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Everything posted by MarkWatney

  1. Don't worry Jeb will be back to his beer swilling, cowboy, aviator self in no time at all!
  2. An Expensive Mishap While building the Minmmus Landing Probe. Mortimer again ran excitedly into Jeb's office. "Sir!" exclaimed Mortimer, "There's a new space station contract being offered by the Rockomax Corporation, with a very handsome payout!....". Jeb's eyes gleamed and though to himself, "A space station could prove useful in the construction of a Duna transit vehicle." He then proceeded to sign the suprisingly small amount of paperwork to make the acceptance of the contract real and legal. An executive decision was made to continue to use the tried and tested launch system of the Vibranium probes to launch the space station. It was also decided to launch the station in one launch providing reasonably comfortable accommodations for five kerbalnauts. On a relatively bright and sunny morning the Angel Pet 1 space station was launched into the sky. The liquid fueled first stage reached MECO (Main Engine Cut Off) and the whole launch stack coasted to the apoapsis so that the Orbital Insertion Booster (OIB) ,i.e a SRB, could be fired to stabilise the Station's orbit. The OIB firing was successful and Jeb applauded Wernher and his team on managing to jury rig such an ingenius device. Mission Control then proceeded to initiate the remote start up procedure and then patiently wait for the large amount of funds to be deposited in their bank account. They waited for fourty days and fourty nights but no funds came. Jeb then threw an enormous tantrum, "Where in the blue blazes is our money, I'm going to call Rockomax, that cheating two faced corporation!" . Jeb then dramtically walked to the only telephone in the KSC and rang up Rockomax. He then promptly fainted fifteen minutes later. For those curious to why Jeb, a battle hardened veteran of the Kerbian Air Force, fainted I shall now explain why. The Rockomax Recpetionist politely explained that because Adamantium Tech had decided to use DERP Inflateable Modules, kindly donated by USI Industries, the DERP modules were counted as command seats rather than actual hab modules. Jeb was stuck in the Intensive Care Unit for several days. Leaving Bob, Bill, Val, Wernher and Mortimer to figure a way to regain a significant amount of the company's funds.
  3. Mission to The Green Rock The company had blown a lot of funds on expanding the launch complex and other facilities. This had resulted in the company being a bit cash strapped. But luckily enough there was some money being offered to launch a ship to flyby Minmmus and return to Kerbin. A hastily built probe was sent to the launch pad with minimal science instruments and minimal ablator in its small heat shield. For some reason the administration had decided to name the probe Vibranium 1 again. The probe thundered into the sky atop a column of solid rocket fuel. There was some developing debates about SRBs environmental impact..... After establishing orbit it was discovered that a large plane change manoeuvre was required and burnt through a lot of the probe's fuel reserve. But there was still enough for a flyby and re-entry. The probe swung by Minmmus and Jeb immediately received a truckload of money in his mailbox. The probe hurtled towards Kerbin and burnt through the atmosphere to a safe landing Jeb and the rest of the command team began to draw up plans for a probe landing on Minmmus...
  4. The Meeting Jeb was about to enter the worst nightmare of his entire career at the company: talking to the Board Of Directors about the recent successful failiure. As he entered the conference room he noted that Bill and Werner were also present. He sat down and said, "Let's get in with it..." The Board members looked at each other slightly uncertain about where to begin. Then Vogel Kerman the oldest member spoke, "Jeb there's been some talks within the Board to remove you as Director of Operations." There was a long silence. Then Jeb whispered in a withering tone, "If you fire me you lose the rest of the employees of this company, they only follow me!" The Board was at a loss for words. A few minutes later the meetings was adjourned
  5. The Successful Failiure Part II The probe received its new instructions and initiated an orbit orbit of the moon then an immediate return to Kerbin. The probe executed its orders with logical and precise efficiency that can only be expected from an experimental AI. The probe flew through the darkness heading to its Creators' home: Kerbin. It plunged through the life giving but fiery atmosphere of Kerbin and then calmly opened its parachute to a safe landing on the Kerbin Mountainsides....
  6. The Successful Failiure Jeb had spearheaded an effort to construct a probe that would fullfill the contract and had put his best man on the job to personally oversee the operation: Bill. Looking remorsely at the half constructed probe he cast his mind back to when he was a test pilot for United States of Kermerica's Air Force. Oh how he had almost touched the stars when he flew on his basic jet plane, pushing the engines as far as they could go. That was when he realised he wanted to be among the stars. A few weeks later.... The Vibranium 1 lurched into the sky carrying the hopes and dreams of the employees of Adamantium Tech. It was hastily contructed but Jeb and Bill were confident it could at least reach the Mun. The probe core did its job rather well considering it was built out of Bob's alarm clock and Valentina's toothbrush....But it managed to reach orbit successfully. The probe then carried out its next task for its mission by preparing to execute a transfer to the Mun. The probe duitfully carried out its orders but it was discovered that it didn't have enough Delta V to be able to land on the Mun. Jeb punched his desk in anger when he received the news and yelled at the flight team in Mission Control, "We can still press on, we must continue on, failiure is not an option!". Eventually he calmed down and spoke again in a much milder tone, "Ok what are our options if we can't land this thing...". There was a long silence in Mission Control as everyone tried to think of a way to try and save the mission. Eventually one kerbal standing at the back of the room said, "Well we can try to complete the return to kerbin bit of the contract and we'll still get some funds.". Jeb contemplated this piece of information and then started to grin. "That's the spirit!" he yelled, "Let's get this space program back on track!". There was a great cheer and the flight controllers dashed to their stations to send the probe its new instructions.
  7. Mortimer Kerman rushed to Jeb's small and cramped office in the makeshift Astronaut Centre. "Sir we just received a contract from the Kerbin World Firsts to land on the Mun and return to Kerbin!" Jeb contemplated all of this in relative silence and then spoke' " One problem Mort... the VAB can't support a kerballed ship to land on the Mun.....". Upon hearing this Mort looked like he was on the brink of a nervous breakdown. "But..." continued Jeb, "We may be able to send a small probe to land..". At this Mort instantly recovered and handed Jeb the mountain of paperwork to make the contract legal. After Mort had departed Jeb started to sketch some plans for the Mun probe together with Bill. Thanks Skylon I hope it does too
  8. The newly formed Adamantium Tech had already progressed through the early stages of its fledgling space program. But Jebediah Kerman had his eyes set on a bigger goal. A kerballed landing on the red planet Duna. This will be a career playthrough with an eventual mission to Duna and beyond. Mod-list: TAC Life Support Ven's Stock Revamp USI Survival Pack State Funding RastorProp Monitor Kronal Vessel Viewer Kerbal Engineer Kerbal Alarm Clock
  9. It's amazing how much KSP resembles real life sometimes. With all the cancellations and everything
  10. Great to see how this going can't wait for the Manned Duna Mission
  11. If you have time please continue such a great series
  12. My god it's full of stars! Real good chapters man!
  13. DDE Keep on going with this man it's awesome
  14. I just named mine after fpdifferent real space agencies then got bored and named them after types of fish
  15. Can't waint for more keep up the good work
  16. The green blob was an island that the ship flew over when I took the pic. Thanks for the enthusiasm!
  17. Thanks Rune I'll be sure to remember that
  18. I want to put some pics up but i have no idea how to Just figured out how to
  19. A Duma ship I cooked up in career mode. With poor Bob along for the ride
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