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Posts posted by drZuko

  1. Greetings!

    First off, I commend the team for this amazing mod; the look, the feel, everything was phenomenally developed.


    Second, I couldn't help but notice that there is a distinct line between the day and night side of planets such as Gael and Tellumo, which I don't seem to notice on let's say, Niven, Hadrian, or Augustus (just to name a few bodies). So my question is: is it not possible to create a seamless color gradient between the day and night sides for these planets? Cheers :) 

  2. 11 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    Is it possible you disabled the logging?

    Now that you mention it, this might well be the case. When launching a fresh install, error logging is an option in a small window on the main menu screen (there's a little green light next to it and some other option), yes? If so, then if I recall correctly, I may well have disabled the option.

  3. 2 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    Well, no need for now, since I can reporoduce it, but still a puzzle.

    Did you search the entire disk?

    Glad to hear that it's reproducible.

    I did. Heck, I vainly searched all of my disks just to be sure.

  4. 2 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    If you are 32 bit, then the log would be in KSP_Data

    Right, that's what I thought, but upon scouring both folders I haven't come across an output_log.txt file.

    6 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    Are you running fusebox, by any chance?

    I am not.

  5. 1 minute ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    Any chance you are running 32 bit?

    I shouldn't be. I'm launching out of CKAN and have this in the command line: KSP_x64.exe -single-instance. I have a x64 shortcut on the desktop as well and have been launching from it on occasion. Even if I did run in x32, I would see a log file in the regular KSP_Data folder, wouldn't I?

  6. 49 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    What is your edit of the ejectDirection intended to fix?

    I thought it would somehow mitigate the collisions by immediately forcing the Kerbal out and to the side of the cockpit, but after experimenting it seems that this change in ejectDirection values does nothing in this specific scenario.

    Here is a video of the issue:



    For whatever reason, I cannot seem to find my output_log.txt, having even done searches of my full drive to make sure that I am not blind. It seems like it's not even being produced; it should reside in my KSP_x64_Data folder, correct?

  7. 8 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    Log file and video, please

    This won't be necessary. After doing some experimentation and critical thinking, I deduced that the issue doesn't lie within this mod, but rather within the part.cfg file of the external command seat itself.

    For those like @Daniel Prates interested in resolving this as well:

    GameData\Squad\Parts\Command\externalCommandSeat\externalCommandSeat.cfg -> Open with a text editor.

    Under MODULE, you will see this line: ejectDirection = 0, 1, 0.2 [xz, y]. This line allows you to manipulate the ejection direction and magnitude imparted on the Kerbal. Personally, I reduced y to 0.1 and z to 0, which finally allowed me to make compact VTOL transport shuttles. 

    I hope this helps :)

    EDIT: While what I posted is still valid for those wanting to resolve the same issue, I realized that my response is to a completely different issue all together. I'll produce a log file and video soon, @linuxgurugamer I do suspect, however, that this may have something to do with the ejection configuration, so I'll make amendments to the Lark's part.cfg file first to see whether or not that fixes the issue.

  8. Thank you for continuing the development of this mod. As an astronomy student, this mod is a must have :)

    As I understand it, the functionality of these telescopes is restricted to the [HKO] vicinity of Kerbin. Out of curiosity, is it possible make these telescopes function on Kerbin or is it practically impossible? I've already built a replica LBT, housing two FungEye telescopes; but, due to the high-orbit requirement for functionality, sadly, all it can serve as is a nice aesthetic prop for now :/

  9. I am trying to build an observatory (specifically, I am replicating the LBT in Arizona), but I am encountering some funkiness, post-launch, when I try to open the shutters or rotate the telescopes. Here is an annotated video displaying the phenomena:

    When playing around in the editor, everything moves without error which leads me to believe that it's the physics simulation that's causing these issues, but I am not entirely sure. Am I missing something here?

    Also, I was initially wanting to place the shutters on a gantry, but I cannot seem to find the parts. That is, I know that there is a gantry in the legacy pack, but I thought that the truss and railing parts were the reworked replacements for the legacy gantry. Was I wrong to presume this? If so, what purpose do these truss and rail parts serve? 


  10. 3 hours ago, memeconnoiseur said:

    I have a problem where when I put a robotic part on two sides of a craft in mirror mode they move in opposite directions.

    does anyone know how to fix this?

    Taking the rotatron as an example, all you have to do is simply invert one part's rotational axis. You can achieve this by right clicking on the part and selecting the "Invert Axis" option.


    Can anyone else confirm what seems to be a bug for me, which is that whenever I load the Meadowlark with two Kerbals from the crew assignment screen, upon spawning on the runway, both Kerbals spawn out of their seats and violently collide with the interior of the cockpit. If I launch with only one Kerbal in the Meadowlark, then this problem doesn't exist.

  12. 2 hours ago, Galileo said:

    Use the no shadow cfg. Link in the OP. Be warned though, you will now have cloud shadows.

    Please see the OP for how to get support for SVE.


    All is working well on my end now. I'm unsure as to what was causing an issue, but I redownloaded and my visuals now replicate those of Red Stapler's. Also, I have read the OP and will remember to follow proper procedure should any further problems arise. Thank you for your continued work! Everything looks stunning :D

  13. I'm seeing the breathtaking visuals some of you people are displaying in your screenshots and then I look at my game and don't see anything similar. Am I installing something wrong or am I forgetting to install something? I'm installing the mod manually, dragging and dropping just like the instructions say. It looks better than stock, but it still looks stock-ish without any flare or depth. In other words, I'm not getting the atmospherics.

  14. 18 hours ago, hraban said:

    Yes, I am currently using an older KSP version (1.3.1) for the creation of KVV Blueprints. As a developer, one learns first: Preserve a running system at least as long as really everything in the new version runs without errors and keep it still longer. :wink:
    The status of KVV can be tracked at any time on GitHub. There is no really running version for KSP 1.2.1 yet.

    Remark: Do not make a bad face when a mod you like is still not running. Try to do everything to support the modders!

    I appreciate your explanation, thank you. For the record, I didn't intend for that face to come off as a face of frustration, but rather as a face of confusion. Though it may be frustrating at times to not have everything up to date, I completely understand the amount of work that goes into modding and so I have nothing but the utmost respect and gratitude for the people who take time out of their lives to provide us free content :)

  15. On 6/29/2016 at 9:26 PM, xaj1x said:

    Theirs been a problem I installed all the mods needed for this mod and so when I go into my Mk1 Inline cockpit it doesn't work at all it still views as the regular vanilla parts.



    I too have this issue, but reversed. The inline cockpit has all of your bits and bobs, but the regular cockpit has the stock vanilla interior... I do have module manager.

  16. Greetings!

    Just installed KSP fresh after a hiatus. I've installed the bread and butter graphics mods known as scatterer, SVE, Planetshine and TextureReplacer. Everything looks gorgeous except for one minor, OCD triggering detail:

    I haven't a clue as to why these, for lack of a better term, "light boxes" are popping up; well, maybe I do, but the only two things that come to mind are either shenanigans within the code of EVE or scatterer, or a possible mod conflict. Either way, I am at a loss as to how to resolve this issue.

    Have any of you encountered a similar anomaly? If so then any tips or instructions on how to remedy this would be greatly appreciated ^_^

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