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    electrified pantaloons
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    on the surface of desken, orbiting cherra
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  1. Ok, so I have this idea that stuck me a few days ago, and I think it's really cool.

    So the idea is a full galaxy with 300 stars and 900 planets total (That means each star system could have 3 planets, but it's not gonna be that uniform). And I also want to make a Gargantua (from "Interstellar") analogue, so the center will have 3 planets, a neutron star, and S2 and S0-102 analogues. I will make the "escape" velocity unnaturally low (for a black hole), so you can "escape" the galaxy (I'm using quotation marks because I'm changing the Sun into the center, so it's SOI will be infinity, like it is in the stock game). If this is even possible in the first place, I'll need to go back to my corner and think of a name for this mod.

    Again, I'm not sure this is even possible without the game crashing upon starting it.

    1. ProtoJeb21


      Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down! You already have the Antares and 2KAS-J0523 systems, and now you want to make a fleeping GALAXY?!

      I like the idea, and I wouldn't mind helping you out with the project, but both of us already have mods we're currently working on. Just saying.

    2. electricpants


      Yeah, it's just an idea as of now. But I do intend to eventually make this into a real life mod.

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