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Everything posted by EmbersArc

  1. Should I add another size? The 5m parts are part of the DLC right? So I would prefer not adding them in that size. But if you need them it should be no problem with tweakscale. They are not specifically FAR compatible. Maybe the addon that makes them deployable is confusing FAR as well. In my experience they work fine with FAR but don't have as much drag as with stock aero. Does the steering work as expected? I'll see what's going in here. I reduced the drag coefficient quite a bit. But the majority of the drag has so far come from the enlarged drag cube when they are deployed anyway. Should I increase the drag again? That's consistent with all control surfaces in KSP and it's how the system works. You would have to rotate every control surface for this application because you're basically flying backwards.
  2. Update 2.6.1 Falcon Leg texture can now be changed without additional mods (FS texture switch support has been removed) Reduced control authority of Aluminium Grid Fins Fixed Falcon Leg collision mesh
  3. There are conflicting reports on Reddit whether the mod is working with 1.4 or not. I haven't had time to test it yet. Has anyone found something that's not working yet? I'll release a 1.4 version later that uses the new native texture switching function.
  4. As promised, here's what I've been working on recently. I wrote a 2D Falcon 9 landing simulation and trained an AI to land the rocket safely while using as little fuel as possible. Was as much fun as it was frustrating at times. A basic explanation for those interested: In reinforcement learning we have an agent (The "AI") that is interacting with an environment (The Falcon 9 falling from the sky). It starts knowing absolutely nothing about the environment and just tries new things until it gets better at it. It gets feedback about how good some taken action was in the form of a reward. Here, it gets rewarded for slowing down, getting closer to the ship and finally for a nice touchdown. It gets punished for taking too much time, which is equivalent to using too much fuel (a quicker descent without hovering is more efficient). So based on that feedback it will do the things more often that lead to a higher reward and avoid less successful moves. This particular agent took 200'000 tries over the course of 12 hours. I'm quite happy with the result: https://gfycat.com/CoarseEmbellishedIsopod
  5. Not sure if that's worth it. Seems like a boring way to land a rocket and the stock landing gear should be okay for that. Sorry.. Thanks for the hint. That collider could be better. It's currently just a big box collider. Will be fixed in the next update.
  6. That's the one! It's a very elaborate metaphor you know. Great! Yeah that seems to be normal. Should I open a pull request?
  7. Behoooold! It is done! I shall henceforth be known as Master of Wheels, Conqueror of Colliders, Vanquisher of Suspensions. For I did not succumb to the powers that rule this arcane system. ...AMA I guess. Many thanks @Kerbas_ad_astra for testing. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ndeyd03pre6ko1m/AACAHWCLNDYI1byPu1H2yzCYa?dl=0 Can someone quickly verify my claims?
  8. Alright, wheels are done so far, who wants to test them? https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ndeyd03pre6ko1m/AACAHWCLNDYI1byPu1H2yzCYa?dl=0 Going from stock to those is seamless for all except the large XL3 wheels. Those will do something weird and launch you up in the air when they're loaded for the first time. No idea why.
  9. I had to apply the rotation of all objects in Blender (Ctrl-A -> Apply Rotation). Don't know which one in particular was wrong but it works now. Here's a rough description of my setup for the the SpaceX landing legs, thought I'd link that here.
  10. Thanks for taking the time to make this! Some additions: targetPosition is the position on the suspension where it will settle if no forces are applied. Usually 1.0 for landing gear and 0.5 for wheels. TsubSys is the point in the animation where the wheelCollider takes over. 0 for beginning and 1 for end. useStandInCollider uses the wheelCollider as a standard collider for the wheel when it is retracted I'm having a small problem with my wheels. They all spin backwards (only visually). Have you encountered this problem before? I'm pretty sure all the relevant parts are rotated correctly.
  11. Ven entrusted me with the wheel models he made. They're almost done: Does anyone have any experience with wheels? All of them spin in the wrong direction and I can't figure out why.
  12. I'll take some time to add missing parts to Ven's Stock Part Revamp next (mostly wheels). After that, which part do you want me to overhaul the most? Thinking about making some drastic changes to the ITS Landing Gear now that SpaceX has ditched that design. Probably with some inspiration from the lander in the Mars series:
  13. Update 2.6 Add new Titanium Grid Fins Lower heat tolerance of Aluminium Grid Fins Reduce control authority of all grid fins The aluminium grid fins now have a much lower heat tolerance. They will easily overheat without a reentry burn. The new grid fins have a higher tolerance but might not survive a reentry from orbit. Also I noticed that the grid fin control authority was way too high. So that got reduced as well.
  14. Ooh I like that. It definitely was my nemesis during the whole modeling process. Maybe 222 instead of 333 because that's the number of days it took to complete
  15. Almost done! Just a few more tweaks until it's ready for shipment. Probably the most evil looking part in the collection. What nickname should we give it?
  16. Hey guys, sorry for the lack of posts on the last couple of ...days. I got sidetracked teaching a rocket to land itself with OpenAI (video of that later). But look! Shiny!
  17. Hey @Ven I might have some time in the coming weeks to take a look at those wheels you made and maybe add them to the mod. Is there still a link to the models/textures?
  18. I've spent a few hours on it without significant progress. Really hard to get the bent geometry right. For now I've got a thesis to finish so there's not much time. It will get done eventually, I just don't want to release anything half-baked.
  19. Look at this angry waffle iron. Now trying to bend it. Quite a bit harder than bending the aluminium one.
  20. Good idea, I'll do that when RealFuels gets a 1.3 update. About the spinning rocket. Can you post a screenshot of it? It can help to adjust the authority limiter on the fins if they are too strong. How did you attach the probe core? I haven't had any problems with FAR when I used it in earlier KSP versions. They look like a nightmare to model. But they also look badass and I definitely have to try. EDIT1: What were they thinking? Why would they make it that complicated? Look at this geometry. Just look at it! WHYYYY EDIT2: Wat. EDIT3: Okay @SpaceX if you could just quickly send over the CAD model that would be great thanks. EDIT4: Steady progress. Very straightforward so far. EDIT5: Okay here's the real one. @BananaTime101 why do you do this to me. EDIT6: I should get some sleep.
  21. Update 2.5.1 Updated Cold Gas Thruster model and texture Small improvements to Falcon Legs texture (mainly fixed dark edge when zoomed out) Renamed "Deploy Fins" to "Extend Fins" in Grid Fin options (This version is still fully backwards compatible with 1.2.2) The thrusters are not ugly anymore:
  22. I've never touched RO, so unfortunately I wouldn't know what to change. But if someone has the knowledge and time to contribute the patches I'd definitely include them.
  23. Tundra Exploration has a Dragon V2: There are some others that add a realistic version but those are quite old and might not work anymore.
  24. Are you using Firespitter? If yes, make sure you're using the latest version: https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter/releases If that wasn't the problem, please send me the KSP.log file in your KerbalSpaceProgram folder and the crash report (the folder with the date of the crash).
  25. Try this guide first to get a rough idea how to build a working first stage: Definitely use 3 or more grid fins. You'll profit from the additional degree of freedom and the drag will be useful too. You shouldn't have to bother with action groups. It automatically adds the deploy action to the braking action group. So in flight you can click the small break symbol at the top of the screen to deploy the fins. If you are having trouble with oscillations in flight you can move the fuel around to adjust your center of mass or even better adjust the authority limiter on the fins to make them less aggressive. Exactly. But it assumes that you have zero horizontal velocity. Just keep that in mind and maybe start your engines a bit earlier if you're not falling straight down. You may be right. The tool tip should probably be changed to Extend Fins instead of Deploy Fins because Deploy is already used for something else. Good luck and let us know how it goes
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