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Everything posted by BashGordon33

  1. Its ok. I was just wondering if this was a mistake or an intentional change/placeholder. If you running low on inspiration, its fine with me. Here's a cool idea: Derso was recently hit by the asteroid, and would have a bunch tiny sub-moons, smaller than Gilly, orbiting it. I know sub-moons are unstable, but these would have formed recently from the impact, and while unstable would be too young to be deorbited. The sub-moons could either be actual bodies or a swarm of asteroids. Make it look like that instead of a hit a thousand years ago, as it used to be, it was hit in the last 50 years. You could have a lava lake where the asteroid hit, and the planet could have a cloud of ash from the impact. Hey but no rush. We're all still getting over the huge amount of content released in the 2.0 update, I doubt anyone will really care if Derso took a bit of time to be made. Your mod is amazing, and we can all get over a small moon not being finished. Also, the Sonnah in the title screen is a weird shade of pale yellow? Rings are normal, and so is in game, but do you know what the cause is?
  2. Oh alright. I was just looking at the Laythe system because it was the next system I wanted to travel to
  3. Hey KillAshely, I found a bug with NH 2.0. Derso, Laythe's moon, has no texture files. The Plugin Data folder in Laythe is empty. Also that mun bug is still there. My stable 20000 meter orbit turned into a 100000 apoapsis orbit, on a crash trajectory. Seriously i'm terrified to put anything near the mun. EDIT: Why am I telling you which planet Derso is? You made the mod you know where the planets are
  4. Oh alright thanks. I've been having this problem with every rover I ever sent to the moon
  5. Will this fix my rover suspension bug? My rover wheels compress their suspension, even when my rover is stationary. The rover doesn't work and I can move anywhere. Literally having my rover touching the ground makes the wheels not support the rover. The rover is light, and worked well on Kerbin, but I took it to the mun and It broke
  6. Am I the only one who can only see strange As with weird lines on top when loading the math in this page?
  7. Don't play KSP 1.1.3. I never play updates until at least a month after release so my mods still work
  8. Would this be owned by the calistoans (Is that what you call people from Callisto?) And it must be pretty cool for them to have an entire system to themselves. The future colonisation of Jupiter could create a new superpower, which might challenge Saturn's dominance.
  9. I can do that without glitching the planet? Won't that cause problems with the normal and height maps not syncing with the texture
  10. Thank you, I've been trying to get that to work for hours. It seems every time I have a problem with this mod, their is an incredibly easy solution and I am just a dumbass. I once spent a whole day trying to add water and inline storage, but all I needed was to enable the realism
  11. Excuse me @CaptRobau I really need to know how to make the textures lower in this mod, my computer has been having a ton of issues running planet packs with all of 2.0's high res textures. I know there is a setting to reduce texture, but that also reduces the stock texture, but that results in a terrible textures for stock planets
  12. Hey @KillAshley I really think we need a haft res texture pack. I've been having tons of rendering issues when using KSP with NH 2.0. Combining this with OPM 2.0 and my computer can barely get past the loading screen. Dont change the biomes, just please lower the texture
  13. Is there a way to get the realism profile water reclaimers to have varying efficiency like the scrubbers, or is that all in the don't touch .dll programs?
  14. For planets like Ganymede sure I can understand. But Europa's subsurface ocean would be perfect for colonisation, as the layer of ice above would protect from the huge radiation levels. And if radiation is a problem, never go to Io. It's right in the middle of the radiation belt. This is melting your face level radiation
  15. Yeah. Didn't know until I posted. I was looking for a guide of which planet would be a better first time base
  16. The Venusian (Stuff on Venus) mountains aren't even the best place to colonise on Venus. 50Km above the surface of Venus, the gravity and surface pressure is similar to earth, so Nasa has proposed floating Airships that will conduct scientific studies without ever landing on the planet. The Airships will include a small pod capable of landing on the surface and returning to the Airship. The temperature is around 70 degrees Celsius, hot but not unmanageable. Using the Sabatier process, we could make our own Oxygen from Venus' natural CO2 atmosphere. Seriously google this. Its called the High Altitude Venus Operation Concept (HAVOC.) 50Km above the surface is the most earth-like environment known
  17. Really? Love to see how its going. Also, nice website. I've always dreamed of a colonised solar system and what politics it would have. I've always thought there were 2 vague ways the politics of the solar system would be like in the future. The first is a completely or partially unified world, with 1 space travelling federation. United Nation members would form a huge empire together, and would leave all who refuse to join back on earth fr eternity. Countries such as North Korea, Iraq and Syria would be left behind in expansion. The other outcome would be a dozen empires controlling various planets and fighting others for control. This would be reminiscent of the colonial age, where the European countries colonised continents with little resistance, but had to fight of the other European countries. Your stories are extremely interesting. I found the Trans-Neptunian colonies and the Oort Cloud very intriguing. The Oort cloud inhabitants are nearing the interstellar limit. They would be so far out that they would be completely oblivious to all the chaos in the centre of the solar system. Quick question: Wheres Jupiter? Callisto is there, but that isn't even the best moon to colonise. Ganymede has a much higher gravity, Europa has a massive underwater ocean, and Io has an atmosphere
  18. Because these positions are all within the atmosphere, I recommend some form of space plane capable of making 'Atmospheric dives', where the plane can dip into the atmosphere and exit it again. Sonnah is an oxygenated gas giant, so jet engines will work. You could also send 'micro-probes' which are small probes consisting of nothing more than a probe core, an Oscar B fuel tank, a spark engine and a battery. And in this case a thermometer. And probably a heat shield. Why is there no 0.625m heat shield? WHY SQUAD?
  19. Thank you, my graphics card isn't all that great, and if I use the KSP texture modifier, it lowers stock texture as well as NH. And because your planets are so awesomely high res and the stock planets aren't made that well, it makes the stock planets look even worse
  20. Is it possible to lower the NH texture quality? My game has been crashing recently from having to load too much texture, ever since I downloaded the NH 2.0
  21. Alright that clears it up immensely.
  22. War is a manifestation of our desire to grow and expand. Human nature dictates that we will always have an incredible desire to expand our wealth/power. War is just the easiest pathway. Space travel could actually sate our desire to expand and conquer, peacefully.
  23. So there is a binary system of 2 similar bodies, and their barycentre is in binary with a larger body? Do I add the binary node to both second and third planets, and tell them to orbit primary? What would happen if i have primary orbit tertiary, secondary orbit primary and tertiary orbit secondary? Thanks for the tips though, really helpful
  24. How does one make a three body system? I have 3 similarly sized planets and I want to know how to make them a 3 body system
  25. I dont think 2.0 is completely compatible with Sigma Binary. I just downloaded the new version and the loading screen froze on ModuleManager[SigmaBinary] EDIT: IT dose work I just installed 2.0 really badly. Also. This works near-perfectly with saves created in 1.7. All it requires is some ID reassignment in the persistent file and you don't have to start a new world And I think the new textures are making my KSP lag and crash... And is it possible for me to use 1.7 and make Lave part of my game?
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