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Posts posted by Matchlight

  1. On 7/28/2017 at 2:24 AM, GenesisPlayz said:

    Indeed! As i said, about that Andromeda Visuals, it includes a 1.3 offical TextureReplacer.

    eyyy good to see it still lives on despite my absence. If I can get a hold of someone who's good with this stuff then the mod can easily be revived since I have the next 2 months free and I'm getting a kick-ass PC so it may return!

  2. 30 minutes ago, Galileo said:

    I never said to change the mod for one person. I have never installed this pack so I have no way of knowing if it's too dark. This is why I said "IF that's the case..." I have had plenty of comments like this, but I made SVE modular, so if anybody didn't like the way something looked, it would be because of something THEY did or added. 

    I couldn't care less that this is a repackaged version of AVP. What I do care about is users getting good advice on how to fix issues. This is why I stick around this thread, because this happens quite a bit around here. When you give advice like you did, it can bleed over into other mods. I really don't feel like dealing with another user coming to the SVE or GPP thread saying "my game is too bright" and it's because you told them or their friend to adjust their monitor or in game settings. See what I'm getting at? 

    What irked was the fact that you never asked for logs, a screenshot of the gamedata folder, or a simple mod list. You immediately assumed it was the users problem. It's easy to miss what the issue could be when you don't look for it.

    Thank you, and I do appreciate the help since I am fairly new to this. On top of that update [0.3.5] eliminates most bundling to terminate some licensing issues.

  3. 20 hours ago, Galileo said:

    @Matchlight You should never have to adjust in game settings or your hardware for a mod. That's awful advice, as that could lead to your game looking bad after you remove this mod and having to change it again. It's not hard to do it, but a visual mod should not require unnecessary, inconvenient changes like that. Changing your hardware settings would also have an effect on other games besides KSP. I don't know of a visual mod out there that recommends changing anything. If that's the case, you need to work on optimizing this visual pack so users don't need to.  This visual pack bundles Distant Objects, correct? You do know it dims the skybox (makes it darker)? You should if it's bundled. Rule of thumb for a dev; before you start pointing a finger at a users hardware or game settings, consider what your mod does, what it includes and what those bundled mods do. A little troubleshooting never hurt anyone. 

    @KERBALINA I assume you have distant object enhancements installed via this mod. That mod controls the skybox dimness. Remove that to get rid of the dimming and brighten things up a little. That might be your issue.


    That's why it doesn't I only recommended this because somebody said their skybox was too dim, I appreciate feedback yet changing the mod just to suit one's complaints is meaningless. There is always going to be an issue for someone that there isn't for others. With all due respect, no body is ever going to be perfectly happy no matter what the situation is. I'm sure you've had similar comments on SVE before.

    Something as minor as this really isn't a big deal, and I'm pretty sure the reason you're so fidgety when it comes to this mod because it is mostly just a revamped AVP. I have said numerous times that this is temporary and that the mod is only in the early stages of development, hence [0.3]. The next major update as I have mentioned will get rid of almost all of Astronomer's textures. 

  4. 34 minutes ago, KERBALINA said:

    Sorry for the silly question, but how can I turn the brightness up for the background alone? is that possible? My monitor is not dim.

    As in the skybox? If so, in that case, all I can really do is ask you to turn up the colors and edit it in photoshop or something. Although if you do so there is no guarantee the images will still work. The skybox used was an old universe-replacer one that I revived.

  5. 4 hours ago, BigKerbBarnes said:

    Hi, what you have told me doesn't work, NOTHING works, it's been an ongoing issue that has made me quite mad, as I don't like the stock sunflares!

    I have stated that there is no current support for it and have directed you on how to remove the current sun-flare. What is the issue? Please remember that we are just people who do this for free and that it takes out of our own time.

  6. 1 minute ago, TeraByte_Gaming said:

    Thanks so much @Matchlight, it fits the style perfectly and looks just as stunning as the rest of the pack. Also, don't worry, I'm not going to ask for IA Revived support. It may irritate my OCD to have everything look wonderful other than the IA planets, but I'm not going to ask you to try to support that many planet like some people who seem to think that modders have infinite time to add support for everything. 

    Yes, sorry I can't do much to support that nor do I think it's worth the time and effort to create visuals for those planets. 

  7. 9 hours ago, TeraByte_Gaming said:

    :0.0: One of the most beautiful and stunning visual packs I have ever seen! I was torn between this and Sci Fi Visual Enhancements for a while, but right now SciFiVE is kinda bugged, so Andromeda Daydream it is! (Fortunately I can use it because you can convert flash drives to RAM. That feature makes me happy. :D) Also, please, please, please add OPM support. The OPM gas giants with this mod would be INCREDIBLE!

    I'm pretty sure AVD is compatible with Pood's OPMVO. Give that a try, it looks fantastic and matches the style of AVD.

    Andromeda Visuals [0.4] Update

    It really kills me to say this but [0.4] is going to be delayed. There is a groundbreaking and revolutionary feature @Alteroz is looking to implement and we are confident that it is possible, recycling current EVE architecture. Yet we think it's worth holding off the release of [0.4] until this feature has been implemented. AVD [0.4] is mostly done and of course still, needs tweaks. We hope to have the mod completed by the end of September (no guarantees) and have it released sometime in October. This is later than I hoped because of real life complications but regardless I and @Alteroz intend to continue development on the mod! So it's not all bad news I will say this much, we will need some Beta testers for [0.4] who can keep certain features secret but can still respond with constructive feedback. Thank you for understanding.







  8. 14 minutes ago, Galileo said:

    Yes, it is like any other visual pack, but since the names of the planets are that of the real solar system, the stock system will not work. 

    To rescale this mod, all you need is sigma dimensions and a cfg for 10x. There are plenty if you look around the forums. Absolutely zero effort on your part.

    That's fantastic, thanks for the info!

  9. Goddamn, I'm not seeing any of these, for whatever reason I'm not being alerted of them!

    On 28/08/2017 at 6:51 AM, Scout1218 said:

    I love this mod! However, is there any way to turn down how many clouds are over Kerbin? Its hard to see the actual land. 

    Also, will this support 10x Kerbol system? I don't think so. but I thought I'd ask.


    This pack doesn't natively support it but worth a shot. I doubt it will work and I'm sorry but I can't make a 10x copy. Try RSSVE (that should be compatible)

    On 25/08/2017 at 8:10 PM, BigKerbBarnes said:

    Great mod, but how would you change the lens flares?

    It's been a issue that has been bugging me for quite awhile, and whenever I do, it mashes into 1 broken lens flare.

    Hmm, you can remove it by going scatterer/config/sun etc. Then just remove the images.

  10. On 8/22/2017 at 7:42 PM, LiacoLNS said:

    Hi ksp folks.

    I need some help as I am not familiar with modding etc.

    I installed the visual pack as per the video on youtube. Now if I install all the folders (Step 1 + 2 incl extras). When I start the game, and module manager loads the patches, 25 patches loads in total. However, when I dont install texture replacer, module manger loads 0 patches. Is this correct?

    How many patches should load after installing Step 1 & Step 2? 
    Your help would be appreciated. 
    Oh, I am playing v1.2.2 btw.

    That sounds about right, there shouldn't be any issues!

  11. 4 hours ago, Galileo said:

    Just to quote myself a little here to piggy back off @Snark

    Using MM really isn't hard if you take the time to learn how it works. Almost ensures that your mod won't break when things update, most of the time. 90% of the work is already done, you just need to add your mm tags to the top of the cfgs and a few brackets here and there. It would maybe take an hour out of your day

    That's something I would like to take a look into, do you know of any tutorials?

  12. 1 minute ago, Snark said:

    Taking off the "moderator hat" for a moment and speaking purely as one modder to another, this would be my advice to you:

    • If you really have to have the Astronomer textures in there, switch to a compatible license.
    • Bundling = hassle for you.  Don't bundle so many mods; it makes your life a headache, as you can see (and it puts you in version-update hell, since any time any of them update their versions, you're out of whack).  Instead, just document what to do in the installation instructions, and give people links to where they can download those mods themselves.  Trust me, it saves you a lot of hassle in the long run.

    If you reduce what you actually bundle to the bare minimum, and then make sure you've got your posterior covered with the license stuff for that, I think your life will be simpler.  :)

    Thanks, I am working on reducing the bundles but it can be difficult since there are a lot of differences with the folders. Would GPLv3 work since I cannot find a compatibility list for it, only GPLv2?

  13. 40 minutes ago, Galileo said:

    Yes, but you still need to follow the stipulations of his license. He would need to change his license on those textures for you to use the MIT license or you need to change yours to a compatible one. I would do some research on the licenses so can better understand.

    Ok, thanks guys I'll make sure to change it as soon as I can

  14. 1 hour ago, Snark said:

    Hello @Matchlight,

    We're sorry, but we have had to snip the download links from your OP, due to numerous issues with licensing.  Please resolve the licensing issues before making your mod downloadable again.  As it currently stands, your mod is breaking a lot of rules.

    • Your OP in this thread doesn't state what the license is.
    • The 3rd party site where you host the mod does say a license (which is good), but the license it says is "MIT", which is incompatible with some of the contents (see below).
    • You do not include a license text file in your downloadable package.
    • You bundle several mods together with your own, but you don't list them in your OP, nor do you provide version information or licensing information there.  Also, there are various other license-related issues with them (see below).

    Notably, there are problems with the way you bundle the following mods:

    • KerbalVisualEnhancements.  You don't include its license file, nor do you indicate its version, or provide a link to the original.
    • Kopernicus.  You're not allowed to bundle this mod with yours.  Why?  Because your mod is licensed MIT, and Kopernicus is licensed LGPL.  LGPL is not compatible with MIT.
    • Scatterer.  You're not allowed to bundle this mod with yours.  Why?  Because your mod is licensed MIT, and Scatterer is licensed GPLv3.  GPLv3 is not compatible with MIT.
    • Textures from Astronomer's Visual Pack.  You're not allowed to bundle content from this mod with yours.  Why?  Because the license for AVP (which is bundled with its download) states that it can't be used for commercial purposes, whereas your license is MIT, which does allow commercial use and therefore is not compatible with Astronomer's license.

    (You also bundle EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements and ModularFlightIntegrator, but that's okay because those are both licensed MIT and you're including their license files.)

    Please fix the above problems before restoring links.  In the case of "you're not allowed to bundle" mods, either you need to change your license to something that's compatible with theirs, or else you need to stop bundling them.  (The latter approach works fine and is quite common, by the way-- most of Kopernicus-based planet packs don't bundle Kopernicus.  They just include a Kopernicus link and instruct the user to install it.)

    For any mods that you do bundle, please make sure that you include their license text; that their license is compatible with yours; that you indicate their version; and that you provide a link to the original.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    Ok, fair enough about the others and that will be sorted out but I have had a conversation with @Astronomer and he himself said that I have permission to use his textures

  15. 6 hours ago, Cheesecake said:

    Here are a short video (.flv), KSP.log and output_log.txt:


    Only Stock-KSP, Andromeda (all included mods), Kerbal Joint Reinforcement and Kerbal Engineer Redux.

    Thats lightning which you can disable by going BoulderCo/Clouds and removing the lightning config file. Your game looks totally normal and if it isn't the lightning you're talking about then that is just clouds...

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