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Everything posted by SYDWAD

  1. im having some problems with the 50cam ammo box where whenever the game try's to load it, it crashes(on the loading screen) UPDATE: the error occurs with all ammo
  2. I've had allot of debris in orbit with no problem before, a mod like that would be only for people with beefy computers I guess but I would still download it
  3. The lag would be worth the immersion
  4. I have my max debris set to unlimited but what I want would for solar panels and farings to make allot of debris when destroyed. I am so far quite good at maximising my proffet returns by launching in one stage finishing the mission then recovering the stage from orbit afterwords. What I would like is if you have a solarpowered station in orbit and the panels get damaged to keep the parts instead of deleting them.
  5. I tend to do everything in my power to make the game as realistic as possible so i was wondering if there is a mod out there that makes it so everything including solar panels and fairings makes debris when destroyed? instead of just making temp objects that delete themselves. I know it would make the game harder and more laggy but immersion is everything.
  6. Tru, maybe the cost to maintain the servers was too high for how fiew people used it? All it really is is just a system that looks at ye files and a copy.
  7. I ever since i installed KSP on my new computer i have been having errors and bugs like solar and heat panels exploding on launch and 1min long repeating error messages in the console when i crash a craft lagging my game, when i installed the patcher today and i tried to fix my game i received two error messages and the two loading bars stayed at 0% an it instantly said press OK to exit, after two CMD windows came up and game me ownership over all the files in my directory(wich i already owned but ok) and then it closed, i would like to know if that is whats supposed to happen or if something went wrong. Also i now have basically every mod made for 1.2.2 that does not add planets, and this is at the same time as trying to patch the game. i do not use Steam edition
  8. I would like to try make a low fuel orbit reversing maneuver and i would like to know if its possible, i made a crude drawing of my question. or Jule or whatever
  9. anyone know how to remove the Orbit safeguard? i find 600k a bit too high, or could it be toggles in the next update?
  10. I wouldn't say that career mode sucks, there is waaaay too many "fly this random person to here" and "build a base for a company" when does nasa ever do that? That would require soooooooooooooooooooo much coding
  11. It's annoying to Anyone who just wants to feel kinda profecconal when playing hard career mode, or anyone who played games just to avoide people who play pranks.
  12. Yea, I think they will most likley add a simplified version for people who play career mostly on very hard mode.
  13. I just and still find it very annoying. You know it's still in the manager right? I happend to me today and I have the most up to date version.
  14. does anyone have a copy of Module Manager 2.7.5 without nyan cat? i dont find it funny at all and just aggrovating. I have solved it, Module Manger has a nyan cat in it for sure, but it only appears when your computer date is on guess what "April 1st"
  15. Atmosphere/Landing predictions for craft about to exit space and to see where you will land including planet rotation. NASA has it, we should have it :3
  16. Now that u think about it, it doesn't make much sense. In space you are pushing off of a explosion that is moving in the other direction, in atmosphere you are pushing off of an explosion that is moving anywhere from away slower or towards you. In any case you would think you would have more to push off of and get better thrust in atmosphere.
  17. You mean like a texture model? If you send me some reference pics I can make you whatever you want in blender at some point.
  18. I have had that issue, it mainly happens if your cup utter is on the slightly slower side, or when you are to say watching YouTube videos while you wait for it to load, just click where you think the buttons would be and you will either end up in the start game menu or in the settings, if you save and close the settings or end up in the start game menu you are good.
  19. You know when you select the moon there is an orbit line going through the moon but nothing visable on Kerbin, have the black hole's orbit line disappear and have the line going through the sun, in orbits if you think about it just even moving the line to go through the sun would work because it's all perspective.
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