing the Kerbals to walk funny, then I think that's purposeful, so you know you're in RCS mode. Or do you mean that the Kerbals fall over (or whatever causes them to faceplant) and then when they get up, the walking animation freezes, and the Kerbal "walks" around. I've seen that before, but not for a while. I have no idea what causes it, nor do I know how to fix it, but I've seen it too.
  5. Was that a misspelling, or am I just not getting it?
  6. I don't think most building codes mandate that roofs be able to support a lithobraking space capsule.
  7. That's what I thought it was until I realized Sal vast leaving.
  8. War Thunder is always fun. Every now and then, I try to pull up. Then I wonder why I'm stalling. Then I remember that W and S are the throttle, A and D are roll, and Q/E is for the rudder.
  9. My first SSTO and Mun landing were both awesome. Some of my dogfights are pretty awesome too.
  10. On Easter, the fire alarm in my church went off at the end of the service. We continued like normal, we had about a minute left. By the time the rest of the altar servers and I had lined up and walked to the back of the church (within a minute of the alarm), the last six rows were completely empty - apparently all of the old people bolted as soon as the alarm went off.
  11. Jeb and Val are friendly rivals, both badass pilots, and therefore not a romantic couple. At least in my mind. Others can disagree.
  12. $48 million for the first movie. FF2- 76 FF3- 85 FF4- 85 FF5- 125 FF6- 160 FF7- 190 Fate of the Furious- 250 Total: $971 million USD Now that's another good idea!
  13. The only movie close to that would be Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. It took the Hobbit Trilogy to get to $623 million - or about $200 million a movie.
  14. I tried to add stuff to my avatar for a sal_vager homage, but I couldn't make it look any good. My username is my YouTube username, which has several origin stories, depending on length. It came from a ridiculous way of solving math problems I made in third grade as a satire to the complicated ways we were taught in school. Whenever I do something in an overcomplicated manner, I call it "The Kosanian Method", which itself is a complicated word. My avatar is my flag for my Kerbal Air Force, made in MS Paint.
  15. So we just put some of @KSK's writing to film?
  16. I have checkboxes for: Capture any fullscreen application Multi-adapter compatibility Force Scaling Allow Transparency Limit capture framerate Capture Cursor* Use anti-cheat compatability hook* *= box checked I also have the options for what window to record and window match priority
  17. Okay, I'll try that in a second - definitely not landing an SSTO.
  18. I have two options: chrome.exe KSP_x64.exe The KSP.exe one just gives me a black recording - sound only.
  19. These are the options I see when I click on "Add Source": -Image -Media Source -Text -Display Capture -Window Capture -Game Capture -Video Capture Device <-- This is my webcam -Audio Input Capture -Audio Output Capture By the way, thanks for playing tech support!
  20. I'll try that, and I also use an older version - 14.2 Edit: Video source?
  21. Windowed - I'm playing in the background right now.
  22. I'll try that. ...OBS doesn't seem to see the KSP window.
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