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Everything posted by TheKosanianMethod

  1. Today I went on a bike ride with some friends, and we found a new trail just across the main road from our community - I've lived here for over a decade and didn't know it was there. I also finally found a place to practice rappelling.
  2. So last night, I decided to use my A-1 Harlan (inspired by an A-10 Warthog) to land in the ocean. This was the result:
  3. It's sunny and 71F here in Virginia! Getting ready for a warm Memorial Day weekend.
  4. You okay? Happy Birthday, even if I'm a little late.
  5. I was the designated Text-to-Speech user. We have the maturity of two-year-olds.
  6. Since we has field day, we did nothing in any class. In orchestra, we prank-called the people who weren't in school. Fun was had.
  7. There is no one at school. Today is field day for us, so no one bothered to show up. There's about ten people in my first class. So I have nothing to do but browse the forums and read XKCD. It's a good day.
  8. I have a spent 30-06 casing from an unknown year, but most likely before 1998.
  9. I saw it Thursday night, but didn't see this thread until now. It was so good. The Zune store 300 songs!
  10. It rained most of last week and on Monday and Tuesday. Now it's supposed to be 90F today, and it's already 71. I also forgot and wore jeans today...
  11. I thought the celebrity deaths stopped last year. Rest in Peace.
  12. I personally find Crash Course informative, but John Green annoys me for no reason. He also talks faster than a bullet, so that's part of it.
  13. I managed to run across @Findthepin1 on Reddit today! It was in a discussion about calculators.
  14. So I was going to take my Earth Science SOL (it's a state-required end-of-year test, separate from final exams) on Monday, but I had to do a Cambridge exam on the same day, so I told admin that I'd do the SOL on a make-up day. I had my History SOL on the first make-up day (today), and I got an e-mail saying those with conflicting History/ES make-ups would not take them on the same day. So I finished my History SOL today at ~9:45. At ~12:00, I got a note from admin saying I needed to head to the library for my ES SOL. I was annoyed, but I was prepared for Monday, so I went and took it. Not hard. Fast forward to when I'm at home, and my mother read her (parent) version of the same e-mail I got. It turns out I could have walked to admin, told them I had two tests in one day, and I could've moved the test to Monday. TLDR - I took two end-of-year tests in one day, even though I didn't really need to.
  15. It's May, and it's cold and rainy. THIS BETTER CLEAR UP BEFORE MEMORIAL DAY!
  16. Because there's no other game that lets you build and fight planes the way KSP does. Because I can then take those planes to space. And then fight with them there. Because I can do whatever I want.
  17. I like playing with BDArmory. I enjoy going to full burners and running to the pole. I guess you could say... I feel the need... ... the need for speed! I feel no shame.
  18. I wanna see a KSP version of Thunderstruck.
  19. That's mostly from Saving Private Ryan. Give it a little time, and maybe everyone will know what Dunkirk was.
  20. For our state requirments, we didn't even have to know what the Doolittle Raid was, the battles for Iwo Jima (Any of them really), the campaign in Italy, or that the Soviets did anything. Nor did we need to know about the Battle of Britain. But my history teacher decided to teach us what they were.
  21. This is lamb covered in pesto, if anyone was wondering. It's really good. On topic: I read somewhere recently that heat-seeking missiles are fiction because a computer "cannot feel heat." AIM-9, anyone?
  22. Just as I was logging on to the forums, a group of seniors walked into our room. They asked us all what our preferred type of steak was - I answered medium rare. They ran out, and apparently to ask as many people in the school how they like their steak. EDIT: Seniors as in the student, not an old person.
  23. I read the recent blog post, or I just watch the picture. Some of them are really nice.
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