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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Set yourself on an orbit with a low periapsis, 30km is good. Keep your nose up, 25° to 35° is fine, you want drag, you want to slow down as quickly as you can without breaking apart. Once you're below about 1000m/s you'll be fine
  2. Hi THE01X, please see the support stickies and provide your game logs as without those we haven't the foggiest idea what when wrong
  3. Hi jeancallisti, please see the support stickies and provide your game logs as without those we haven't the foggiest idea what when wrong
  4. Thread merged (and moved back, silly vBulletin)
  5. Don't activate while still stowed? KSP checks for parts within a cargobay or fairing when those parts are activated, the only way around this would be a plugin, try asking in general addon affairs.
  6. Maybe try reinstalling KSP on top of your existing install? I mean it's fairly obvious your files are borked.
  7. Heh yeah this is what the STS does, so it's very realistic, make as much drag as you can, come down as low as you safely can, get subsonic as soon as you can, and you'll not overheat anything like as much. Most of the STS re-entry wasn't while on fire, it was after losing enough speed to stop settings fire to the air in front of the shuttle, but having to S-bend to avoid massively overshooting, as with no drive the shuttle came back with much more spare potential energy (altitude, speed) than it needed so as to ensure it would not fall short of the runway.
  8. Jets are supposed to take from the lowest stage (separated by decouplers) first, this can be seen with droptanks for example.
  9. I guess we're stuck, I really wish I knew a way to fix this, all I can really do is give you my setup in case it helps you. Hardware: A10 5800k AMD APU. Nvidia GeForce GTX650 4gb DDR3 RAM Software: Xubuntu Vivid Vervet 15.04 64bit Proprietary Linux Nvidia driver 346 Hardinfo report on Hastebin Settings.cfg .nvidia-settings-rc My refresh rate is stuck at 60hz thanks to the driver which may be why I don't see the pausing, and Xfce uses at most 9% of the system RAM, and nothing else I run while playing KSP is using much memory or constantly scanning files.
  10. The log suggests the parts file is not there, pleas try re-downloading and re-installing the demo.
  11. Um, no, the internet would disagree with you here, the tier one KSC looks spartan, but it is not a "glitch".
  12. Sorry ezfox, please talk to the Unity3D game engine developers about anything this low-level, it's not in Squads power to fix issues with the engine such as this.
  13. Nikola707, your resolution is something weird. Delete your settings.cfg and try KSP again.
  14. You can also edit the persistent.sfs to restore lost funds. Back it up first just in case.
  15. Hi LeGryff, I'll be honest. No. If you want KSP on Steam instead of Amazon, you need to get a refund from Amazon and buy KSP on Steam.
  16. Moved to S&DD, as this looks more like a suggestion, also are you rally sure you want to EVA your engineer while the craft is between chute activation and deployment? Those mittens don't provide good grip you know.
  17. Just turn off PPFX edge highlights, you need the gauges to see when you're overheating.
  18. Moved to addons so addon devs will see it, as it's not really a gameplay question
  19. Hi true659, the KSP.log is in the game folder and output_log.txt is in KSPData, also we'll need your dxdiag log, you can post them on dropbox or pastebin then link them here. The 32bit version of KSP should run fine on Windows x64, it's only the 64bit Unity3D game executable that has some issues so it was removed for 1.0
  20. Click the on the right side of the tracking station screen when you have a vessel selected, it will open the knowledge base, and from there you can rename any vessel by clicking its name.
  21. Hi Angezerus (1) Parts inherit the symmetry of their parent, this is by design, set them to single placement to reset symmetry. (2) Yep there's larger gaps in the physics steps, and there's a warning exactly because of this, 2x is the recommended maximum. (3) Yeah it's known, strutting your craft sufficiently will help though, as will reducing engine gimbal, but SAS isn't magic and it will overshoot if it lacks enough control to stop your rotation. (4) Real planes do this, and fighter jets are designed to do this, they rely on computer control for stability, just keep your CoL behind your CoM whenever possible. Stalling isn't really modelled in KSP, and the damage will depend on the craft. (5) This was on purpose, strangely. (6) Er, shouldn't be that bad, you may need to delete your physics.cfg so KSP makes a new one, also come down lower and lift the nose to get as much drag as you can, the longer you are supersonic the hotter you'll get. (7) Yep, intentional, the devs wanted to differentiate them from the boxed panels in some way, they are cheap, light, and lack a closure mechanism now. Hope this helps
  22. But you won't have a warning when parts are about to go boom, but if you turn off PPFX you can have your RAM and temp gauges
  23. Neither really, it's a procedurally generated mesh with a fixed seed, just like the rest of the planet as the poles are kinda weird otherwise. Next time you're on the Mun or Moho especially go take a look at the poles up close, the terrain is interesting
  24. Well, if you're playing stock 1.0.2 (build 842) you should get something like this. And when you break the sound barrier... If you have 1.0.0 or 1.0.1 then yeah you might be getting a bit more.
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