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LTL King

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Everything posted by LTL King

  1. https://prnt.sc/V7fi8DVjuIre

    I just know how to deal with these new generations.

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    1. LTL King

      LTL King

      I've been stuck in tutorials for a long time. Yrs.
      I understand how it works. Commands variables, ect
      Structuring it?

      I recently reloaded up KSP. Got RP1 and was watching a series using KOS and gave their files.
      Suggested to watch a couple people. CheersKevin is the only person I've seen that throws you into and shows practical application.

      Although I tried to make a failed to ignite  engine cutoff on launch and an auto deploy payload from launch at apo.
      It took me about 3-4 days of videos and another 6+ hours of staring at it and got a little help from a couple people.
      Still trying to figure out how to shutdown the engine but got the auto deploy part working. Somehow it now launches to the west and after a minute if finally turns back.

      I just don't get some people. They have no willingness to try new things.

    2. HebaruSan


      Between the two of you, "Zamu" seems to have a much better understanding of the situation than you do. The points about adding repositories and updating the client are indeed crucial. You should consider listening more carefully and humbly when you talk to that person, you might learn a lot.

    3. LTL King

      LTL King

      He has a mod mod installer that is required to install about 10 mods. He states he can't get people to download it  because it triggers anitvirus software.
      I asked in a general discord for mod talk and he replied.
      However its all excuses about creating it would take 6+ months to do and he doesn't have time.
      1. If your refusing to do something posted in general post.
      Then just don't reply.
      2. Most of the work as already been done. So it's been shortened up.
      3. If something like ckan was made for other games that have a lot of mods. That gets people interested in to make it easier to just click a few buttons and start playing. There will be help.
      Just ask and say this is taking a lot of my time. Either your going to have to find another solution or help out.
      It's their game too.
      4. It's a multiplayer game with single player support. However it's a pain to go through mods.
      I joined a game and it took 3 hours to install a list of mods just to play the game.
      If you want to join a different game. You have to go back through and completely remove the mods from the folders install another set of mods.

      There are plenty of mods for it. The mods are fun but it's just a pain find and install them. Also not all the mods are in the same place.
      Those that use his mod mgr are not on major sites. He made the mods as well.
      That's probably his biggest reason to not integrate a better solution to a mod mgr.
      CKAN is a manager. Not an allow mod to play. 
      Another thing is there are 3 different so called mod mgr's that claim to be a mgr in order to play with mods depending on the mod themselves. All they do is unzip the folders for you, authorize it and 1 gives an ingame overlay.
      There's a few that conflict with each other.

      There's just so many problems with his and the other 2 "allow mod to play" programs that make many people not want to play with as many mods as there are.

      I never said it wouldn't take a little time and there would be no maintenance. However the excuses after excuses.
      They tell everyone
      You never know if you'll like it until you try it.
      Stop coming up with excuses and start doing.

      I've been trying to figure out coding for yrs, even with my learning disability. I'm not giving up on it. Just gotta find a way that works best for me to learn.
      However, sigh, facepalm. Kids. Stop coming up with excuses as to why you can't just because you don't want to.
      Say you don't want to or just ignore it. I can accept that.

  2. After awhile I found a folder. CKAN-1.34.4\Core\Games Creating a new file is the base of it and netkan does the heavy lifting. Is there much more than creating a new file. I found a thread on github about an igame interface. Is that what's needed? Where would I get the interface? Is it an application or the file where you put all your information in?
  3. How would someone go about making it work for other games? Those link go to updates. Not to instructions on what files to look at. There's to many files to go through to even start trying to figure it out or something I could give to someone who knows more about coding and have them work on it. Would need something to show them to just use this.
  4. There's plenty of extra here. It's mostly notes to see what's going on while the code runs. Find out where the code is at. I'm still trying to understand code structure. I'm trying to figure out how to shutdown the engine and stop the launch if the engine fails in any way. I can't find an example of how to activate or shutdown an engine global function shut { SET voice to getVoice(0). SET voiceTickNote to NOTE(480, 0.1). SET voiceTakeOffNote to NOTE(720, 0.5). clearScreen. list engines. print " ". list Resources. //set engine:35451629920 a4. print "locking throttle". lock throttle to 1. wait 1. print "locking attitde control". SAS off. LOCK STEERING to UP + R(0, 0, 180). wait 1. print "5". voice:PLAY(voiceTickNote). wait 1. print "Ignition" at (5,3). stage. print "4". PRINT "Thrust 1 " + round (ship:maxthrust, 3). print "Avail th " + round (ship:AVAILABLETHRUST, 3). voice:PLAY(voiceTickNote). wait 1. print "3". PRINT "Thrust 2 " + round (ship:thrust, 3). voice:PLAY(voiceTickNote). wait 1. print "2". PRINT "Thrust 3 " + round (ship:maxthrust, 3). voice:PLAY(voiceTickNote). wait 1. print "1". PRINT "Thrust 4 " + round (ship:thrust, 3). shu(). function shu { if ship:maxthrust * 0.9 > AVAILABLETHRUST * 0.8 { PRINT "Thrust not achived to launch". Print "Shutting down engine". } //else { //print "Go for launch". // } //} // voice:PLAY(voiceTakeOffNote). // stage. print "Launch" at (5,6). wait 1. PRINT "Thrust 3 ". wait 1. PRINT "Thrust 2 ". wait 1. PRINT "Thrust 1 ". wait 1. } }
  5. version I'm getting an error at line 1. Yes the debug file is there. Even if I remove runpath it still gets and error at line 1. What the code looks like. https://prnt.sc/dMQQI8u8nNZq What is happening https://prnt.sc/EXNiNUhXjuGg https://prnt.sc/aK-RQi13rVXx
  6. I don't know what I'm looking for in all of that. Everything those pages shows has something to do with different game saves of KSP. I don't know how to write out an entire page of code. I only understand how it works and types of commands. Getting them to do something is completely different.
  7. How would 1 go about doing that? I've tried to code but I'm stuck in tutorial mode. I learn better hands on. I would appreciate anyone who is able to do it. I'll help but it will be a learning experience for me. Understanding how code works and actually making it all work together are a different story.
  8. Contributors HebaruSan and JackOfHertz Or the original creator of CKAN. There's a lot of other games that don't have a good mod mgr like CKAN. Other mod mgrs are required and CKAN just assists mods. Is it possible to make this compatible with other games.
  9. The last stage before the engine gets ejected and MJ with current settings will not show mass when there is no engine attached. The 1st stage with 3sec is boosters that you don't see. So the 78T avi is controlling from 74T-15T
  10. I redesigned my upper stage with the AJ10. I can't add any more DV to it. I removed the htp all rcs and the solar panels. Still didn't reduce the weight by much and 500 less DV than what you have. https://prnt.sc/nJmd2wymrVYk For some reason I had 2 avionics in there. Gave me another 400~ https://prnt.sc/jp1Cha3jclPv New stats. https://prnt.sc/vA21E9Hou_9C Another 616
  11. Just hit ok and the parts that your game has will still load. I do have avionics and connection. I've been following along with a simple space program. I over built with making sure I have more AVI than needed. I can upgrade the engine, use the same tanks, and add payload later. https://prnt.sc/FmX6QwLfDCH1 Your craft 1st result https://prnt.sc/o6WDK0zxi1Oy
  12. You wanna narrow down the list. None of these have descriptions, tech tree info, capabilities. At least with curse you can filter by mod. Kerbalx you can look at the picture and most people are kind enough to add a description. I've been on discord. https://prnt.sc/Zyw-olKeBFdc
  13. Download the craft. If parts don't load because you don't have that mod. That's fine. I used every RCS there is in the parts list.. Still no RCS control. Make sure I have ..... https://prnt.sc/M8SSsxwclCBg
  14. I can almost get it to 300K Peri orbit but just a little shy. It has gotten to orbit but the peri sinks before I get there. I'm sure it's possible but has to be perfect turn. I added RCS and gyro to the probe to allow me to circle around to apo and push up the peri. I can't get any RCS or Gyro to work. I moved it under 2nd stage thinking it was a fuel transfer issue. Tried using action tab as well. https://prnt.sc/G7r5stuwh0g5 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2813107545 https://prnt.sc/YBw4F2F1X6Wx https://prnt.sc/toMUW0ZEqPH3 https://prnt.sc/vNhLX4zDJUwA I just want to get 1st orbit powered and 1st science done.
  15. I selected ship manifest on the stock toolbar and the help menu would not go away. Right click left click. Open close the manifest. Nothing works
  16. How do you resize and reorganize items on the stock toolbar
  17. Where is it and I don't have a resizable chute. https://prnt.sc/SEerlXaETm5X
  18. Where's the aerobee chute. https://prnt.sc/RKwcLT736kf4
  19. I need an inline chute and I can't find the aerobee chute pack in parts or tech tree. Is it in a different mod? https://prnt.sc/YBw4F2F1X6Wx https://prnt.sc/toMUW0ZEqPH3 https://prnt.sc/vNhLX4zDJUwA
  20. So the most current version of RP1 and dependencies works with 1.12....? I got it to work but would I be able to get KSP 1.2-1.5-1.6-1.7... Preferably to get 1.9. Bugs features ect. Where's the best place to get craft files. Kerbalx-No. Steam-No. Curse-No Not that many uploads RP1 files. I'm not asking for a solution. Just if I'm struggling something in each node unlocked to allow me to modify it a little and make it do what I need. I stopped the last time at passing by the moon and couldn't find any good craft files for 1st moon interactions up through Saturn V. The tech tree doesn't allow to get Saturn parts when your running out of money to get contracts to get the science.
  21. If I have v1.9 but rp1 says it will only work up to 1.12.3 Why should I allow ksp to update to most current non beta version?
  22. Is that the most current version with RP1? How do I get that version? https://prnt.sc/zo6hLzPLStCU
  23. I have been trying to new install of RSS. RP1/0 I can't get it to work. I've tried many versions; Most recent KSP, 1.12, 1.11, 1.2.3, 1.1.3 and a few others. I can't seem to get any version of RP to allow the install. Ckan did allow realism overhaul but couldn't get kopernicus to work. https://prnt.sc/iepSmdEGx43e
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