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  1. So I've been looking around for some tutorial about how to deal with aaaall those antennas and different types of light spectrums (IR, UV, MW)... It seems like the infrared is better for long range (?). Read that microwave only works really close from the source so I don't know how people can make a full power web with that. And as I understood, on the other hand, you receive Thermal Power and thus need a Thermal Generator to extract electricCharge and Megajoules from this power, right? All those parts are really confusing. Oh, another question, what's the difference between iHAL and a Computer Core? Thanks!
  2. It's now been more than 2 years that I'm watching for KSP's multiplayers news each month, yet nothing comes out. How is it going? Can the devs talk about it? Are they even working on it? WHEN will it be out? I'm totally in love with the game, played it a long time, but I just wan't to build nice things and stuff with my friends on a stable platform. DMP quite does the job, but with close distance movement it's all laggy and not synchronized. The wait is really too much, idc if I need to pay more for getting the devs to do this, I would totally do. But please, talk about it! What's the news??
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