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Everything posted by Tyko

  1. Not since I installed a while back for 1.2.2 and set up 3.2x. I recall seeing 3.2 , 6.4 and 10x profiles. Have you already added a 2.5? If so, sorry I missed that
  2. Hey guys, could you please include a Sigma Dimensions profile for a 2.5x scale GPP? I read a post (which I can't find of course) I believe from @JadeOfMaar that talked about 2.5 as scaled to match stock parts. If not a profile, then if you could provide whatever scalars I need to adjust the 3.2x, that would be great too Thanks!
  3. Just installed NH and Transfer Window Planner doesn't seem to be working entirely. If I'm asking for a transfer window from Kerbin, the only options are the other moons of Sonnah and I don't actually get porkchop plots for those. The plot window just shows grey. If I switch to Sonnah as my origin, then TWP seems happy. Is this a new issue or an old one? Any advice would be appreciated
  4. yep...I wrote a quick MM config to switch them...shared below for anyone else who's interested. Hopefully it can be fixed in the next update.
  5. you're correct, so the parachute stats are reversed then. The Mk26 is described as a drogue chute, but slows a mk1 down to 4-5m/s deployed. The Mk16 is supposed to be the mail landing chute, but it only slows the craft down to 11m/s. Their descriptions are backwards from their performance characteristics
  6. Did KCT's failure and testing portion get removed? Sorry, it's been a while since I've read up on it, but thought I recalled a whole testing system mentioned in the past. Thx
  7. The small Mk16 parachute is slowing a mk1 capsule a lot less than in stock. In stock a mk1 capsule falls at around 5-6m/s after the chute is fully deployed. with Ven's installed the same capsule falls at ~11m/s fully deployed. Nothing else has changed except adding / removing the Ven's mod. Is this intentional? I haven't tested other chutes yet.
  8. Sounds like you've got some work ahead. Thank you very much for keeping GPP going
  9. Yes, it's working just fine. Thanks! Have a great weekend!
  10. In EP 12 & 13 - where did the inflatable parts for the space hotel come from?
  11. I'm running MemGraph with the 64-bit version and 32GB of RAM...Still getting the pauses. They're less frequent, but oh so annoying. The definitely become more common as I have more stuff going on (ships in space, landers landed, mining going on, etc). I'm trying to figure out if certain of the activities are more responsible for the pauses than others so I can steer clear of those activities.
  12. Are there ways to reduce the GC pauses? It seems like they get worse as my space program grows. I keep wondering if Life Support and / or running asteroid mining ops are significantly increasing my pauses.
  13. the poll would be more helpful if there were pix of the two cockpits for easy reference
  14. if you take orbital mechanics out of KSP in favor of magic drives you'd also have to replace the engines with magic engines, the fuel with magic fuel. In fact many parts would be unnecessary. Also, the whole navigation and maneuver node system is thrown out. These are key elements that make KSP the game it is. Take that all away and you're not really playing KSP anymore. You're playing a game set in a magical version of space that allows you to design your own magical spacecraft. Cool. There are a lot of games like that.
  15. I'd finally hit a point where I needed a break. Missions were starting to get repetitive. Got to a good stopping point in 1.2.2 and decided to give it a rest for a while. I think it's healthy and will let me come back with a fresh viewpoint.
  16. some have had success with 3D Space Mouse. Takes a bit of work to get the drivers working...there are some threads about it http://www.3dconnexion.com/products/spacemouse.html?gclid=CjwKEAjw8ZzHBRCUwrrV59XinXUSJADSTE5kfBEWlwmuex9BJa30DBjx7FWs4AUaR0L-BftyjhRYKhoCXnzw_wcB
  17. I'm still reading This New Ocean by Burrows...it's really amazing as a review of human spaceflight starting at the earliest ideas of how the universe worked - Copernicus and such - and working up to modern times.
  18. I've tried a few things, but nothing that had the right "look" so far. I'm going to play around with it more this weekend. Is there a WIKI or other instructions source for how to use the MOLE parts?
  19. I'm sure there's a simple math reason for this, but wondering...I'm playing in a 3.2x scale GPP. When I scaled up, my transit time from Gael to Iota went from 3-4 days to roughly double that. I expected that, while distances increased, velocities also increased and would cancel each other out (more or less) It's throwing me mostly because my Hohmann transfer times are now longer than Hohmann Transfer times to the RL Moon. Why is that not the case?
  20. @Angel-125 wow this mod is beautiful! I'm looking for a way to emulate the droppable engines on the RL Mercury Atlas launch vehicles. Do you have anything like that or have you seen one?
  21. will 1.3 fix the Asteroid drill overheating issue in 1.2.2? I didn't see that on the list
  22. Went to the download page and the nomenclature has changed for the different versions. There's an "X86" version and an "X64" version... I think someone mismatched their terminology. Is the "X64" the 64-bit version?
  23. Oscar-Bs definitely create an opportunity for KSP designs to go far astray of "RL" designs. Their capacity is so much higher for a given size tank that I'm often tempted to use them everywhere. It doesn't make sense that a stack of Oscar-Bs will have more capacity than a single larger tank of the same overall dimensions. Another case of KSP driving design involves reaction wheels vs thruster choices. In RL some sort of RCS is really required if your planning on a lot of maneuvers. In KSP you can build craft with just reaction wheels and never worry about them saturating.
  24. I dunno...I think it's a pretty good analogy...two types of vehicles with highly technical, highly tuned drive systems driven by expert drivers who have many tasks to perform at any given moment...both are backed by teams of experts who spend thousands of hours fine-tuning their respective vehicles for optimum performance, yet the skills of the driver/engineer on the scene can still improve performance. that's actually a textbook analogy...here's the definition Definition of analogy plural analogies 1 : inference that if two or more things agree with one another in some respects they will probably agree in others 2a : resemblance in some particulars between things otherwise unlike : similarityb : comparison based on such resemblance
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