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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Hmm, well maybe whatever is causing it is in the logs, can you please upload your KSP.log and Player.log to Hastebin for me
  2. There are four starter contracts in the mission control building, "Launch a new vessel", "Gather Science", "Escape the Atmosphere" and "Orbit Kerbin". There's a bunch of automatically accepted distance, altitude and speed contracts to help you get started, after that you need to escape the atmosphere to prompt the generation of new contracts. This can be achieved just by going straight up with a few SRB's
  3. Hi Mad_Scientist can you please post the craft, dropbox is good for craft files.
  4. Guys, please use the existing Steam thread, thanks
  5. Actually, you are, the Rapier engine has a jet mode and due to limitations in fuel flow logic, it is able to draw fuel from the upper stages. You're better off with an aerospike to be honest.
  6. Yeah, lights-out needs a "lit at night" mode, and a sunrise/sunset filter, then we can pester Squad into talking to nodrog6 about incorporating it into stock
  7. Nice but inaccurate, the real VAB and aircraft hangars are pretty well lit at night.
  8. I hate it, I absolutely hate it, I wish I never had to do it and that a PM or post in the thread was always enough to keep things smooth here, seriously that's all any of us should really need to do. But there's rules and some people don't like rules, they mostly boil down to "don't be an ass" but some people don't even like that. Spambots are shoot on sight though.
  9. Sorry Gamel0rd1, but suggesting Squad do this is completely dependant on Unity supporting it to begin with, and currently the only hardware PhysX acceleration Unity is planning to offer is hair simulation. As with DirectX on Windows, OpenGL on OSX and Linux, and eventually Vulkan on Linux and Metal on OSX, all this is abstracted from the developer and PhysX is as well. If Unity decides to fully support hardware PhysX in the future that will also be abstracted, it will automatically work on Nvidia hardware if it is present on a machine, and Unity will default to using the CPU in all other cases. If you really want hardware PhysX support, you need to ask on the Unity forums, as this won't be something Squad can optimise. Sorry to do this to your 3rd post but I'm closing this one.
  10. Or a museum of urgh why, what were they thinking... Or an evidence locker. Offensive pics get removed, it's just a link so it's edited out. Not everyone remembers the rep button I guess. Yes, I can do that for you.
  11. The fault vault is a fancy name for a sub-forum where all the supposedly deleted threads and posts go, while hard deletion is possible it's avoided, and when dealing with a breach of the rules the moderation team can go over the removed thread/posts and come to a decision. It's also used for temporary quarantine of suspicious posts, and stuff can be moved back to the main forum if required. Not sure what you mean about fake sites, the moderators only deal with the Squad sites, and fansites are welcome, but straight rip-off sites claiming to be the official sites would be dealt with by Squad in an official capacity.
  12. Further testing would be required but it should be okay if KSP is started with that controller attached.
  13. Are you guys using a joystick or controller? There's a bug where if you start KSP without the controller you previously set up, it messes up your settings.cfg, that's probably what's resetting your choices for the stats tracking. Try deleting settings.cfg and setting up your controller again, just be sure it's plugged in before you start KSP.
  14. Hi krazyrocketman, can you please see this thread and provide your log files
  15. Yeah it's magenta for me as well, I don't know why but the proprietary driver doesn't render those properly, but the open source driver handles them fine. Mouse polling rate should only affect the mouse, though I have not needed to test it myself, I don't own a high end gaming mouse
  16. Sorta, though not with Orbiter, I tried a few things I'd learned from KSP in Pioneer, a remake of Frontier Elite 2. Just basic stuff like raising and lowering my apoapsis and periapsis, and plane changing manoeuvres, even managed a hohmann transfer to the Moon, none of this I'd have tried without knowing about them from KSP.
  17. Heh, more like 1.0 explains Deported BV, if they are indeed linked, there's a saying about correlation and causation that fits this pretty well. Also R&S, can't you guys think of any new material? This "speculation" is nearly as cringeworthy as the "Valve forced Squad out of early access" stuff. Rosco already said it better.
  18. Okay, what I do is this. Open Synaptic. Click "Settings". Click "Repositories". You'll get a "Software & Updates" box, the first tab has checkboxes for the main, universe, restricted and multiverse repos, tick'em all. The next tab is called "Other Software", other repos are here, so if you want to add a new repo just click "Add" and paste in the repo from the site where you found it, you'll see other repos there already so you can get an idea what they look like, but lets say you want SimpleScreenRecorder, you'd add this line: "http://ppa.launchpad.net/maarten-baert/simplescreenrecorder/ubuntu" Close "Software & Updates", hit "Reload", find what you want with the "Quick Filter" box, tick it and apply
  19. The guy is pretty infectious Or maybe I was just mesmerised by those teeth....
  20. The STS bay doors had radiators fitted to their inner surfaces, they were not themselves radiators though.
  21. Well I can't see this thread being controversial in any way at all.... Just in case there's still anyone behind the times, Valve has scrapped this idea (for the time being anyway) and their cut was their usual 30%, the developer set their own rate. This horse has been thoroughly beaten on reddit by the way, so please keep the discussion here civil
  22. This isn't real space, it's Kerbal space, the "ore" you mine has more energy in it than you think. Some people like to think it's a long lost pre-Kerbal space faring civilization called the Mu, who left lumps of koal throughout the system, which Roverdude Kerman developed the technology to exploit
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