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  1. In interstellar, you could propel a nuclear-ramjet-powered craft with the atmosphere and knowing it's composition before sending a large mission would be nice, so you have an idea about what kind of thrust you will get. The gas chromatagraph on an advance probe and write down the data would be the true way to do it I guess The atmospheric scoops also give atmosphere composition, I'm planning on sending a mission to Jool just to check by refueling.
  2. Hey folks, Thanks for making this mod, indeed worthy of being called Thee Mod. However... Despite having researched every node, I can never upgrade anything above mk2. Is this really the way it's supposed to be? I've had this problem in every install ever, both career and sandbox and science. I'll reinstall everything again and post screenshots if you want. I'm currently using a mac that for whatever reason doesn't want to run ckan even with the recommended mono framework installed(the gui flashes, then it crashes-this is off the point), so all mods are manually installed. KSP through steam. I've tried to find information about this through internet searching, but I can't, this leads me to suspect that the problem is at my end. If indeed the radiators cannot be upgraded further, could I humbly ask for an explanation of the different stats of radiators? Or at least point to one. Unless it turns out that there is some part of the installation that I've missed or whatever other noobishness I'll need to understand them a lot better in order to build the kind of oversized QSR-powered top tier stuff I want. Most importantly, what exactly is the function/effect of the stat Core Heat xFer, and does the radiator have to be attached directly to the core for it to have that effect? The QSR doesn't allow surface attachments(is this a bug?), so that would be a bummer. I'm not great at math, a casual explanation of it's relationship to maximum radiated waste heat(which I guess is the crucial stat that the thermal helper uses?) would do. I've tried to make sense of the Waste Heat Management wiki page on GitHub, but it doesn't really cover what I'm after as far as I can tell. Also, what does convection bonus signify? I asked at reddit once, but they just told me to go here and I found nothing relevant. Sorry if this has been discussed since then, just tell me the page number in that case, I only looked through the latest ones. Hope for a quick reply! PS Convection bonus is the bonus from being in an atmosphere 5 more seconds of GitHub reading told me, so never mind that. DS
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