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Everything posted by slyfoxninja

  1. @Rodger I've been meaning to reach out to y'all about pictures I snagged while I was at the Udvar-Hazy Center back in July. A good majority of them are the space flight area. I tried to get as close as I could to everything if you wanted to use them for reference. I didn't bring a battery bank and it was bit a last minute thought so I wasn't able to capture a lot more before my battery died from the post processing. Every photo I took is in 200MP from my S24 Ultra. I can upload them to my drive and share the link if you want.
  2. I ended up reinstalling most of my mods and KSP to fix the problem. The only problem I have now is the stowaway sat isn't working right.
  3. I apologies in advance if this was already asked/answered, but I don't get plumes when using BDB so I guess it's a mod conflict maybe? Thanks!
  4. Anyone else having the problem where the capsules and science modules not letting you add or transfer Kerbals in? Like the caps and modules are acting liking they're only for cargo or probes. The spaceplanes don't have the problem so I don't think it's a mod conflict.
  5. I just found out the hard way, going through all my mods, that this conflicts with BDB so I had to remove it For some reason it makes the antennas useless.
  6. There's a B9 failure when adding the cargo stage that force closes KSP.
  7. I just found this bad boy, anyone know if it works 1.5.1?
  8. I imagine there would be severe limits as far as parts go, but if they can make DOOM and Wolfenstein II work anything is possible.
  9. Can't wait to use this mod again once it's updated to 1.3. Thanks for your hard work!
  10. I love your mod man and I'm glad it's come this far! Any chance of a team up with the modder that does Probes Plus? I know he's got a sweet looking Surveyor probe that needs an Atlas-Centaur rocket.
  11. I just downloaded off Spacedock the new update and I got the Heisenberg file instead, but the zip is labeled as Pathfinder 2.2.1
  12. How to install the fix? The read me file doesn't tell me anything.
  13. I am so confused right now. Who's actually do the upkeep or care taking or is alexustas still the main modder or is it a team effort now? I'm not poodleing at all I'm just curious as a big fan of this mod. I actually spent a lot of time researching a good flight stick setup so I could use this awesome lander pod and beautiful IVA that now works the Mk1-2 Command Pod which thank you to whomever did made it. I can't remember who it is and I would look it up to credit them, but my classes are broken which is making this post hard to type. I love you all you glorious stand-up guys.
  14. I found a few links with the Battlestar Galactica ranks, the first one is from the wiki. http://en.battlestarwiki.org/wiki/Military_Ranks_(RDM) http://smg.photobucket.com/user/ace1701e/media/rank%20insignia/nBSGRankandInsignia.png.html http://s1232.photobucket.com/user/25Prime/media/BSG1/ColonialRanks3Fleet.png.html
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