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Everything posted by BashGordon33

  1. I know that the US won't have any of it's global trade, but with it's superior technology and military, anything it wanted, it would take.
  2. @ShotgunNinja I'm getting '<KERBAL> can't breathe' messages, even when I have full oxygen. And I did modify the modules, but only to change the rates of consumption/production to match with Kerbalism's realism profile, and removed some of the input/output resources.I use these dedicated modules so I get 100% return rates, to represent having a dedicated machine being more efficient than small scrubber modules. EDIT: Seem's to be a problem on my end. I looked on the vessel planner and it said my ship had NaN% electricity and NaN food left. And when I loaded it everything went black, my altimeter was blank and everything said NaN.
  3. So I finished my science definitions for the Geiger counter. I'm fine if you want me to change some of them or if you want to change them. Below is a link to the file I uploaded on Filedropper. Not sure if its legit though, but it's what you used to upload your pre-release http://www.filedropper.com/geigercounter Muh science definition EDIT: I downloaded Universal Storage and Planetary Bases and the sabatier reactor and the water purifier for both mods isn't considered by the background resource simulation. Can you please add capacity for this to be considered in the background
  4. Here's a list of my planet packs: Arkas, Ascelepius, Extrasolar, Kerbol Plus, OPM, Planet Six, New Horizons. And I modded most of their orbits. Will Trans Keptunian still work with these? EDIT: And will downloading this mess with existing saves? When I got Planet Six there wasn't a problem, but Extrasolar messed with a bunch of stuff
  5. Because it is on the "low end ice giant", to "high end terrestrial" level, it could be a terrestrial planet with a HUGE atmosphere. Because IRL gas planets have a solid core, just buried deep within the atmosphere, this Planet 9 could have a big atmosphere (like 150 Km) surrounding a solid core. One thing I would also like to see would be a liquid ocean, consisting of liquid Nitrogen or Hydrogen. But this is only if you have to have it as a terrestrial planet. I think a big terrestrial moon would be better. A bit more real and I think moons are cooler than planets, because you get to see awesome things like a gas planet rising in the morning, surrounded by other moons. That's why I liked Laythe so much. And why I downloaded New Horizons. EDIT: The description indicated that End has a hot interior. If End or a new moon becomes a big terrestrial planet, the surface might actually have bearable temperatures
  6. Hey, this may be a dumb question, but you do know most of your biome maps are upside down? As in where there are craters on the biome map there isn't a crater.
  7. Quick question: Dose the time limits mean total game play time or Mission Elapsed Time? And dose this planet have an atmosphere? Because I want to attempt an aero-capture if it dose, to save a bunch of fuel.
  8. Will this mess with existing saves? I don't want to start again. Also: I just did the Duna defs.
  9. I'll keep in mind the display name, but I wanted to use the scrubber because of the progression of efficiency as I get better technology. Also, I completed Science Defs for Kerbol, Moho, Eve, Gilly, Kerbin, Mun and Minmus, and am working on the Duna and Dres defs now
  10. Yeah I have this problem too. I never really payed much attention to it. Yeah Sonnah dose that. Your Sonnah with the red atmosphere looks so much cooler than mine. My Sonnah turns a sickly shade of yellow or white. And that's not the only funny glitch I have on my main menus screen. I have the NHReparent patch and because of how the patch runs, Kerbin is replaced with Jool in the main menu.
  11. Hey. I have a question. I've been trying to get my water reclamation done using the scrubber module, and added this coding after the first scrubber module: MODULE { name = Scrubber // change scrubbed resource resource_name = Water // change waste name waste_name = WasteWater // change ec/s per-crew ec_rate = 0.01 @ec_rate *= #$/CrewCapacity$ // change waste/s per-crew waste_rate = 0.006 @waste_rate *= #$/CrewCapacity$ } Will this coding work? And will there be any problems using this?
  12. Looking through the coding, I realised that there's also the telemetry experiment, I can do that after the radiation?
  13. Yeah i was just giving an example of the types of science definitions
  14. Alright then, so for 'SunInspaceLow' I should say that the radiation shielding melted or something similar? Or the 'KerbinLanded' say that the government is hiding radioactive waste at the KSC?
  15. Would you like the science definitions funny, serious or both? Because KSP science definitions vary in seriousness and I don't want to make bad definitions
  16. @ShotgunNinja Would you like me to create science definitions for the Geiger Counter? I can make some situation specific definitions for the planets, and it wont be that hard because there is only 3 definitions per planet.
  17. I'm actually making Delta V maps for a bunch of planet packs, I'm working on one for @KillAshley's New Horizons. I'll try making a Delta V map for this one when I finish New Horizons. But I'll need all of the orbital characteristics of each planet. And I don't think this pack is developed enough for me to build a reliable Delta V map.
  18. I'm sorry but as good as this sounds, this could never really happen. Do you really think ISIS will agree to battle US in a video game, and surrender in real life if they lost? Do you think China would not hack the game to give themselves an unfair advantage? Would Hitler have shot himself over losing to virtual soldiers? This game would be played, a country would lose, and would start a war in real life anyway.
  19. Check if this is the same bug. Uninstall NH and see if the bug is still there. This seems very different to the bug I found a workaround for. The first thing to do in bug checking is to re-download the mods that you think that could be affecting the orbits, if that doesn't work, find the mods that are most likely causing an error, and systematically uninstall and reinstall (move them to a separate folder) each one until the bug doesn't occur. Try this and notify me when you find the mod that is causing the bug.
  20. Alright will do. Thanks for the references. I'll look through those and see what I can find.
  21. I've been downloading more of the simpler planet packs to reverse engineer them. I tried to use OPM but that uses to many PQS mods for me to understand it. Some of the less popular planet packs are the easiest to understand.
  22. Whats a heightmap? And you have a planet pack so you instantly know much more than me. And I'm 60% sure its in the template. But don't take my word for it
  23. Yeah, but don't think that the current version of Kopernicus works perfectly yet. Just read the last 15 posts in this forum thread
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