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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Or, you know, Articles, where new stuff is also posted...
  2. Not even going there, the damage the marquee tag can do to vBulletin is not a joke, we're not having that unbanned until VB fix their end, if they ever do.
  3. Okay, to me it looks like a plugin issue, as the plugins use C#/Mono to work in Unity3D/KSP, the stacktrace says it's Mono at least. The Player.log actually lists two addon plugins, KAS and SCANsat, which it had trouble with. The last two lines are where KSP starts loading graphics stuff. Then near the bottom there's two null reference exceptions both saying it's SCANsat. Then of course we have this. "Using memoryadresses from more that 16GB of memory" So I think from all that, you need to check for updates for SCANsat, and test KSP without SCANsat installed, maybe KAS as well, and if KSP doesn't crash with that "memoryadresses" error let the SCANsat modder know that something's going on. In addition to this, the KSP.log is showing issues with the fuelswitch. And clouds.
  4. He was very still, yes, sleeping, just sleeping, But he's better now.
  5. Yeah it's another bug in the controller binding code, if you just change the stage/dock modes without binding a key it won't save the change, you have to rebind the key as well even if it is to the same key.
  6. Hi RaHor81, can you upload the save to dropbox or a similar site please, we can see if we can find him
  7. Bumping this over to Gameplay Questions, maybe people will provide more help there
  8. Pleas don't take this the wrong way but changing it could have unforeseen consequences, players are used to the current behaviour but not only that, having the legs of the lander in your fairing or payload bay stay in the raised position while your undercarriage is raised, instead of punching holes in your vessel, is behaviour I'd like to keep Ninja'd!
  9. It looks like it's going out of range, 'Using memoryadresses from more that 16GB of memory' might mean there was a memory usage spike that was too fast for Activity Monitor to display, or it might mean that something attempted to use an address outside of your 16gigs. Googling the error doesn't turn up much, just this page on Unity Answers describing the same issue also in KSP.x86_64 and in Cities Skylines. The error itself seems pretty rare, and as it has also been seen in Cities makes me think it's a built-in Unity error but I can't find any resources on Unity error messages. The Unity manual suggests checking the stacktrace (if there is one) so please upload the full Player.log somewhere for us, the KSP.log might be useful as well. Course, if you already restarted KSP the logs are reset, so you'll have to reproduce this.
  10. You'd be rebooting for the driver, you have to reboot to install or update most drivers, running old drivers is a risk and can result in other problems.
  11. R0d1n, something is really amiss here. GPU: Chromium (128MB) SM: 30 (OpenGL 2.1 [2.1 Chromium 1.9]) Please tell me more about your computer hardware and operating system, where KSP is installed, how you start KSP, whether or not you use a shortcut/link, whether this is a full install of a Linux distribution to a hard drive or in a virtual machine of any kind, and if you are able to install hardinfo on your distro (try your package manager first) please use it to generate a report.
  12. Try setting the throttle to 50% before starting KSP, there used to be an issue in Ubuntu where the throttle would not be accurately detected and this is how we got around it. Also try binding the throttle to the "Incremental" axis in Settings, sometimes that works better. As for jstest, I can't even find it for Fedora, but as long as you have something that shows the stick works, which you now do, and as it now works in KSP then jstest can be ignored. I'm going to mark this as solved, and add the Fedora joystick info to the Linux thread
  13. Your dxdiag shows me that your graphics driver is very old, this would also explain why the memory is not being accurately reported in the KSP log. Driver File Version: 8.17.0010.1043 (English) Driver Version: 8.771.0.0 DDI Version: 10.1 Driver Model: WDDM 1.1 Driver Attributes: Final Retail Driver Date/Size: 8/26/2010 04:01:04, 528384 bytes That dates back to 2010, the last driver I can find for your card was released in 2013, you can get it here. You need to update your driver, download the new driver first then use "Programs and Features" in the Windows control panel to fully remove the current driver. Then, reboot your PC so any traces of the old driver are removed. Then install the 2013 driver, and reboot the PC again to make sure it is working correctly. It is important to know that AMD does not support your graphics card any more, and will not provide any newer drivers than the one linked above, so any issues you have with that card and driver in the future cannot be fixed. Also it is important to know that KSP will crash occasionally, but it should be rare.
  14. It's often better to start a new thread though, and link to the old one, but really it depends on what was posted, how well it was received, how good the thread was, member reaction to the post, that sort of thing. Generally if it's just a bump, +1 or it was reported, it's closed as it's bothering you guys and girls, but just as Red says if the new post adds something and members are fine with it then it's not a problem.
  15. Hi kolAflash, do you also see this effect with the proprietary driver?
  16. Seems pretty actionable to me... This rule works for the majority of the members, necro posts annoy people, necro-moaning posts also annoy people and can embarrass the poster who necro'd. Nit picking the wording of the rules isn't going to change it, sorry, just refrain from necro'ing old threads. Closing this one.
  17. If there's a line you'll have people arguing over it, asking why it is where it is, asking what counts as being over it, who decided on it, why such and such wasn't considered over it, etcetera etcetera ad nauseam. If something is clearly "over the line" it should be obvious, if not then it is dealt with on a case by case bases, we don't look up a chart and measure profanity per page, for example. Also. And. And. This lets us deal with people deliberately pushing their luck by trying to find the limit of the rules while still posting stuff that technically breaks them, we get them from time to time, trying to hogtie the moderators with their own rules doesn't work
  18. I think you need to exercise some common sense here instead of trying to pick holes in the rules, as linking to pornography, piracy or similar banned topics would obviously be against the rules, those are serious. Roleplay on the KSP forums is also against the rules because KSP roleplay caused a huge amount of trouble, enough for Squad to get involved and shut it down. But we're not having a section of the rules for stuff that is outright banned, and stuff that is mostly banned, or stuff that is okay but banned when it gets out of hand, that wouldn't be workable as something can start off innocently, only becoming a problem later. If the roleplay is on a fansite it's someone else's problem, and Squad is fine with links to fansites, but if members bring their roleplay induced fighting and arguments here, it's a problem. Don't bring it here, that way everyone's happy.
  19. It s a Unity3D game engine command line argument. Also, dxdiag does not require an internet connection, the log from dxdiag will be very small, small enough to put on hastebin.com without taking much time.
  20. You should be able to run jstest from the command line, jscal to calibrate, but it may be that you need another package first, as it looks like joystick drivers were moved to a module in Fedora 18, I don't know if this is still the case for Fedora 22 but you could take a look here.
  21. Hi R0d1n, I suggest you first test a fresh unmodded copy of KSP with a new save to make sure the text is working for you and that this is not an issue caused by your addons. As it may very well be, you have several errors like this in your log, all of which point to issues with your addons. [WRN 00:33:51.887] Cannot create config from file '/home/R0d1n/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Plugins/FuelSwitchConfig.cfg'. [ERR 00:33:51.887] Error: Empty part config file If the stock game works for you please re-install your addons, and try to find which one caused this issue. The guys in The Other Linux Thread! may know what's going on. You might also want to take a look at your graphics driver as the KSP.log is telling me your GPU is Chromium, that doesn't seem correct and KSP needs a proper graphics card and driver such as an Nvidia, AMD or Intel card. If it still doesn't work let me know.
  22. I think you just needed a bit more reputation to trigger that contract, also KSP will offer contracts in an odd order, there's no set path.
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