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Everything posted by Sidestrafe2462

  1. im moving on to a carrier/tanker/frieghter its basically cargo bays strapped onto a rocket 10 nukes is overkill ithink
  2. ok, rmember how i said it was good against cap missile? this happened with one shot from the hangar missiles gimme some tips if you want to
  3. loving the carrier, althought my potato computer has a 50% chance of crashing when i load it
  4. not yet although i just fixd the shoot itself problem XD armour has been revealed to suck at stopping i beams its suprisingly effective against cap ship shots tho im testibg right now lol i still shoot mysel with my last salvo of ibeams there it is in all its glory hangars for whatever, i put in missiles propulsion might try to fit fighters into the hangars then i can call it a support (SP) instead of a pulverizer (gonna change to combat) (PL)
  5. a hit just forward of the side engines can cut it in half
  6. has problems with accuarcy and shooting itself with its weapons so far scrapping the solid fuel boosters looks like the beetlejuice now
  7. XD right now im testing Potatotech's firt spaceship, which is bassically a blockade runner 8 nukes, four of the overkill black rockets, ks 25 i belive 10 i beams 2 solid fuel booster rockets and 4 sledgehammer ore missiles in hangar bays 599 parts XD untested armor its mainly structural plates with wings on top
  8. i noticed docking ports on the carrier are there any fighters that dock to those? and are those stock missiles?
  9. can we use bda armor for spacecraft? its actually pretty good at withstanding hits from things like helios missiles and i-beam shots
  10. got a tank in! the new armor makes it pretty easy to make triangular sections
  11. lp i need to re download ksp but it just says pls read terms i run windows
  12. can we get some wet navy ships posted? i need some battleships or something like crusiers for naval battle at sea.
  13. Like my Potatotech (Potato Technoligies)
  14. Potatotech Industries Sidean Republic Potatotech was admittedly, a failed farming company which kept having its potato crops (whichever ones actually succeed at growing potatoes) ravaged by GMI's forces for food. Former Military colonel "Sidestrafe" decided that enough was enough and joined HKA. Of course, there were no forces coming to save their crops because nothing was getting past Cerberus Station to help, so Potatotech decided that it was time to militarize. With a wealth of mineral mines directly under their fields (why the potatoes failed) they managed to supply their own economy and began poking at GMI Buzz patrols with old tractors with cannons strapped on. After a short time improvising Potatotech forces took a real field back and started to modernize their forces. There was much land and old farming equipment to keep the GMI forces back, and now Potatotech is reading itself to join HKA in the stars. Under a different name, but that's for later. The Sidean Republic was formed out of the combined forces of Potatotech following the defeat of GMI at HKA's hands. By this time most Potatotech assets were obsolete, and the new nation moved to a secret location in Kantartica. Military Forces: Air: PTI AP-001 Precursor Multi role Fighter Heavily armed and made to do most things that Potatotech would ever need of its fighter division, the Precursor is only a precursor of other, more specialized units to come. Most of the time those units are not needed. Obsolete Firing missiles Flyby of the KSC Download: https://kerbalx.com/Sidestrafe2462/PI-Multirole-AP-1-Precursor PTI I-001 SkyFury Interceptor With a load of air to air missiles and incredible maneuverability, the SkyFury will take down any enemy aircraft units that the Precursor squads miss. Made only for maneuverability, not speed or climbing this plane will dance around any AA units. If any craft gets past it, well, nothing will ever beat that airplane. Warranty void if within a 200km radius of any AA or SAM units. Obsolete Download: https://kerbalx.com/Sidestrafe2462/PTI-Interceptor-I-001-SkyFury B-1 Infiltrator The B-1 Infiltrator is a supersonic bomber, carrying a load of 18 500 lb bombs and with a top speed of over 400 m/ps. The main goal is to speed in, outrun any defenses, drop bombs, speed out. If the speed doesn't get it away from fire, the bomber was made to dodge. In fact, if you strapped a gun and air to air weaponry onto it, it could match many current air superiority fighters, including the SkyFury. Obsolete Download: https://kerbalx.com/Sidestrafe2462/B-1 Ground Forces: MBT-M001 Vanguard Medium MBT Obsolete A pretty good experimental assault tank and the first real armored vehicle developed by Potatotech, with machine gun, 30mm cannon and a 120mm gun to destroy anything in its way. https://kerbalx.com/Sidestrafe2462/Vanguard-Medium-MBT I have read and agree to the rules.
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