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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Still? Maybe it's unable to find the server, the same issue exists for the store, if you can't access the store and just see the site in maintenance mode you'll need to change to Googles IPv4 DNS servers. Even if the patcher still fails you'll be able to download the KSP installer or the full game zip file.
  2. I don't think so, KSP doesn't use it at least, just the graphics driver.
  3. Hmm, that sounds familiar, I think I've seen something similar to that but on AMD hardware, and with their experimental driver, the current stable driver at the time was fine though. This should be the correct driver for you.
  4. We need the game logs, this could be caused by anything, please see the support stickies
  5. Please see the support stickies, they give info on the logs for each platform I also suggest not using the settings.cfg from .90, and testing a new save.
  6. The Nvidia should still be the card detected in dxdiag, you mention having the latest driver but there may have been an issue when installing it. With Windows I was always told to uninstall the driver, reboot, install the new driver and reboot again, failing to reboot prevents the driver installing correctly.
  7. That's a shame Stone Blue, KSP should just work on an *buntu system with the proprietary driver, though you'd need mesa:i386 to run KSP.x86 on an x86_64 OS. But the programs are more important then the OS we use sometimes.
  8. Also, apparently, right clicking the Kerbal shortcut is supposed to give the option to run with the Nvidia (no idea if this works). Update: More info on your issue.
  9. Okay, everything seemed to point to either the Nvidia graphics driver not being installed / old, or the current powersave setting isn't set correctly and is not letting you use the Nvidia. But, it turns out this may be a Unity issue, please see here. Although this does not account for your dxdiag, which should detect the Nvidia.
  10. The "engine" is just the nozzle, mass was moved to improve accuracy, to better simulate the position of the actual engine.
  11. Can you post the dxiag log though? There is an option to save the info.
  12. Okay, can you run dxdiag and check your graphics card is active ?
  13. Hiya, the server should be fixed but there were DNS issues, you may have to try changing to the Google IPv4 DNS servers on and http://pcsupport.about.com/od/browsers/f/change-dns-server.htm
  14. Hmm, it's been ages since I had to mess with Windows run box, can you add " -adapter 1" without quotes to the target box of a shortcut to KSP ? Also I think it's "C:\Games\KSP_win\KSP.exe -adapter 1"
  15. Can you post the logs please DocMoriarty, there should be an error in there.
  16. This may help: One card may be adapter 0 and the other 1, can't hurt to try.
  17. This is caused by pulse-audio, which can be killed (it restarts itself) in the task manager. It can occur at random and the longer you leave KSP running the greater the chance that it will occur, there's no fix to pulse that I am aware of but running KSP with "padsp KSP.x86" may prevent it from occurring (not fully tested) by forcing OSS mode.
  18. Hi rhylbom, please see the support stickies and provide your game logs, no one else seems to be getting this
  19. Can you please provide pics and a craft file, the gear should be fine.
  20. Yikes, I know this one, it's a failure to load assets and it's been in KSP since 0.16, there's never been a lead on a fix, but restarting KSP clears it. Thankfully it's not very common, I have had this bug maybe 5 or 6 times since I started playing in 2012
  21. Hi Ronnleuk, no ideas on the FPS issue, can you post your logs please, see the support stickies for info. The unboxed solar panels are one shot now, to differentiate them from the more expensive model. Re-entry is possible but yeah it's harder, try airbrakes or drag chutes to help slow you down so you're not burning for as long, also a shallower approach. SAS is a bit badly tuned so will keep firing the RCS, best used sparingly or turn RCS off and use other means to stabilize the craft until you're in space. Hope this helps.
  22. I honestly don't know, the only times I look are when there's issues like this, and I can't run the Unity editor so never needed to file an issue
  23. It's detecting the wrong card, the Nvidia may be disabled either in the bios or in the powersave options, lots of laptops with Nvidia or AMD cards have an Intel as well specifically for non-gaming/extended battery life.
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