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Everything posted by Tyko

  1. Download Community Tech Tree and Unmanned Before Manned, rename the UbM config file and tweak it to your heart's content. @Yemo has already done the hard work of setting up all the syntax and he does a fantastic job of adding notes so you can easily copy his format for your own changes. Sure, it's still a lot of work, but you can do it today and make it the way you want it.
  2. I have to agree with @Aeroboi and @Rocket In My Pocket - with the current system it's too easy already. I've added DMagic Science parts because I like the looks of all his cool models, but like Aeroboi I've had to scale science returns back to 30-40% to make up for all the extra science I'm collecting. I'm happy with that because It gives me more reasons to perform probe missions as my tech increases, but it's still essentially - enter biome, run each experiment, send science points back - running more experiments doesn't really change to steps I'm performing. One thing I've done to add complexity is zero out the transmission value of experiments with physical samples - Goo, Material Bay and Surface Samples. Now I have to either plan return sample missions or send a crewed lab to process them - both make my missions more interesting.
  3. Wow, cool work...looks like a Kerbalized Vault-Tec vault. The timeline would be about right for it to be one of their projects too.
  4. Just watched this. Great tutorial
  5. I agree...I tried to help early on, but quickly realized that collectively the community is investing a lot of time explaining things and offering advice but the OP seems unwilling to invest any time in reading / learning. The fact that this has been going on for over a week and the OP still hasn't bothered to learn AWSD says it all in my book.
  6. Keep in mind that something that works on Kerbin won't work as well on a planet / moon with very low atmospheric pressure
  7. I get where you're going, but the issue with throwing the resources of a giant developer at KSP is that investors will expect a return on the investment. Since big developers are so keen for microtransactions and other recurring revenue models there's a big risk that a KSP built by a massive team would be just as money-grubbing as most other games built by massive teams. I'd much rather the simpler game with solid modder support we have now rather than some giant corporate construct designed to milk my last dollar away.
  8. It's a good idea, but I'm not sure either. I don't play with Contracts so never caught this. If you discover a way to add it via MM I'm more than happy to add it to my config file. Thanks!
  9. You're more likely to find someone who knows how to fix this if you ask in the KSP Interstellar mod page...
  10. This mod provides internal RCS ports...pretty cool implementation...
  11. Everything @Scarecrow said and I'd add that the "go straight up and turn right" method takes a lot more fuel meaning more complex rockets. So you're not making the entire thing simpler, instead you're just shifting complexity from the launch to the rocket design.
  12. Yep, @Aelfhe1m had shared some working DLLs for 1.3.1. I was using those without any noticeable issues til I migrated to 1.4.x. Those older DLLs don't work anymore.
  13. @4x4cheesecake just wrote up a really good explanation in the forum post linked below.
  14. Yep, both of the mods I referenced offer surface mounted inflatable parts. I've used them many times
  15. SigmaDimensions seems to work just fine in 1.4.5. Rescale says it's not compatible, but I'm only referencing that as a source for how to write scaling code and the code all still works. He's not asking how to use RSS. He's trying to rescale Stock.
  16. I'm running a 2.5x scaled system using Sigma Dimensions, Rescale and Kronometer. Everything works great except the game clock. The scaled system has a 10 hour day and some apps like USI-LS adapt to the 10-hour day. My other fav apps - KAC and TWP don't recognize it, so all the times shown in those two apps are wrong. It's happening because KAC and TWP don't work with Kronometer... How are others playing in scaled systems handling this issue with clocks being wrong? Have you found any workarounds?
  17. Inside the mod folder there are subfolders for squad parts and new parts. they're compartmentalized so you should be able to throw out the new parts folder.
  18. This game is fantastic if you're interested in learning about real rockets. After I played for a few months I had a working understanding of how NASA, Roscosmos and SpaceX launch rockets...that's a pretty cool thing to understand. But, yea, if you're not interested in putting the time in to figure that out it's gonna be tough. The people above gave you a lot of amazing resources. Barring that there's nothing that says you can't just have fun launching rockets and learn by trial and error. Strap things together and see what happens....just understand that it's going to take a lot of crashes and restarts before you can trial and error your way to the moon. In real life it took a bunch of very smart scientists several centuries to work it all out
  19. @Beale is there a simple way to swap out the exhaust effects you use to the stock ones? I was digging through the configs and didn't see anything obvious. Nothing at all wrong with yours, I just want the engines to have a more consistent effect for similar engine types. Thanks!
  20. Crashing is part of learning the game. We all went through it...keep trying, make sure you follow the instructions... This isn't an arcade game, it's a complex physics platform that emulates many of the challenges of launching real rockets. It's no surprise it's going to take a while to learn. It took me 3-6 months before I felt I was really proficient.
  21. @Ultimate Steve The side boosters, what he's calling "big engines", are solid rocket, he can't throttle those...that may be what's causing confusion over throttle control @Jeine092 you should really go through the tutorials within the game. it'll introduce concepts step by step. you need to learn to orbit kerbin before you can learn to orbit the mun and you need to learn how to do orbits before you can land on the mun
  22. The FASA mod has a bunch of inflatable floats, so does Comfortable Landing.
  23. It happens with KSCSwitcher too and has for a long time. KSCSwitcher is the previous method GPP used to switch launch sites before they adopted KK.
  24. This happens even without KK installed. It appears more or less randomly when you're in this KSC view and it's been going on for many builds. You can zoom out sometimes or use the buttons on the left to get to verious buildings. Good news is that it's only affecting this view and doesn't pose a problem when you're controlling vessels.
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