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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. It gets better, here's another look at the performance of Vulkan compared to OpenGL, this time on a standard Intel HD gpu.
  2. Not sure it's an "interesting view", it's basically how Squads been modelling their development method since at least 0.13.2 when I joined, and probably since the 0.7 public beta. It's like a miniature alpha/beta/gold with each release, Squad was always aware that because they were just a few guys and so new to making games that any release might be their last, so they always made sure each was playable and presentable as much as was possible in its current state. Good thing too as we wouldn't have been able to actually "play" KSP otherwise, I don't think Squad would have gotten this far if they had taken a more conventional route, as we'd only have had access to a truly broken alpha with no polish or fixes at all for a large part of KSP's development. In traditional game dev all bug fixing is left to the end, it's rarely undertaken during development.
  3. Hmmm, this may be a browser cache thing, please clear your browser cache and try again.
  4. None of us really have the right to define KSP as "finished" or not, that is Squads prerogative, they have said they have met their original design goals, but it is clear they want to keep expanding. Though one definition of "finished" is that Squad has worked to make sure each update is in a playable state and as complete as it can be for its own feature set, even if more content is scheduled for later updates, the ones we play are "finished" enough that we can actually play them. If Squad stopped now, and all development ceased, we'd still have a playable game in that sense 1.0.x is "finished", just as 0.25 was "finished" and later when 1.1 is released it'll be "finished" as well.
  5. Huh, I don't think I've come across this one yet, can you upload your save please, I'll give it a go.
  6. Welcome to the world of Linux Xyphos, if you get stuck with anything we'll do our best to help, though it sounds like you're managing so far
  7. Best of luck for the future SkyRender, if there's anything to be thankful for it's that everyone walked away. All our thoughts are with you.
  8. Yeah it should never take that long, it shouldn't even take more than a second to write the crash log, so something must be wrong.
  9. Can you please try rolling back to an earlier graphics driver. For KSP to be fine for weeks then to suddenly change suggests something on the system changed, and likely it was the driver.
  10. It has always been the intention of Felipe to bring KSP to every gamer he can, regardless of platform. If KSP can be played on a system Unity supports, it will be, and in time our game of choice will be a household name, when you mention the word "Kerbal" you will not be met with vacant stares, you will meet fellow players. Kerbals everywhere. Bring it on.
  11. It appears the drive has a hidden partition containing the device driver, and because this partition is an optical disk format (Microsoft Joliet Level 3, ISO 9660) and is likely the first partition on the device it identifies as a cdrom. I have run into issues in the distant past with hidden partitions also making any partitions after them inaccessible. Hidden partitions are tricky to remove, but a guy here managed it in Windows and it should be possible to delete the MBR of the usb drive in gParted. It may also be possible to delete the partition in Gnome disk utility by clicking the gears icon when the usb drive is selected. Also any version of partition magic will be able to unhide the hidden partition, allowing it to be deleted. With that gone the bulk of the drive will be accessible and the partition can be enlarged in gParted, as you'd likely have around 700mb unused space.
  12. These are effectively several in-line SAS units already. RC-001S RC-L01 Mk2 Drone core Many of the smaller probe cores can also provide SAS for vessels that lack them, especially when combined with additional reaction wheels. Though a Stayputnic with an OKTO might seem redundant.
  13. Just how high do you need fairings to be anyway?
  14. 3) In the SPH hold the middle mouse button to pan the camera. The VAB constrains the camera because it's supposed to focus on vertical builds.
  15. Not only that, I'm pretty sure the new cockpit has a slightly oval nose, not a circular profile as in Avera9eJoe's edit, so either the whole cockpit would need to be reworked to give a rounder look or all the 0.625m parts would need to be oval to suit.
  16. If Squad doesn't take up this idea don't forget we do have an alternative...
  17. Hi Stopkilling0, does this happen with a new save? You have a few log errors from some vessels in your current save. If it still happens please use dxdiag to make a hardware report and upload it for us.
  18. The "insert" key will toggle between additive text and replacing text in most text editors. It definitely is not a forum bug, this is a common feature.
  19. Hi AengorKerbow, there is a bug, if you right clicked the wheels the brakes lose their torque. You can find a fix for this in Claws thread stickied above in the Support section, where this was moved to
  20. Like several here I've used Linux for some time now, I don't actually have a Windows install any more so I have no plans to play KSP on Windows once 1.1 is released. I'm hoping that Vulkan will give KSP on Linux a big boost in performance, possibly rivalling that of DirectX12 on Windows and Metal on OSX, who knows, KSP on Windows or OSX with -force-vulkan might be more impressive than their native API's Though there is a chance, however small, that the Linux version of KSP will have unexpected issues so major that it's unreleasable, just as KSP for Windows 64bit via Unity4 was. If that should happen I'll have to run the Windows version of KSP in Wine, performance with 1.0.4 is pretty good in Wine and there are 64bit Wine versions. But if the worst happens and KSP 1.1 is broken on Linux and in Wine, I guess I'll just have to find something else to play.
  21. Hello brjanowich, sorry but this cannot be disabled. But if you upload your KSP output_log.txt and dxdiag report we may be able to help you.
  22. Could be a bad physics.cfg, or KSP was started via shortcut outside the KSP folder so it can't find the physics.cfg Try starting with the KSP.exe directly, and if it's still bad try the physics.cfg file from my Linux thread, it's the same file for 1.0.4 on all platforms.
  23. A good thread for the science labs I think
  24. He's only the guy in charge of the bug tracker and qa/experimental teams The occasional KSP official streamer humbly known as Ted.
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