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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Possibly, or the propellant is carrying the heat from the core to the body of the LV-N
  2. Please check your settings.cfg to see what the debug menu is bound to, but I think you'll have to rebind it as this sounds like an operating system setting, not a KSP issue, so without knowing anything about your computer there's not much we can do for you.
  3. You'll need to jettison the fairing, several parts were intended not to be usable while in a fairing or cargobay by design, sorry.
  4. Looks like the same issue as here, can you provide more info on your system please, this is anew bug that we don't know any fix for yet, aside from possibly reinstalling Ubuntu.
  5. Old posts have that, we used to be on simple machines forum software, and with the change to vBulletin as well as various other changes over the years broke the old formatting
  6. Oh woops, okay What do you know about Malta?
  7. Uh, this is how the game works, sorry, if you block the thrust they won't work. Some engines, like RCS thrusters don't cause damage so are unaffected, but most engines in KSP just won't provide thrust while blocked. So yeah, it's a limitation of the game, it's been like this since the very early days so is unlikely to change, but we can still do some neat stuff like propel Kerbals through the air using rocket thrust, as they are separate "vessels"
  8. Can you please see the support stickies Knorf, we'll need your game logs, they may help to figure out what's going on
  9. Wow, that's not the fix I'd have expected, possibly overkill but I'm glad it's working
  10. NV-R? Which engine are you using? Have you tried running them at less than 100% throttle?
  11. Nice trailers and vans in the 1.0 movie though, very 50's NASA/NACA
  12. I know of a very nice lady from there who's into violence and rockets, and also they have an underrated and growing PC games industry What do you know about the demo scene?
  13. Have you got store access working? If it won't connect (site in maintenance mode) you should try another DNS server
  14. Hi Andy81le, can you please check the support stickies and post your game logs
  15. Try editing the engines cfg and add "useGimbalResponseSpeed = true" and "gimbalResponseSpeed = 15" to the gimbal module.
  16. Looks like the part is snapping to within the bounding box of the parent, there's a limit to how far we can move stuff which is a shame, is pressing space resetting it how you want though?
  17. The space bar will reset any offset or rotation added with the gizmos, and there's a limit to how far any part can be offset, dependent on the size of the part. Can you explain what is happening in more detail and how it differs from 0.90.0 please.
  18. There's an invisible grid which parts snap to, you can disable it by toggling angle snap mode with the "V" key, giving you much finer control
  19. You can find it here. It looks pretty cool having heatsinks like this actually
  20. I'm finding the tourist contracts to be great fun, I'm getting paid to launch craft into space, not hunt for survey locations or test parts, and these contracts are easy to do with just the added mass of the extra pods to contend with. And you have to love the Hawaiian shirts
  21. On cargo bays and part occlusion. Looks like it's by design
  22. Sorry, there's been so many of these they got confusing
  23. Compare the pods (only the pod, no other parts) falling behavior between .25, .90 and 1.0, you'll be surprised. Then compare with the parachute fitted.
  24. Oh no not this! Actually it's easy to fix but requires you to edit your registry, you need to find "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Squad\KSPLauncher" and edit or delete "Screenmanager Resolution Height" and "Screenmanager Resolution Width" If you change them to decimal you can set the resolution manually. Please back up your registry first before making any changes though.
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