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Everything posted by EmbersArc

  1. Welcome to the forums! I've never personally used it but it looks like SpaceY has an octaweb and more: I don't know if it's 2.5 meter in size. You might have to use tweakscale.
  2. I changed: "SpaceXLegs-*" to "SpaceXLegs-S|SpaceXLegs-L|SpaceXLegs-XL" because it stopped working for me and I thought it was because of the wildcard. However it seems to work fine for me either way now. I'm on KSP 1.3 with Firespitter 7.6.0 and KRE 2.5. What KSP version are you on?
  3. Didn't know about Ctrl+Shift+C, will definitely come in handy. Thanks so much for making this. 10/10 would take life advice again.
  4. Landing gear is quite tricky. Maybe check how they are set up in stock. You can import them in Blender: Here's how my landing legs are set up: It's hard to pinpoint where the issue is with the provided information.
  5. Just two hours after I uploaded the new version of the landing legs. Oh well. Now where's the pen for my tablet... About the specularity map: Do you copy-paste all the "scratches" layers etc. to the Alpha channel or is there a more elegant way to do this?
  6. Update 2.5 Revamped Falcon 9 legs Improvements to Dragon Trunk texture and model Adjustments to Firespitter patch
  7. Seems to have worked. Thanks! It definitely was this patch in particular. Without it it would always work just fine.
  8. Looks like none of the parts are affected by the 1.3 update. So they should stay fully backward compatible.
  9. Maybe someone can help with this: @BadManiac messaged me because Firespitter in combination with an MM patch in my mod and most likely some other mod crash the game when loading a certain part. The part uses TextureSwitch2: KSP version 1.2.2 Here are his logs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By9hPIgdjL5zTUdrSGF5OUZyTE0/view?usp=sharinghttps://drive.google.com/file/d/0By9hPIgdjL5zNXJGc0lNWFl1R2s/view?usp=sharinghttps://drive.google.com/file/d/0By9hPIgdjL5zcElOX2FhZVV5ZE0/view?usp=sharing Let us know if you need more information.
  10. It's the same for now. SpaceDock or Curse both let you download older versions of the mod. In the ChangeLog on SpaceDock for example.
  11. Experimenting with carbon fiber textures: Still trying to make it work with the Porkjet style. Nope. But good progress, so it won't take very long.
  12. Just did a quick test myself. Seems to work fine. Thanks! Always happy to to hear that.
  13. Has anyone encountered a problem using the mod with 1.3? If not I'll "update" it to 1.3. The new legs are coming along nicely. Although they are still far from finished:
  14. Note that they are deployed by default. You should be able to rotate them into place just by pressing q and e. I will add a tutorial for this and put it in the part description.
  15. As much as I love such creative applications, there is no easy solution for this. The wheel collider is parallel to the ground in your example which means it won't do anything. I could extend the mesh collider but that would make it interfere with the wheel collider when in touches the ground.
  16. Alright this party isn't over yet. There aren't any new parts planned, instead I'm revamping some of the old ones. For most of them that will mean improving the textures. For others however... The Falcon legs are the central part of this mod. So better make sure they look good, right?
  17. I've tested it with all those mods before, so those are likely not the problem. Maybe try it without them anyways. If that doesn't fix it you can reinstall KSP (just copy the saves folder and your mods over to the new installation) which should do the trick. If that still doesn't work please send me the KSP.log file from your KSP folder.
  18. Finally finished the kRPC-controlled mobile manipulator: GIF
  19. I once worked on reusable fairings. Both a "cargo bay" variant that could open and close and individual fairing halves that would separate and land: Version 1.6 on SpaceDock has those WIP parts in a ZIP folder if you want to try them. I wasn't sure if it would be worth it to finish them. They both have drawbacks: It's only possible to enter engine first with the cargo bay variant. Quite problematic with orbital speed. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think KSP returns any funds for decoupled debris like the fairing halves. So it's not very rewarding to recover those. People might do it once for fun but that's it. Yes they are. It's so that they could easily be used with the stock command pod. You'll have to offset them a bit to use them with other parts. Oh thanks, I think they're the ugliest parts. No plans for that currently. But you could try adding the stock "Vernor" engine to the front of the upper stage to add this direction of control.
  20. I've never used Deadly Reentry, it doesn't have any additional configs for it if that's what the mod needs. Might still work otherwise. This is true, even for Falcon Heavy flights (I've seen people crazy enough to do this @MatoroIgnika). But FMRS makes the whole thing less stressful and more efficient.
  21. Are the wheels in Unity set up for the post-1.1 system? If not I can go ahead and fix those as well. Would be great to have the ability to add the Blender/Unity files for the legs and wheels.
  22. Currently writing my most complicated kRPC program so far. A mobile manipulator that in the end should be able to assemble a rocket: GIF Enough for today though.. my head hurts.
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