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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Reinstall, or validate your files in Steam, then restart KSP, if the issue persists then please see the stickied threads.
  2. Please see the stickies on what info you need to provide, we cannot diagnose this issue without more information, sorry.
  3. -force-opengl is a Unity3D issue, not supported by Squad, please see the Unity forums for help. The Mk3 cockpit simply does not have an IVA at this time, sorry.
  4. Slight mismatch between visible terrain and collider, not unusual and not a bug sorry.
  5. Issues caused by the -force-opengl or the -force-dx11 command line arguments are Unity's responsibility unfortunately, there is nothing we can do except advise that they are not used.
  6. No idea, it sounds like an issue with your card and driver rather than KSP though, you could try setting the resolution in KSP manually by editing the settings.cfg DSR mode sounds like all it's doing is interpolating your screen anyway.
  7. I suggest you delete your settings.cfg in the KSP folder and try again
  8. Post the contents to pastebin.com then the url here, if it's really long though it's probably full of null reference errors.
  9. This can happen to large craft if you have too much reaction wheel power, SAS seems unable to settle and I suspect it's just a tuning issue. Regex made a PID controller some time ago that might be able to help with this, other than that all we can do is wait for 0.91, and remember to change the SAS mode from directionhold to stability assist.
  10. That's the delta timer Elrohir44, there's a control for it in the settings screen and you do not want it high unless you have an absolute beat of a PC, what you are seeing is also normal for this game. Rather than have the game stutter and become uncontrollable, time is slowed on weaker PC's. You may need to check for driver updates, if on a laptop make sure it's not on a powersave mode, or just upgrade. Seeing as you are using a non-gaming laptop you may find it's just a little weak for KSP, see the stickied posts for info on how to get your system specs.
  11. Make sure to check out the stickies, we need more info on this. Specifically screenshots showing the issue and exactly where the contract is for, it won't be the first time someone took a Minmus contract and thought it was at Kerbin.
  12. PPFX is very new and experimental, unless it's improved before .91 it may be best for Squad to set it off by default :/
  13. Or use the on-screen keyboard, that will let you get around this until you fix your F12/buy a new keyboard
  14. Um, no, that is correct, you do not get extra points for more flights, you get 1xp for the first successful flight with that Kerbal.
  15. I've had this a few times with the tier two pad, though only with one rocket, sometimes the Unity engine thinks a part (vessel) is deep enough in another part (launchpad) that it doesn't know the vessel should be able to easily move away. At lest that's what it seems like.
  16. Moved to development discussion. I don't know for sure, but I think it's just because the two systems just do things differently and use memory in different ways.
  17. That's good to hear shivrod, and thanks to you we now know one more possible cause for graphics issues, misconfigured graphics
  18. We have no idea what you are doing to start the game bpsbandit, or why you assume it's on 64bit when the default is 32 unless you are clicking the KSPx64.exe And if you are doing that, maybe, don't?
  19. Spoilers need names here, strange but true, so the first part has to be
  20. Yep, it's a career thing, you do not have that ability until you have both flight planning and orbit projection
  21. Hey it'd be no fun if it were easy to fly now would it? This thread seems more like a "I can't fly this, help" thread now, so I'll move it to gameplay questions.
  22. Three pages in and all we know is that shivrod has a "Windows 7 computer", but what does that even mean here? shivrod, you may not have a graphics card that can render shadows, or your driver may be old or nonexistant, please see the sticky threads in this section as we will need a lot more info. Right now all we're doing is chasing shadows...
  23. Only idea now is to try to narrow it down, if you still have the issue with that savegame on a new install then it's possible the save itself is corrupt, you could start a new save and cheat your way to seeing those contracts using the Alt+F12 debug options.
  24. I think this was the one, I have heard elsewhere that it may be responsible for breaking the icons fineprint uses, but that should not effect the orbits themselves. But then again who can be totally sure? This may require more than just removal of mods to fix, it may require a re-install :/
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