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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Hi Tobl, can you please see the support stickies and provide your game logs, they will show what graphics card KSP is using
  2. Thread closed, Mj threads always spark controversy...
  3. Nope, I've had enough patcher nonsense to last me to KSP 2.0, I'd rather push for an actual patch.
  4. In the debug menu there's a setting to use a spherical model for drag, that's pretty much what .90 did.
  5. Should be easy enough to do in one flight.
  6. There's no 10 second wait time, also it doesn't have to be a single flight as the Kerbals will remain with you until either their individual itinerary's are complete or you exceed the contract time. Landing on the Mun includes a sub-orbital flight so that's easy enough, you need a Minmus orbit with a periapsis below ground and an apoapsis within the SoI, so you'll have to slow down and let your passengers enjoy the view, looks like you won't have to land though. There's no science with one of these contracts though so load up on widgets, the tourists are funding your research
  7. The settings.cfg from previous versions breaks docking mode in 1.0.x, if you delete your settings.cfg KSP will generate a new one and this fixes the issue
  8. Okay this is what I've found so far... The store version no longer downloads the patcher, it pulls down a html file that just opens the Squad website so store customers can download the 1.0.2 installer (it's a bit smaller) or full zip from their account page. Only the Windows patcher is still available from the Wiki, the OS X and Linux links redirect to the Squad store, I can't test the Windows patcher to see if it still works. The Windows patcher fails, see REGZZZ post below. The patcher is only useful to players who have bought KSP from the store, as it needs your store login and it checks for a valid store account. Steam is providing 1.0.2, and can update any prior version, you don't get a patcher with this version. GoG is providing 1.0.2 as an installer, and is also providing a 1.0.2 patch for the 1.0.0 that was originally on GoG (GoG never saw 1.0.1). Amazon still has 1.0.0, I have no way to verify this myself, and I do not have knowledge of how Amazon handles patches, so if anyone has bought PC games from Amazon that have patches on Amazon, please let us know how to find them. According to Squad, Amazon does have 1.0.2 But shiny_metal and Arfloot tell me that Amazon still has 1.0.0 Edit: I will ask about getting the 1.0.2 patch added to the store support page so everyone can access it.
  9. This threads going nowhere, it's just a missing mesh :/ Too many questionable posts, closing.
  10. No that's true, anyone care to calculate the thickness of 1m² aluminium at 39kg ?
  11. So why are my finned rockets behaving? Something is wrong here, I suggest you upload these craft so others can test them. What I've found so far with the fixed winglets is that they can add too much stability, rockets like to stay straight much like an arrow and for the same reasons, so it takes more gimbal or reaction wheels to steer.
  12. Yeah everything in the quicksave is gone, and the game is spamming "look rotation is zero" to the log so it's trying to see something that isn't there. The persistent.sfs loaded for me, but there's nothing on Minmus. There's no way I can recover the vessel you lost, but I have saved your save.
  13. Hi porgle, did you use the -force-opengl command before with KSP Steam? It's broken now. Please see the stickies and provide your game logs if this is not the case
  14. Nice work soulsource, I've updated the first post Can anyone find the new values for gerners fix for Intel card shadows?
  15. Hi TinMissileMan, please see the support stickies and provide your game logs
  16. Did you subtract the mass of the base? A 0.4 ton fairing minus the base is only 2.5 tons, but the KSP engineer is lazy and he rounds up, so I used KER. (Only placed fairings count to mass and I tried to get it as close to 1.25m as I could) The fairing panel alone in this example is 186Kg, the area of the fairing is 4.9 metres so the fairing panels themselves are 37.95Kg per metre. That suggests it's steel at ~4.8mm thick, overkill for a rocket payload fairing definitely and it'll need reducing, but not quite the lead some people claim
  17. Okay, possible workaround here, use the offset tool to move the docking port up so it visually contacts the heat shield, so when the fairing vanishes it looks presentable. As a bonus, the heat shield fairing will sort of hide the docking port a bit (while it's still there anyway) and the whole thing will look more compact and tidy.
  18. This is what I see when I mouse over one of my flags, can you post what you see so we can figure this out?
  19. Eagle 707, please see the support stickies, and the next time this happens close KSP and post the game logs and your dxdiag here (use dropbox).
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