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Everything posted by TheKosanianMethod

  1. In Koviet Krussia, staging mismatches you.
  2. Orbital bombardment. Either using space planes based out of the station as dive-bombers, or Rods From the Gods with JDAMs. The stations tend to be single-launch because I'm HorriBad at intercepts.
  3. This is why I own and play all my games on a laptop.
  4. Like everyone else is saying, the switch would be too much work for too little reward. Not as many people can work with Unreal, while many can use Unity. Unreal just seems too... unreal.
  5. It's Reddit, what do you expect? Most Reddit memes I know are not approved by Forum Rules. 2017 has stolen 2016's meme of killing famous people already. This one was too far. My name is TheKosanianMethod. You killed my memes. Prepare to die!
  6. Free Music Archive, Incompotech, and Teknoaxe's site all have pretty good selections.
  7. Good, don't. As for things to do, if you are around Jackson Hole, then that is a pretty cool place from what I remember. The gondolas are pretty nice, with some good views.
  8. I always quicksave before landing, because I had this happen once. "What you do up there... it's dangerous."
  9. I have an account there, I'll have to look for it.
  10. Granted. You warped past it, and missed it. I wish for no homework.
  11. Tired of being bored? Stop staring at a wall, it works 100% of the time.
  12. Want make your plane go higher? Keep pulling back on stick until the speed gauge says "zero." Congrats, you've now gone as high as you can get in your plane.
  13. I've seen you in about 30% of the threads I view. Of course, I am very familiar with your picture.
  14. I've killed many kerbals, most of them being blown out of the sky by my missiles. However, I do try to keep as many of them alive by quicksaving.
  15. Okay, where in the world did you get a flight manual for a Blackbird? I need one of these.
  16. I just saw it, and I really liked it. The transition from Rogue One to A New Hope is almost seamless. In fact, you could stitch the two movies together into one long movie and it would seem viable.
  17. As legoclone said, OBS is great. I use the (still free) studio version, and it works great.
  18. When you have 1,916 screenshots, and half of them are from this forum.
  19. A 200 lumen Petzl headlamp, Battlefield One, several shirts, and lots of gift cards to Cabela's, which has a store opening in my town in the spring.
  20. Well, that answers my question. I asked on December 30, "We have 48 hours left. Who will die next?" I like M*A*S*H*, and it sucks he died. I fear there are several people who won't make it to 2018.
  21. Two more minutes for me... EDIT: HAPPY NEW YEAR! Good trap, good trap.
  23. It shows two of these right above each other in the lounge. As for the link, whoever created the mod should know. Anyone know who created EVE?
  24. I think you posted this twice
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