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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. So how about changing electric charge to have a non-zero mass instead, like the MechJeb AR-202 ?
  2. You shouldn't need texture compression on an unmodded install unless you're running a lot of other programs that are using your RAM, I did hear of a stack decoupler crash recently though and I was able to reproduce it with the craft file provided, but only with that craft. Are you having an issue with all craft or just some? What about on a new save?
  3. As long as you don't accidentally start KSP.x86_64 without LC_ALL=C you'll be fine, the problem is that some system languages use . and , differently to English, which Unity expects by default. The C in LC_ALL=C is for Posix, which works and all Linux distros have as it's in the kernel
  4. I thought you could not have a single resource engine because KSP was programmed to have two inputs minimum, that's why you can't have a LV-N run on liquid fuel alone. Okay you can shut up now guys. Mass in a computer game is just a number anyway I wonder if you can have an engine consume two of the same resource?
  5. Hi SomeoneElse, I'm no OSX guy but I'm pretty sure if you're seeing breakpoints and malloc errors then you've got a serious problem, possibly hardware or the OS itself. Can you give us more information on your system please.
  6. Ahh yes I see it now, the probe dies with the Ion drive still on and X is not enough to stop it. But I have found a workaround, you can still right click the Xenon tanks and stop the flow, this stops the drive and your probe recharges. Setting the thrust limiter to zero can also do it but is less reliable, it took time and mashing WASD for the engine to stop drawing electric charge this way.
  7. Okay, not reproducible in 32bit Linux, the satellites load up not-tumbling, they recharge, throttle is off, xenon is not being consumed, SAS is functioning, everything seems fine. Oh dear, Lhathron is right but I assumed THX1138 tried that.
  8. Seems to be working for me, throttle is zero and it's charging normally, I can exit to the space center so it's not the save. Could this be another Windows x64 bug?
  9. Sun tracking does not use power though, the only thing on there that I can see that would use your power is the Ion drive, but your throttle looks like it's at zero. Make sure it is by pressing X though.
  10. Are you using KSP.x86_64 ? I think you are, then you need to know that the LC_ALL=C fix for non-English languages failed to be applied to the x64 binary build. You'll need to delete settings.cfg again and start KSP from the terminal with "LC_ALL=C ./KSP.x86_64" Or if using Steam, "LC_ALL=C %command%_64" in the start options. Or make a text file in the KSP folder containing: And make that executable.
  11. Hi deinemuttr, you can upgrade your tracking station and mission control, or try the rendezvous guide in my signature below, it's very useful for this sort of thing You just need a higher or lower orbit, a few tens of KM difference is fine, then wait till your target gets within range, raise/lower your orbit to match and wait.
  12. Welcome to the forums Ossha Here's a few pointers, burn prograde at Mun rise till your Apoapsis is about to the Muns altitude, then burn retrograde at the Muns Periapsis to get a circular orbit. Then lower your Periapsis to about 10km, at Peri, burn retrograde again to deorbit, and watch your speed as you descend, you really want to be down to below 30m/s by the time you see your shadow. Slowly descend the rest of the way, land at less than 10m/s and ideally less than 5. Good luck
  13. I heard this is planned to be tweakable, we'll see what happens in 0.91
  14. Hi gmalick, I think it uses Tahoma or something like that, but usually this means your font cache is corrupt, most other programs will just default to something else so you don't notice. You can try clearing the font cache with these steps. If that does not work you may just not have the fonts, you can usually get around this by installing the Arial and ArialBold true type fonts which you can find in the Linux thread here
  15. It might require a new career yes, are you using any addons? Some addons seem to trigger this but we don't know exactly what yet. You'll see null reference errors in the Alt+F2 debug log in KSP, and in both your KSP.log and output_log.txt, the last file can also point to what caused it but I'm guessing it's looking for the SciScenario module which is not stock. You're likely already running x32 so starting KSP.exe won't help, and career is broken in x64. Your logs would help with this, I'm moving this to support, you'll see links in my signature to both stock and modded support threads which will tell you where to find your logs.
  16. Ahh that's the KSP launcher, not Steam, and even that will start the 32bit version of KSP by default as the 64bit version is buggy and experimental. One way for you to check is to start a carer game, if your buildings look like they are fully upgraded and the same as in sandbox, you're playing KSPx64, if they look like this you are playing on 32 bit. From the pic you linked it looks like you are suffering from a bug that can hit people who have removed addons that change career, or you need the fix here.
  17. Not stupid at all, in KSP press F1, outside of KSP it's usually the printscreen key, you can upload images to imgur.com
  18. I've no idea on how you'd set up Nvidia Geforce Experience to run it, but if you open the folder that contains the game you can use the KSP.exe to start the 32bit version. Surely you can edit it in Nvidia Geforce Experience to make it run the regular exe ?
  19. I forget what it is called, "run options" or something, but seeing as you don't know it you're likely not even using 64bit, how do you know you are on 64bit? Can you post your KSP.log please, it's in the game folder. Edit: It's in properties right click on KSP in the client, select the general tab and click on "Set launch options"
  20. Right, I thought you might be, unless modified the Steam client will start the 32bit version anyway and you can verify this in your KSP.log or just by starting a career game and looking at the buildings. If you did change it you need to remove what you added to the special options box in the Steam client for KSP
  21. Well, actually it's not very simple as we don't know what OS you use, whether you are on Steam or even if your PC is 64bit, you may not be able to use it at all Edit: Oh wait, from, well if you are using the store copy just run the KSP.exe or equivalent, if on Steam you are automatically already using the 32bit version unless you changed it yourself and if that's the case you can just change it back
  22. I find them to be pretty easy money, just get up to speed then hold your throttle till you reach the right altitude and run the test, it's trickier with SRB's but other than that it's a good way to earn some funds early on
  23. I actually dislike both terms, I think the word Biome caught on thanks to Minecraft, but I'd just call them 'regions'
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