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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. If the CoM was on the end of this... It'd be rather inaccurate, there's a lot of metal in front of the nozzle, and the offset CoM simulates where the KSP jet engine CoM should be. Of course, if you want to make unrealistically stubby turbojets you're free to do so Also, punted to S&D.
  2. The grossly missed point here is that this forum is for fans to discuss the game, to share experiences, and for the devs to mingle with the players which Felipe (HarvesteR) and others do when time permits, feel free to check his post history. This forum has never been touted as the first port of call for news of KSP's development, even when Felipe and others had the time to be more active here their posts were more technical rather than being actual news, as both the development team and scale of KSP was much smaller. So you're asking for these forums to be something they have never been, when better mediums exist for the content you deem should be here first, for example the squad casts, they are a video format which is recorded at the time of transmission which the forum is completely unsuited to hosting, instead when the streams are running they are linked here in a banner on the main forum page for anyone to click if they choose to, the times of the streams are made avialable so complaining that this is not on the forum is just being obstinate. Also, Squad is known to use Twitter for breaking news, Twitter is a widely known and widely used medium for short news items, not only by Squad but by many others, so with this knowledge it should not be unexpected that KSP fans would follow the Twitter feed to stay up to date with new developments. Complaining about the format or delivery of the news detracts from the fact that there is news, development continues and new content is being developed, that really should be your focus instead of what avenue the news arrived by, it is the content that is important. There is an unfortunate belief that repetition will result in change, when in actuality it causes others to dismiss or tune out the endless refrain, defeating the objective of the complainant. But there's no answer to "How can we make Squad post all news on the Forum first?" because the forum isn't suitable for most news, only for links to news in other formats on other sites, other than "We can't". You know news is often posted elsewhere first, you know where it is, you know what day is most likely to to have news, these sources are only a click or two away, you are not being asked to travel to the other side of the world to find them. And Squad does post news here, usually in the form of the weekly devnotes, but this is glossed over when any news is posted elsewhere, or the format and style of the news is argued over, completely ignoring the content, so you have to ask is there any wonder why more news isn't posted here when the times Squad does post news are dismissed because the reader doesn't like the font or the layout? The KSP forum is not a news site, this is a forum, so add some bookmarks to your browser and stop thinking that everything has to be here
  3. Oh you mean the tooltop sticks to the mouse? Yeah, there's no fix, sorry, drives me bonkers as well as I have to mouse over the button to remove it. If you'd like to report this as a bug please see Claws bug report sticky thread for the link to the bug tracker, otherwise post this kind of stuff to Suggestions and Development as that way a developer may see it, this sub-forum is for support by the community for the community, not for bugs, thank you.
  4. Delete your Settings.cfg (it's in the KSP game folder) and test again please
  5. Ok VaPaL, please list all processes running in the task manager when you play KSP, the easiest way to do this is to take screenshots of your taskmanager. Do endeavour to capture the stop error message, also please test your system memory with the memtest86+ tool [LINK].
  6. Try disabling anti-aliasing in KSP, also if you have any image quality settings on OSX try changing them to see if it helps. Lowering the render quality slider in KSP might also help, as not all graphics cards and drivers support the Unity3D game engines render settings. Also try fullscreen rather than windowed.
  7. Hi VaPaL, you will need to find your Windows event log and find the exact stop error that occurs when your computer stops responding, please see here for more information [Link to Windows stop errors] Please find what the error is.
  8. Hi Dr_Bicinium, please provide your KSP Player.log after the game crashes, you can find it at /home/user/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/Player.log Also please provide the affected craft file or save folder containing the affected craft, you can upload all these to a file share site such as then post the link here.
  9. I can't prevent this, but I can reduce it to manageable levels. Every few moments a control input is being sent to the vessel, you can see this on the pitch gauge in the bottom left, and you can see this in a twitching of the control surfaces. It's much more pronounced on your craft as it only has canards and your center of mass is a long way in front of your center of lift, the slightest movement of the canards has a large effect on the vessels stability and their movement is greater because of the difference between CoM and CoL, this wouldn't be as severe if you used regular elevators instead and brought your mass and lift closer together. So to fix your craft I inverted your main wings to bring the CoL forwards and added elevators to balance control between the front and rear of the vessel, I also tweaked the landing gear to reduce the chance of tailstrikes. It still has the full fuel load for those long distance survey contracts, and while the twitching is still present the craft is stable enough that it won't be a problem. You can download the craft here [LINK]
  10. What is old is new again, and everyone likes eastereggs.
  11. Thread moved to Suggestions and Development, with all the other "more planets" threads
  12. captainreynolds, please upload the save folder to a file share site and provide the link here, we cannot help yo with your issue without proper information from you. If you feel this is a bug please see Claws sticky thread on bug reporting and check for this issue on the bug tracker, this is the support forum, not a bug forum.
  13. Hi Netskimmer, can you test your vessel in an unmodded KSP or will it not load without the addons? Also, if you upload your KSP.log, output_log.txt, and the affected save we may be able to figure it out from that. If you hold alt and press F2 you can open the debug log, it may show what's going on.
  14. Okay I hope not having the LAN doesn't cause any problems
  15. Here's what I do, I find this easiest. Hold shift and pick up the vessel (as if you were going to move it) then press 4 to start the root tool, then click the new root. But the suggestion is a good one, it's easy to forget where the root is.
  16. Sorry no, maybe if you uploaded the craft I could have a go at tweaking them.
  17. You could test disabling the LAN, it's hardly a proper fix but it'd help diagnose what's causing this, also if you updated anything since yesterday I'd try rolling it back.
  18. Trouble is we don't have a heat shield that's intended for such high temperatures, the current stock heat shields will boil away if they go over a fixed temperature, whether this is by aerobraking, heating via engine thrust or via ambient heat doesn't matter, nor does being staged or not. I'm not sure if there's a real need for such heat shields yet, Moho lacks an atmosphere and you'll be destroyed by the Sun before you get that close, the only use would be to re-enter at Kerbin but this could be worked around by not using the Moho or Sun vessel to re-enter directly, or by providing for the installation (docking) of a heat shield later. Fairings also make good heat shields, arguably better than the stock heat shields as they don't have ablator, just be careful not to stage them, it's also worth checking if a heat shield inside a fairing counts as "stowed" and becomes immune to heat. What we need is a new heat shield, not to make existing heat shields immune to boil-off. Edit: Well this is disappointing... Okay I'm going to ask that this is changed, I can put a feedback report in QA when that starts but if you guys also add feedback to the public tracker the exp guys can flag it and it'll help.
  19. Hi Luka, can you please upload your crash folder and the hardware report from dxdiag to a fileshare site for us, thanks.
  20. I made a shuttle, thought it was about time I tried, No reaction wheels or RCS spamming. Craft files zip
  21. Wow this is totally out of date guys, the engines have change since this was posted, I suggest you do some experiments and see what things are like now instead of wasting time on how things were like then, and start a new thread Closing!
  22. He has this issue with a stock install so I think it's fine here, but I do need those logs.
  23. Hi gogozerg, can you please see the stickied support thread and provide your KSP.log, output_log.txt and dxdiag report, thank you.
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