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Everything posted by Tyko

  1. Slingshots like this are an advanced maneuver with small benefits but more likely will cause you to spend a lot more fuel if you are off even by a few degrees. Lots of tricks that NASA / Roscosmos use work because they have their burns timed exactly using flight computers and have teams of orbital mechanics experts. Without the benefit of flight computers and those experts you're more likely to waste, rather than save, DV over a plain optimal direct transfer to Duna or Eve. If you're just learning to do transfers I'd start with using Transfer Window Planner. This mod will let you plug in you're starting orbit and your target body/orbit. It will then tell you the best time to transfer and tell you how much DV it will cost to transfer out and then to capture. It's really accurate and saves you doing a lot of guessing or math. I usually give myself a 10% margin above what TWP recommends and I've been able to fly to most planets.
  2. These are the best I could do with my limited texturing skillz....I'm hoping to one day engage a better texture maker to improve them.
  3. have you checked this mod? It'll do almost the same thing and a lot more
  4. Cool..the center structure kinda looks like a creepy smile LOL
  5. Not sure, but might be worth checking Tweakable Everything. It adds all kinds of new controls.
  6. Yea, bothers me too...I just installed tweakscale and use either the 1.875 scaled up or the 3.75 scaled down.
  7. yea, I can imagine that it's a pain with the rapid fire updates. no criticism was intended in my comment. Was just pointing out a case where GPP was messing with other mod's kerbal changes. You and the team do an amazing job and I hope that the work continues. I' just sent you $20 US via paypal..buy cookies for the team
  8. I've seen other cases where the GPP "Galean Kerbals" presets affect mods that try to alter kerbals. Earn Your Stripes has a startup setting that allows you to replace the initial Kerbals with randoms - GPP overrides this. Not sure if that's relevant, but it does seem like the GPP presets tend to fight other mods for control of kerbals.
  9. I'm suddenly picturing a mission to replace the pods using some special docking tug...hmmm
  10. The game seems alway short on low thrust, high ISP, so I'd vote for the waxwing and the cuckoo
  11. Where is the new 1.25m Docking Port? I want to disable it so the part reverts to the VSR model, but can't find it.
  12. In the recent 1.4 build the Mystery Goo container is bigger than stock. the model is scaled to 1.2x according to the config. Was this intentional? I know that some previous versions of VSR the part had been scaled differently...
  13. Agreed! GPP is a staple of my game now. Thanks team!!!!
  14. Apparently there is. The real Soyuz descent module is extremely cramped too.. Yes, it's balanced against stock You may want to read back through this thread as @Beale has answered these questions before with much greater depth than my answers
  15. You'll likely get more response if you ask on the SCANSat forum page rather than the general Add-on Discussions page. The modders who support it are more likely to see it there.
  16. As much as I love playing with new toys I think I'm going to stick with the final iteration of 1.4.x (whenever that happens). If there is a 1.5, or any future DLCs, I'm not enthusiastic about being an early adopter. I'll try it out to be sure and will try to provide constructive feedback, but won't be jumping on the hype train to start playing the new versions. That train has been derailed too many times.
  17. A few vanity shots of my hybrid 2 crew vehicle based on Tantares parts. I'm trying to mix and match to create unique looking ships that fill similar roles. This uses the Soyuz concept of having an extra habitation module to increase habitation time. It's capable of supporting 2 crew members for 20 days with USI-LS - enough for early lunar missions. I know typical Soyuz missions were designed to last 4-5 days at most, but not sure if that's an absolute limit for life support or just their target. After 2 test flights, the 3rd mission involved first rendezvous and docking in space.
  18. A Procedural Tanks resized to match the A-USF01 holds 2/3 as much fuel.
  19. I'm not sure. May want to check with @ShotgunNinja who runs Kerbalism
  20. This is a new issue in 1.4.3 (it wasn't in 1.4.2) that affects all shrouds all the time - stock and non-stock. I'm familiar with the bug you're talking about, but it kind of appeared randomly and only occasionally. EDIT: As a side-note, the mod Decoupler Shroud doesn't experience the same bug with its shrouds, so wherever possible I'm removing the stock shrouds and using Decoupler Shroud instead.
  21. Yes, thanks I just wanted to nudge it a bit brighter. I thought in previous configs there was a single number that was essentially a brightness percentage that I had dialed up. That was several versions ago though. I'd like to get it up to where Kerbol is. Definitely have seen "too bright". I turned Ciro up enough once the Iota looked like a disco ball.
  22. The A-USF01 LFO tank seems to hold more than it should for it's size. It's just a bit more than half the size of the C-81, yet holds more fuel. Not sure if this is intentional...
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