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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Okay, if it's any help I'm able to run KSP fine on 3.19.0-28-generic.
  2. http://www.astropix.co.uk/ps/index.htm#8
  3. Luckily it's safe to run KSP with sudo, not recommended but not harmful, shame it didn't work though. You missed a post by kemde though, he noticed you don't have a lot of RAM. Though KSP should run in that if there's not other large applications running such as a browser, all the mods would have gone over that. I really don't know what to try at this point.
  4. Hi again KolAflash, can you please upload your KSP.log and Player.log to a file share site and post them here.
  5. It's hard to figure out what's going on here without seeing it, can you upload pics to imgur.com please, also please upload your save to a fileshare site.
  6. Hi Arknid, are you sticking to the launchpad? This mostly happens with the level 2 pad and is a fault with the pad itself, you can try the fixes here or use other parts as feet such as decouplers.
  7. It may be defunct, I'll look into it but may have to remove it, though the segfault fix may be what you need and that is a few lines in the terminal. It's really odd that there's no logs at all, which suggests a permissions issue, and yeah that KSP.log would be there because you ran KSP from your home folder That it fails at Mono may mean Mono is not working, though KSP/Unity comes with its own modified Mono version, if you start KSP with ldd KSP.x86 | grep "not found" and ldd KSP.x86_64 | grep "not found" it'll show if any libraries are missing, though usually KSP wont start at all without a library.
  8. Anything Debian based or good old Debian itself works for me, and I prefer Qemu over VMware or VirtualBox, though 3D support is not the best, but then no VM has good 3D support.
  9. Quoting this "for posterity"
  10. Hi WolfgangAxel, first, good luck with Bunsen and congrats even getting this far, Unity officially supports Ubuntu 12.04.2 and up so should work with any kernel that version used and higher, and seeing the menu screen shows it will work. I suggest testing without LC_LANG=C as it's only required if your system language swaps the comma and period, and if you upload the full Player.log and KSP.log I can see if there's anything I recognise.
  11. Your monitor should have gamma and brightness adjustment, it'll be good enough to land by.
  12. Okay I have been searching some more, this may be hard to fix. ReviverSoft says it's related to sleep mode or hibernation, and should be fixed by updating the bios [LINK]. Microsoft is just confusing, I don't know what "A device object has been blocking an IRP for too long a time." means [LINK] Microsoft Answers blames Symantec [LINK] or power settings [LINK] ComputerHope is pretty generic, basically "It's your hardware or driver" [LINK] SevenForums also suggests it's caused by power management [LINK] So I think you need to reset your power management, making a new user account should do that, also don't allow the laptop to go to a low power mode before playing KSP, don't even let the screensaver start, and look into updating the bios/uefi. If none of that works I'd personally consider re-installation of the OS.
  13. There's nothing in the log to say what's causing these crashes though, the new error is probably caused by corruption from one of these previous crashes, so you should verify the game cache in the Steam client. The crashes you are having suggest something seriously wrong with your system though, have you rebooted since installing the drivers?
  14. Hi Lucman, I think you need to redownload KSP and retest with a completely fresh install, then upload the GameData\output_log.txt and your dxdiag hardware report
  15. This is more about hardware than KSP, so it's now in Sci labs
  16. There should be an option to run KSP with the Nvidia when right clicking the KSP.exe
  17. I think your computer is switching to the Intel card while you play, can you force it to use the Nvidia only?
  18. Okay, according to your dxdiag, you don't have an Nvidia card. This suggests you're on a low power mode and the Nvidia is disabled, please check your power settings and ensure the laptop is plugged in. If the laptop has a physical switch or key combination to toggle the graphics card, please make sure the Nvidia is enabled. It's possible that the Nvidia is disabled in the Bios/Uefi, please see your laptop documentation and ensure the Nvidia is also enabled there.
  19. Okay, I'm wondering if something in the save is affecting the craft you make, as I don't get a crash with the MPL here.
  20. Definitely something wrong with the gfx card, I searched the stop message and came up with this [LINK], it may be that you have the incorrect driver installed. I suggest you run dxdiag (start, run, type dxdiag) and see what your graphics hardware is, as KSP and sisoft sandra may be misreporting the card if the driver is incorrect.
  21. Post moved to the existing thread, this is a known issue, please search for existing issues in future.
  22. This is really great, but maybe better suited to the Fanworks section, moving! Next up, KSP Game & Watch.
  23. Hi Whovian, your editor issue is actually caused by addons. That line needs to be changed back to TechTreeUrl = GameData/Squad/Resources/TechTree.cfg for it to work As for the phantom yaw, as you were able to stop the yaw by disabling your reaction wheels, and because the yaw is visible in the input sliders, I suspect you need to try Alt+X next time to cancel all trim.
  24. This is interesting and I think I know what's going on, this shouldn't be reproducible with other parts if I'm right. Cargobays have two nodes at each end so they can be serially attached and the payload can be fitted inside, when a cargobay is normally attached the "out" facing node is connected and drag is calculated correctly, but if the bay is a symmetry clone it may be attaching via the wrong node, ignoring the strict part alignment rules. This would cause KSP to treat the bay as if it was not occluded at all, you get a lot of drag from the flat face of a Mk3 part. Also, because of the strict attachment rules you should find that you cannot fit a part to the front inner node of the bay, it will instead try to fit to the front outer node, ie: inside the part in front of the cargobay. This does not seem to occur all the time though, the craft file Clouds posted has equal drag on both sides but was made with symmetry, the issue only arises when the cargobays themselves are removed and refitted in symmetry. I can see from the part hierarchy that he placed other parts of the nacelle first, then created a symmetric pair, so the first cargobay would attach normally, its clone would also have correct attachment and the craft would be fine. So rather than having to place all cargobays singularly to avoid this issue, just place the parent part of the cargobay in symmetry instead. Edit: Further testing shows I was right, marking as solved.
  25. Nice edit. Squad can't cater to every individual, that's asking a lot, also there is a catch-up feature on Twitch. Also, r4pt0r, please see the Filter bubble.
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