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Everything posted by Sidestrafe2462

  1. did you just quote yourself?!! and if your corvettes are AA my crusiers are even more so
  2. Thanks! your AA corvettes are taking down my cruisers at roughly even odds! Its not that bad! watches as they pour 3000 rounds into a carrier and fail to hurt it*
  3. ok! give me a sec...... here we are! test it out for me, will ya? The Avenger Class Light Cruiser For pics see vids and images above The Aveger: a deadly warship, used in hunter-killer roles and more importanly, escort, hence the amount of AA armnaments. https://kerbalx.com/Sidestrafe2462/Avenger-Class-Light-Crusier 461 parts, top speed is 39 m/s
  4. for the avenger or for the castellum? no for the castellum and that ship was 100% made by me, just with my own internals. The only real similarity is the float method, I was looking for one. I wondered why my Avenger wanted to take off so badly..........
  5. then I fought a second battle between my revised Avenger and 2 Renegades (the lag was too intense) Top speed is 39 m/s, will take some hits its also now a crusier going now to test my aa defenses
  6. By all rights the Avenger (my ship) should have won but the cannons were being glitchy. It still did a hell lotta damage tho, and it SANK!
  7. If anyone wants a link to the carrier, tell me and ill put it up Ok I have completed a frigate to escort things: im going to pit it against the corvettes
  8. no, its too unstable although yeah, on-site strategy would be cool
  9. huh....... ima make a combat ship now theres no point in AA millennium guns now
  10. JUUUUUUUUUUUMP JEEEEEEETS! can take off VTOL with half gas or like on a dime at full gas XD
  11. added jammers, two lasers and a FLIR, some smoke too i dunno, its like a battleship with a flight deck, could use it as a antiship flagship im gonna run a battle between it and the four corvettes XD any deck strike will cripple it though but the deck is insanely tough the ww1 planes CAN take off it somehow im going to make a jump jet now
  12. IKR, and tough, its completely impervious to 30mm and will tank most hits from anything else like missiles
  13. AVALON IS FINISHED!!!! Top speed at full is 14.8 m/s, Flank speed is 19.6 m/s, pics here: A nice storage for stuff: total 415 parts armnament 6x mk3 Goalkeepers, 8x abrams and 8x aim120 on turrets horrific turn rate as of now
  14. sadly there are no good heavy cannons smaller than the abrams :c
  15. I know, im reverse engineering it with my own designs XD no copyright issues as in comparing and improving XD my own designs
  16. I think ill try to copy the Castellum, I really like the hull for a escort frigate hi!
  17. not finished, so far can withstand up to 500 30 mm rounds without a single trace of damage, a abrams gun with minmal dmg, and a torpedo to port just makes it list a bit 450 parts as of now, about 30 struts im using your corvettes as test gunners its armed with 8 arbrams guns 6 CIWS (2 on each sides hull one behind and front of the bridge) and 8 AIM 120 missiles. its vulnerable to a center deck strike so dive bombers are an issue
  18. I just finished the series I dunno, set the max heat on your bombs to max?
  19. eh, i dunno. We need a modlist first stock and bda? plus tweakscale, vesselmover? and maybe kerbal konstructs for bases I can record for youtube very weekend
  20. supercarrier Avalon causes some lag issues though
  21. I have made a 300-part super huge aircraft carrier
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