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Everything posted by Sidestrafe2462

  1. Love the profile pic XD LOL @MiffedStarfish Ok then. :c tell me if/when I can use it anyone else have a glitch that hurls medium landing geared craft into the sky? my WWI AN-T and AG-1 would have had those but they were glitchy
  2. I have a idea for a CVE. Stay tuned! might have proto done on saturday and on sea battle #4 I wanted to say "That shot looks good!" like 5 times when the dreads were firing at that lead barge XD evidently AXON gunners cannot aim LOL at least cant calculate range. And no offense
  3. @MiffedStarfish can you give me the Download link for that crusier in the escort mission?
  4. My Dread can reach 30 m/s, just give it time. And we could use Burn Together, now that its come out to get ships to enter range at the same time. Ill work on a smaller ship myself
  5. did we all get this idea from my battle? XD planes vs corvettes
  6. my fps stayed at around like 9 fps the whole time XD
  7. Ok: 3 AG-1 Bomber aircraft, 68 parts each, and 3 AN-T torpedo bombers, 52 parts each, total 360 parts vs four of your renegades. Vids here: pics: Corvettes in a line AG-1 AN-T The air group in formation: So what happened was i sent the bombers ahead to run interference while the torpedo bombers did their work but they got shredded leaving the torpedo bombers to die sadly that one torpedo missed :c im gonna take a real air group out there now, a modern one
  8. ill do it with weapons NOT engaging missiles
  9. right, i have a verdict: wait a week or so, i might not be able to get it to work tomorrow: then i have to wait. School and homework :c
  10. thats not gonna be fair...... my modded aircraft are ww1 craft XD torpedo bombers im gonna remove the lasers and missiles from your craft ok? might take a day or two to record all other options are fine wait what version did you make the renegade? it says its incompatible ah, dammit im on 1.3, wait a sec while i update :c
  11. hi XD just torpedoed your carrier its in a state of major burning
  12. im up for a air vs aa battle, ill host it since my aircraft use NAS and KAX Torps and props
  13. @HatBat, can you repost the decals and ships? i lost my data and the link doesn't work anymore
  14. are you sure that will work? looks like an awful lot of gas tanks to blow up.....
  15. I LOVE MEEEEE BREAKKKKKK and im gonna switch from ksp for a while, be playing from the depths dangerous waters yes XD i have a couple of suggested mods to add to the list, Aviator arsenal and KAX, can we do that? it would increase air power capabilities while keeping it fair. also, yes ban air turrets exept for the 20 mm cannon thats super important for ground attack craft
  16. yeah, im talking about the guns because they are naval oriented
  17. i agree with no air turrets though maybe the 20mm might work
  18. hey, can we revise the rules a bit, like increasing the part limit for ships to 1000 for captital ships like superdreads and carriers? 2: we need to increase part count limit for the fleet fights, i can handle up to 1600 for sure and maybe up to 2000 parts and im willing to host some fights also on the half part rule, really :c that eliminates most of my heavy firepower because while im using very good ground-attack craft they a re high part count and 2 planes will not do anything good vs a battleship
  19. bysevere lag, i mean like 12 fps at normal, and slows to like 2 fps for a few seconds if something big blows up
  20. In 1.3, the mod just does not load anything except for the bow thruster, the rudders, and the ship strut
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