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Everything posted by SchwinnTropius

  1. I can sorta see it, though I doubt it was put there intentionally. As mentioned above, you might be experiencing pareidolia with this.
  2. *twitch* Been without a working PC for a couple months now. *scratch* The forum is my only fix, but it works. *twitch* I'm hoping I can get my PC going with my next check *twitch* so I can finally fly stuff again. *scratch*
  3. To answer the OP, I believe the devs will only add things to the base game to support future expansions, much like the stock variant switch system. I think they'll focus on DLC from now on as most things the game needs can be found in mods.
  4. Badie may have a hard time adjusting, but Emiko and Chibi will be there to help her every step of the way. As far as returning to Earth, if 1000 years had passed for Badie and the Kraken with her then there might not be much of Earth left, especially the Earth she remembers. Of course time moves differently at different places in space so that might prove to not be the case. In any case, Badie is safe with Emiko and the crew.
  5. It's guaranteed something interesting will happen. Jim will blow us away with it, I'm sure. (Figuratively speaking, hopefully not literally )
  6. This, plus the upcoming saucer parts from Wild Blue, will be perfect for Trek-inspired role plays. When I can get my pc up and running again, will definitely use this.
  7. In 1.4 the magnet is stock? Just want to be clear is all. I'd test this myself but my pc is down at the moment and it won't be up for a while.
  8. So Konstruction is required to make this work?
  9. The mod authors probably can sort themselves to those subforums, moderators would just have to approve the moves.
  10. None of the Saga's named characters have technically died, but there was plenty of death associated with the destruction of the Zaltonic launch site.
  11. Not a lot creeps me out, and the eyes that Jim creates for the Krakens creep me out.
  12. Yes, you must do this now. Specifically, I'd like to see Piper's reaction to Thompberry's creation.
  13. I like the option of SAS on any rover I drive, so to avoid unwanted movements while driving, I set the reaction wheels to SAS-only.
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