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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Looks like you found a bug in how KSP handles the angled engines, whether they are placed in symmetry or not, this also affects the o-10 puff monoprop engine and any other engines place at an angle. To fix this with the Twitch, turn on angle snap, hold left-shift and tap W or use the rotate tool to rotate the engines 5 degrees, they will look like this. Twitch engines are 5° off from vertical.
  2. Hi Wintersdark, I'm not sure I understand, are you saying the thrust is angled or that the thrust is detached from the engines? It should look like this. If it doesn't, then one of the addons you removed has already modified your parts files, and you will have to replace them.
  3. Yes actually, dialling back on engine gimbal helps a lot to reduce rocket wobble, so will strutting your craft across the more flexible parts such as decouplers.
  4. Sorry tylerp2 but you're going to have to try that again, we need your player.log and KSP.log
  5. Yeah it's weird I know, basically the VAB assumes your craft is at +5° AoA to the airflow when it's level with the hangar floor, but on some designs it seems to forget this, I have a few myself that will not show the CoM and CoL in the right place unless I angle them up. Also, tilting the craft up and down gives a pretty good idea of its stability at different angles.
  6. Nothing to see here, these are not the posts you're looking for, move along. (Kedi mind trick)
  7. Hi Kessi, please see the self help thread and the bug report thread, and provide your game logs
  8. How does your terrain look without the SM3 shaders? And thanks for the logs!
  9. Arfloot, I can understand your irritation at not being able to update 1.0.0 to 1.0.2 via Amazon.com at this present time. However, your first recourse with any purchase is with the retailer, and it is up to them to resolve your issue. If you had bought KSP via Steam or GoG, you would also have to contact them. We cannot even help with Squad store purchases here, these are just the forums and we have no access to the store, all we can do is contact Squad on the behalf of members who have made store purchases. Amazon.com may have the updated version already, but have not reflected that on their customer download page, if that is the case there is nothing Squad can do, and again you will have to raise the matter with the retailer. According to Squad, Amazon.com does have 1.0.2 But they don't have it up on Amazon to download, see below.
  10. No, it's sal, sals brother. Ethanadams!
  11. Here's a challenge idea, build the most bonkers craft you can that the engineers report doesn't have an issue with
  12. Hi savior, we'd have to find what is causing this before we could find a way to resolve it, please see here. [Link]
  13. Well there's nothing stopping you from putting it level again Maybe upload your craft and let others see what they can do with it?
  14. It shouldn't be, which is weird, as .dds doesn't need to be converted before use by the graphics hardware and takes less memory. We'll need to see your logs and dxdiag to determine anything further. Please see here. [Link]
  15. Look for the support threads at the top of this section, they explain where you can find your logs and how to upload them.
  16. Upload the save, usually I can open them the first time on Linux (second time bugs out), I'll try to recover them.
  17. Okay then we'll need your game logs, dxdiag and your save as well, please see the support stickies for info.
  18. Hi Garbonzo, find your .90 KSP folder and make a backup of your saves file, then copy the saves file to 1.0
  19. I find the indicator can get confused at times, turn on angle snap, pick up your root part, hold shift and angle the vessel up one notch (5 degrees), that usually gives me a more accurate CoL.
  20. You could make each stage of the spaceplane individually flyable...
  21. You need one more post, then you will be able to
  22. Textures are .dds instead of .tga/.mbm now, I wonder if that is having an effect on some hardware.
  23. It downloads as a .txt, it needs changing to .craft
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