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Everything posted by TheKosanianMethod

  1. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
  2. 5/10 Both humans and robots find this funny. I am a human because I hate slow computers. Computers would not care about slow times. Any sentient race besides humans that know about our slow computers would need very good computers to get this far to our little pale blue dot. This makes me human.
  3. I walk in with a fish and a bone. I right click, and domesticate both. They kill anything trying to kill me. I also turn the rice fields into sugarcane farms. My sugarcane farm.
  4. For an example, here is a mission I plan to do someday: Construct ship in orbit, hab-n-lab using rockets, leave uncrewed. Once completed, send up crew with SSTO plane. Fly to Minmus, Mun, and back to kerbin. Rendezvous with SSTO, transfer crew, and land.
  5. "SPEED IS KEY!" -Jacksepticeye on not stalling. "It works in Kerbal Space Program!" -Randall Munroe
  6. I'm personally having a great holiday. KSP, Minecraft, skiing, food, family, and snow. Happy holidays to everyone else!
  7. By throwing it at the sun What is love? Don't Hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.
  8. December 25, 2013. Version .20 or .21, I don't remember. Merry Christmas to myself.
  9. My alarm clock is no longer waking me up. I'm used to the sound. I'm starting to use my nook as an alarm. Samsung has some strange tones.
  10. VTOL- Vee-tall STOVL- Stove-ull or Stuvlle (rhymes with Hubble)
  11. I grew up with the tail end of the Shuttle. I remember Discovery on the 747 en route to the Udvar-Hazy going over our school.
  12. 6/10 looks menacing. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grumman_F-14_Tomcat&ved=0ahUKEwjziems0-DQAhUHxiYKHf-pCpAQFghrMBU&usg=AFQjCNE8sl6Sn0aE7AYkK1AVlmoKFMZ8TA (Danger Zone!)
  13. Granted. But the game crashes just before you recover, and you restart. At Duna. I wish for bread pudding.
  14. Banned for allowing me say "thrice banning".
  15. The time I launched the game, and textures were messed up everywhere. The crawler way clipped sideways through the VAB, and everything else went nuts. To this day I'm convinced that it was because I launched the game right from the folder, bypassing the launcher.
  16. What is the most interesting thing you have learned from this forum?
  17. While sitting in the gym, you see three girls sitting in a triangle tossing a ball around, and they have their legs out as to keep the ball in their circle. Then you think, "That is a perfect representation of a perfect keosynchronous comms network with three satellites and their FOVs." Just happened.
  18. You can have some of ours when it starts. Take it!
  19. I live just south of Washington DC (the capital of 'Murica for you non-Muricans), and, according to the weather app on my nook, it is 34° F and partly cloudy. We just had a Weekend of Fours Seasons, with 70° Temps on Friday, and then it was about 40 with high winds from Saturday night to this morning - I even lost power for a bit yesterday. The most extreme weather? Last winter (2015-16) we had several FEET of snow, which ended with me pulling out my fifty-year-old snowshoes and having to walk over the snow to get anywhere. That night I taught myself how to A) removes now with explosives and B) sew with paracord and duct tape. Several years ago, we got hurricane Sandy, which was a beast, and that was how I learned to chase trampolines and/or trash cans
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