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  1. Just wanted to give you a heads up that the best way to nominate a thread for TOTM is by reporting it. Pinging a moderator might not work, since we're not always on, and PMs have the same issue. By reporting the thread and typing "TOTM" (or something similar) in the text box, you can be sure that someone on the Moderator Team will see it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dman979


      Ah, that's odd- I didn't see it in our running list of nominations for last month (I just checked). Regardless, I added it to the nominations list for this month :)

    3. JorgeCS


      Well, I just followed the instructions given by JustJim, so I reported the post saying something like 'there is nothing wrong with it!! Just want to nominate for the TOTM' :D  and probably it was on 3rd July, or maybe on 4th... Can't recall :/ 

      Now, checking, I see why you messaged me... Cause quoted someone else's post naming you... :D 

      Cheers mate, and thanks for all the work you guys do!!

    4. Dman979


      Ah, that would explain it. Since it's in the August TOTM nominations (compiled in July), it wouldn't show up in the July nominations (compiled in June).

      And hey, thanks for making the work fun!

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