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Everything posted by hebdomad

  1. Unlimited range. +1000m/s average speed. No fuel. I\'ll make a video flying there, but I\'m too tired from making this one... http://youtu.be/Pc68sARkm4A
  2. Today I am very proud no announce the Jetmaster Infini glide car! No need for engines, this baby includes the latest in infini glide nanotechnology for astonishing results! You\'ll never want to fly or drive the same way ever again! Drive and fly forever, buy the Jetmaster Infini glide car Today! (emergency parachutes not included) http://youtu.be/Pc68sARkm4A *breaking news* With every model we do we normally we reserve a special edition just for Jebediah Kerman. He has however allowed us to release it to the general public! Also included is the Jetmaster Nike vertical launch scout aircraft! (put in the VAB!) (emergency parachutes not included) Here is video of a modified version of the Nike that\'s a bit slower but includes a parachute. Flew it to KSP 2 in about 20min... http://youtu.be/cqegrbWOpwU
  3. The spike engine is always a pain... Putting engines on in the SPH is a pain. Remove the wings, turn off symmetry, click lots! ... remember to put the wings back on. Keep your nose up about 20 degrees, keep ASAS on till you enter a thicker part of the atmosphere. Make sure you still have some jet fuel and apply a small amount of thrust to give yourself some forward momentum. If you lose control and go into a spin, don\'t panic. Activate ASAS, apply some throttle, wait till you straighten out, pull up slowly... or eject and glide back to Kerbin.
  4. It was actually reversed engineered from silent_prtoagonist\'s 'Daedalus' and a few other space planes on the forums. The low wing design, fuel management, wheel placement, and control surfaces where not to my liking so I Improved them to be more newbie friendly. The Daedalus also lacked safety features so I added my custom ejection system.
  5. You\'ll have to fit those missiles yourself. There is plenty of room on the wings to do that. Here is the jet...
  6. Depends what your mission is... Right now I can throw in free leather seats, premium sound system, and keyless entry... It\'s that or I throw in a free low altitude jet fighter...
  7. Developed for the K - Prize, the Jetmaster Aether was designed from the ground up to be ultra stable, safe, reliable and low cost single stage to orbit space plane solution. Although it did not win any major prizes, it still stands as a great platform for new pilots to get their feet wet into orbit... It\'s also a great example to base your own designs if your stuck making your own space planes. The Jetmaster Aether includes advanced safety features such as cockpit ejection with advanced dual parachute para-glide landing system as standard. Other features include advanced SAS for hands free flying, and parachutes for landing for short unprepared runways (mid air flight reprogramming required). http://youtu.be/kbg62yGbg_0 We are now taking orders for immediate delivery. Given enough demand, custom orders will be made available. 8)
  8. I made one with a similar set up. http://youtu.be/5-nTwIznBKI Landing legs are not the best things to grab spent boosters though. It takes a lot of skill to knock them out of orbit. Here\'s the craft file as well.. (it\'s a newer model with some slight improvements to the old one in the video though)
  9. After some hefty R&D, a pilot strike and some new safety regulations, I am proud to announce the Jetmaster Aether. - Features Very stable, a dream to fly. Safe to fly to about an 80km orbit. Plenty of fuel to find and land on your favourite runway. Ejection system in the likely unlikely event of an emergency. I\'ll post a Youtube video of it\'s test flight later... *Edit* Video is up http://youtu.be/kbg62yGbg_0
  10. I\'ve researched this at my final year at university, so listen up. Give credit where credit is due. So leave links to the KSP website and anything that\'s not your work. From a legal side it\'s kind of a grey area. A lot of people have monitize \'let\'s plays\' and have earned a living off it, but that\'s normally a deal with YouTube and the Let\'s player. Firstly you have to have enough views to make it worth while. Youtube won\'t even consider it unless you have the numbers under your belt. From a developers perspective, it\'s more like free advertising. Do be warned though, it\'s never happened from memory but developers and publishers do have the right to send cease and desist orders, so don\'t be a jerk about it. Also the most popular \'let\'s player\'s play a wide variety of games. Their options, views, and personality are the content, not necessarily the game they play. YouTube won\'t give you a cent if it\'s just game play with music over the top. Have a look at Youtubes partners program here to learn more about it. http://www.youtube.com/yt/creators/partner.html What will get you into trouble however is selling merchandise with copyrighted material you don\'t own. So putting KSP graphics on T-shirts with your name on it is a big No no... Hope that helps.
  11. Damn... well there goes my one and only SSTO that might have parts 'accidently' fall off...
  12. I got 204m/s with stock parts. I can\'t keep the thing from flipping out though...
  13. Craft files would be nice by the end of this challenge. Making space planes is hard! making SSTO space plane is extra hard. Can\'t wait to see what people come up with... One question. Vertical launches are perfectly ok right?
  14. And we are in orbit! Hopefully the rest of the mission goes just as well. What time will SpaceX dock at the ISS? *Edit* 10:05 am I guess it\'s time to practice parking the Dragon before they try parking it for real at the ISS...
  15. Watching the stream now. Hopefully it finally gets off the launch pad this time. T- minus One hour!
  16. I think you should wait until space planes are fixed until you launch any more space planes. I\'ve only managed to make one that kinda works but it still wants to kill its crew half the time (PM me if you want it). I would hate to see any more kerbals die on their first flights. But if you do persist maybe include some kind of ejection system into the space plane... maybe then we\'ll get some kerbals home with some flight history. Oh and I can\'t wait for your next patrol in silent hunter.
  17. Hopefully your right on that one. I\'ve also heard that aerodynamics are in for an overhaul, so for now I\'m going to stay clear of the Space Plane Hanger until it\'s fixed. This also includes putting space planes on rockets in the VAB... Because that\'s even more messed up.
  18. (I\'ve said this before but I\'ll help you out anyway) Ok here are a few tips that might help. 1. Landing gear location. This is surprisingly important. Think of your aircraft as one big sea-saw. If you put your rear wheels at the very back, it\'s going to be near impossible for the elevators to \'lever\' the nose up. The best location for your rear wheels is just behind your aircraft centre of lift (just behind the wings). It DOES mean you have a risk of destroying your tail if you get over excited with your take off, but that\'s an issue with real world aircraft too... 2. Keep your aircraft balanced. Unfortunately while burning fuel your weight will shift. As a rule of thumb, it\'s better to be nose heavy than tail heavy. 3. Don\'t bother with ailerons! but do put rudders and elevators on your aircraft. Your command module will roll fine without ailerons anyway and thanks to the code in KSP your \'elevators\' will also do the work of the ailerons for your... And one last thing... Have a free jet fighter/stunt plane! You might need a joystick or be really good with a keyboard to fly this jet, but it\'s a lot of fun (SAS and hitting capslock is recommended!)
  19. I don\'t think weight balance is the issue here but I\'ll give the regular SAS a go. Also, I think I might have to do some recording and research so I can give some feed back to Squad on this issue. It shouldn\'t be as hard as it is. KSP does not care about aerodynamics so you should be able to put any lumpy brick into orbit. Rockets I can do. Aircraft are easy too. It\'s just putting that aircraft on top of that rocket that\'s all being too difficult. So at this stage, trying to put a shuttle into orbit is like trying to wash a feral zombie cat by hand...
  20. Ok here are a few tips that might help. 1. Landing gear location. This is surprisingly important. Think of your aircraft as one big sea-saw. If you put your rear wheels at the very back, it\'s going to be near impossible for the elevators to \'lever\' the nose up. The best location for your rear wheels is just behind your aircraft centre of lift (just behind the wings). It DOES mean you have a risk of destroying your tail if you get over excited with your take off, but that\'s an issue with real world aircraft too... 2. Keep your aircraft balanced. Unfortunately while burning fuel your weight will shift. As a rule of thumb, it\'s better to be nose heavy than tail heavy. 3. Don\'t bother with ailerons! but do put rudders and elevators on your aircraft. Your command module will roll fine without ailerons anyway and thanks to the code in KSP your \'elevators\' will also do the work of the ailerons for your... And one last thing... Have a free jet fighter/stunt plane! You might need a joystick or be really good with a keyboard to fly this jet, but it\'s a lot of fun (SAS and hitting capslock is recommended!)
  21. I\'m not trying to make THE space shuttle. > That\'s not my style anyway, plus the SRB in KSP don\'t burn long enough anyway... My issue is putting a space plane into orbit using a rocket and launching verticality. I have one design that kinda works. It still attempts to destroy itself at every possible moment though... even if Jeb is not flying.
  22. After some testing it seems the control surfaces on the shuttle are messing with the rocket. I wished I could turn them off until I needed them because that would save a lot of hassle here. So it\'s either I have a flyable shuttle on a rocket that will want to flip out, or a flyable rocket with a shuttle I can\'t fly. Also, I also wished that KSP had dedicated aileron, rudder, elevator, and flap control surfaces. This would make control surfaces clear and not conflict with each other. Because of this I don\'t put ailerons on my aircraft because the mess with my elevators. No wonder I\'ve been struggling and cursing the physics. :\'(
  23. I\'ve been trying to make a space shuttle but I can never get the thing into orbit. Tests on the ground and lower atmosphere go fine but as soon as I strap a large rocket to it, things just go horribly wrong. Is there anything I\'m forgetting to do here? *edit* This is the only shuttle I can get into orbit (landed it once). Anything else just wants to tear itself apart. The ship attached is still highly experimental... so expect explosions... The issue lies in not being able to temporally disable control surfaces.
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