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Everything posted by BashGordon33

  1. Oh all right, Miranda is a real life moon. I thought I had accidentally deleted it. Thanks for the info. And I wouldn't really mind a really hard to reach planet, it would sort of be an 'endgame' thing. Besides, most people who download OPM also download other futuristic tech like NF or Interstellar, but I can understand your concern.
  2. Wait what's Miranda? Uranus has 4 moons. Polta, Priax, Wal, Tal. There is no Miranda. And if your talking about adding coolness, Neptune needs a boost. It has 2 moons and only one moon I would like to visit, Thatmo.
  3. Hey quick question. Is Polta and Priaz supposed to be in the same orbit? Or is that just a glitch with OPM 2.0. Because on my game they have the exact same orbit of Urlum. EDIT: Sorry just tried to fix in and found out they are supposed to be Trojans of each other. The older OPM mod didn't have this, so one of my other mods must have been messing with the orbits, and the glitch was fixed in this version allowing me to have trojan moons. Also, quick question. Why dose Urlum have all the cool moon orbits. The only Trojan and the only sub-satellite
  4. Seriously you are probably the best, most dedicated modder in all of KSP. I have never had a problem with any of your mods. It is so easy to change things if their is a problem. They integrate well with all mods I have ever downloaded (except for interstellar but Near Future > Interstellar.) I seriously have never found a problem with your mods. Ever.
  5. Oh thanks, I was just wondering. When I downloaded NF Propulsion I thought I didn't download it correctly
  6. How would one add the module that makes engines consume Uranium? I want to add this to the MRS Quad Reactor, but cant seem to find out how. Great mod by the way, works great with the Near Future Technologies, a mod which I wanted to have some form of Nuclear Thermal Rockets, which are 'near future' devices, but you made this mod and all my urges are satisfied. Quick question: In the Near Future Propulsion mod section on the NFT forum, it shows the new Hydrogen tanks from this mod, but when downloaded they aren't there. And there is no use for LqHydrogen in any of the 5 NFT branches. I assume this is a mistake or a bug, but it really confused me when I download the NF propulsion mod.
  7. When NH and OPM is downloaded at the same time, NH sends all the OPM planets far away beyond the orbits of all the NH planets. I personally modified the configs to make the OPM planets closer to the sun, put Eeloo back into its Sanurus orbit. You dont have to do this, (If you do move Eeloo also move minmus because minmus will orbit Eeloo while it orbits Sanurus
  8. THE HYPE IS REAL THE HYPE IS REAL!!! So excited for New Horizons! I'm probably going to have to spend a few days getting the config mods I made right. The teasers you made look beautiful and prime exploration targets, just waiting for me to send 7 landers before actually landing (damn it titanus, why you so hard to land on) but that's the fun of all the new creating and innovating I have to do to get NH working
  9. I use the default because the realism is really buggy at the moment. If the realism profile gets updated I will definitely play that. I know I should have answered in the survey, but it doesn't allow me to give reasons. I would also like it if the realism profile had separate storages for water and filtration material. Also, I've really wanted this since I first got Kerbalism, can we please get some Inline oxygen and radical food? And the same for any potential water/filtration containers?
  10. I tried to use the new Realism CFG. I couldn't get it to work. It didn't load the Filtration resource or and parts to store water. Quick suggestion: Can you add inline Oxygen storage as well as radical? And in real life scrubbers don't turn CO2 into O2, they just remove the CO2 so the levels don't reach lethal. I recommend some form of Sabatier reactor part, an inline or radical part that consumes electricity in exchange for converting CO2 back into O2. It would probably be another one of those upgrade technology devices. And I personally don't like the filtration resource thing, I would prefer some form of scrubber-like distiller or moisture reclaimer. Can't wait for Kerbalism 1.0
  11. Just copy the config and paste in another folder before you start, and backup your saves, then you can do whatever you want to the configs, and if something screws up, just replace the configs with the backup configs.
  12. How do I go to the tracking station and the science archives without leaving screens? And theoretically sub-satellites are possible, but they require a large planet, really far away from the sun, and a large moon, really far away from the planet. This way the planet acts like a surrogate sun. When you think about it, the sun orbits the Srgt A* black hole, and we orbit the sun, and the moon orbits us. When you make the sun a planet and the black hole a star, the moon is a sub satellite. The reason this can exist is because the influence of Srgt A* is virtually non existant. These conditions are extremely finicky, and require exceptional circumstances, so in reality it never really happens
  13. Can you please add magnetosphere to other planet mods such as New Horizons and Outer Planets Mod
  14. I've been trying to modify NH configs forever, but when I do and launch KSP it finished the loading bar, goes to the plain black loading screen and stays there. I wanted to move Vanor closer to titanus and put all of the OPM planets closer, along with changing the science multipliers
  15. Aaaaaaawwwww yyyeeeeaaaahhh EUROPA CONFIRMED!!! Also, the top of the forum says NH is compatible with Outer Planets Mod. How exactly dose the solar system look with both mods installed? Also, is it possible to increase the amount of Science I can get from the Sonnah system? I tried to fix the multipliers and it didn't change the game. In my opinion that is the only feature of this mod I don't like. And thank you for Aptur, that really made my early game experience much better
  16. Oh all right, I just assumed that it was SpaceY or Modular Rocket Systems as they give me contracts to test the parts, and none of my other mods has ever gave me contracts. I just decided to play on science mode, I still get all the awesome parts SpaceY has
  17. The Contracts for carreer mode are really screwed up in this mod, it gave me a 'Land on Minmus contract before I even managed to orbit
  18. Yeah I know, the conflicting tidal forces between the sun and earth would prevent the moon from ever getting a moon. But, if Kerbin was a moon, and no moons can have moons, how would space stations ever be allowed? I personally have like 3 stations that would have burned up if New Horizons was realistic. And remember, even artificial moon satellites in RL crash within 2-3 years, so realism is already out the window. In my opinion: Its a game, while realism should be important lets not forget how fun games are when there not realistic. Another thing that really blew New Horizons for me was that they nerfed science in the Sonnah system, so its hard as excrements to get science
  19. That is intentional by Kerbalism. It is made to be more realistic. I can't seem to find a way to disable that. I think that the eva reports over biome is equivalent to mapping the body, so it still should be allowed EDIT: Just found a way! Go to GameData->Kerbalism->Patches->tweaks BACKUP THE SCIENCETWEAKS FOLDER!!! Open the folder that says 'ScienceTweaks' with a text editor. Find // Change situation/biome masks for some experiments// It should be surrounded with a bunch of equal signs '='. Delete everything between the // Change situation/biome masks for some experiments// header (the equal signed things are headers) to the next equal header, then delete the change situation/biome header itself. Save the config and put it back into the tweaks folder. Run KSP. You should now get proper EVA science
  20. Or, maybe minmus can orbit Kerbin again, and they both orbit the gas gaint, kerbin could be a moon with a moon!
  21. I noticed that the science archive in the Research laboratory was not changed, and showed the solar system without the mod, dose this mean I can't get science or It just wont show on the Archive? Can you please fix this next update
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