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Everything posted by Lazurkri

  1. Noob assed question, how do I get Mapgen to generate the data I get from Minimus and the Mun? Also, I\'m having it where I leave the satellite mapping for a while, then switch into another craft or go to the space center... and the data I\'ve collected thus far doesn\'t seem to have been recorded or something.
  2. Ah, yes, after some CFG editing I am now able to launch without spinning end over end anymore. One issue I\'m having is that whenever I touch down gently and then hit the decoupler to free the rover from the landing nacelle, the 'Deck' of the Nacelle vanishes and the rover drops down, then gets stuck on the remaining doors. I\'ll have a picture up in a few hours when i get back to my home computer, but is there something I\'m doing wrong? And I\'m NOT using the Nacelle to land on Kerbin, I\'m using it on the Mun and Minimus; is this related to the parachutes or something?
  3. This thing needs to be updated; yes, its the Galactica. other than that, its a bitch to fly, likes to go into uncontrollable spins, and MechJeb cannot be used at all with it.
  4. Jesus Christ, the skycrane is stupidly top heavy. I\'m having to make a MUCH more massive rocket than I usually use to get to the Mun simply to keep from spinning end over end! Even WITH mechjeb and/or a BUNCH of ASAS modules I\'m still having issues with it.
  5. A blood red or orangish red exhaust would be cool, but that color would only really make sense if you threw in something like VASIMIR or 'sci-fi' stuff like Impulse engines from Star Trek.
  6. I still use this for the last stage of my Space Stations! mostly because I suck at landing anything that doesn\'t have parachutes... or in the case of the Weka, is cockroach-like in its ability to survive abuse!
  7. My god the engines for that demo plane are a little big for the plane no? irregardless, more plane parts = more fun!
  8. Yay! now I can scatter Canadian Flags all over the Mun and Minimus!
  9. this dead? I was looking forwards to flying one into Minimus or the Mun
  10. :( :( Still no new data about truss 2.0. Me sad. These parts look great parked on Minimus or the Mun. Just wish there were more of them. I personally wouldn\'t mind having things like Cryogenics pod or Hydroponics so we can make massive (semi) mobile space stations in orbit that look, well, futuristic.
  11. This is awesome for my ballistic Minimus return probes! I usually mount just barely enough engines to put them into a return trajectory, but the downside of that sometimes is insufficient thrust to slow down enough for parachutes to slow the ship down; now I can watch my probe hurtle in nose first, pop aerobrakes, and slow down enough to survive landing!
  12. Errr. the link to the MuMechLib page is fucked. I get a wierd page like I would get trying to convert a program into the wrong visual format. Or in otherwords, something like this: MZÂ???????ÿÿ??¸???????@???????????????????????????????????€???º?´ Ã!¸LÃ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $???????PE??L?20ÑO????????à ?!??ž????????? ??? ???À???@?? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??O????À?Å“???????????????????à ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????d ??H???????????.text???Øœ?? ???ž???????????????? ??`.rsrc???Å“???À????? ?????????????@??@.reloc??????à ?????¤?????????????@??B????????????????ÿ% @???????????@ ??????Z ??????????N ?? ????????????????????????_CorDllMain?mscoree.dll?@ ????????H?????P?ˆ­????????L????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????(?? *0?Â?????#???????? {?? o?? 8c???(?? o?? @O???u??9*???#??????ð?Yt??{?? lZt??{?? lZXX u??9???t??{?? lX ( ?? :‘ÿÿÿÃ???Å’??o ?? Ãœ*???A????????y???Â??????????0 ?L?????#???????? {?? o?? 8???(?? {?? lX ( ?? :âÿÿÿÃ???Å’??o ?? Ãœ*A????????(???>??????????>(??(??[*J'????(?? o ?? *?0?o?????o??
  13. Not the SPECIFIC class, but its a Imperium of Man ship. I\'m a Warhammer buff. I\'m going to take a guess that its a Retribution Class Battleship; everything save the engine nacelles look like a Retribution.
  14. the only thing that would be funnier... is if this was a Starbucks instead!
  15. Yay! I\'ll be able fly around and actually be able to terrorize (My own) Hapless Kerbals!
  16. Hmmmn, no way to have the bike stream a trail of flame? *has evil image of Ghost Rider joyriding across the surface of the Mun*
  17. Thanks. Didn\'t know about the staging stuff, might explain why a lot of the edit attempts have detonated or simply fallen to pieces. And Yes, I do delete the 'Pathfinder' ship first.... Now to try( Again) to put Vlads Spaceport on Minimus. Without MechJeb.
  18. To be brutally honest, I suck badly at KSP. Most of my more successful launches were only possible because of MechJeb. HOWEVER, MechJeb cannot be mounted on everything, or what I want to get into orbit around Kerbin, the Mun, or Minimus are simply too damned big or unstable to ever boost out of Kerbins gravity well on their own. So, I naturally turned to Manually editing the monstrosities I come up with to get them into orbit, but I\'ve been away from KSP for a while, before .15 came out, so I naturally have several questions. First, to get to the orbit of Minumus in editing, would I do that by changing the 'Object' setting in 'Orbit' to 3? Secondly, anyone have any stupidly insane orbits they\'d be willing to put here so I can land stuff ( or rather, attempt to land)on the Mun and Minimus? Again, I realize I suck royally if I\'m needing to edit stuff into space, but hey, we can\'t all be rocket scientists here can we?
  19. Dude, make sure you replace the default engine noise with that iconic Ion Engine scream before you release this! You know... like the one in the following video: http://youtu.be/XkHdgMOuuBs?t=10s
  20. You\'re referring to SeaLaunch, which is, ironically, owned by RKK Energia, uses a old refurbished Alaskan Oil platform and launches Communications Satillites using Zenit 3SL Buses, and has thus far carried out quite a good number of launches with only 3 screwups to date. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_launch And the picture that was shown as a example reminds me of a WWII era Landing craft, specifically the British Landing Craft, Assault (LCA). Was this intentional?
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