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Everything posted by voicey99

  1. To me, sifters are really just a means to an end, a way to get you started with resource lodes and supply small quantities of resources for small-scale operations. Making them better would make good base placement and resource considerations a moot point, since you would just be able to place a base anywhere and get masses of everything in one spot. If you really have to get your critical LS resources from a sifter and can't just mine them up directly, you seriously should have picked a better spot to settle (or at least built an unmanned mining outpost for gypsum, substrate, water etc.).
  2. There's already two issues on the MKS github page about that, RD just needs to make a few tweaks for the next version. The bulk hire just hires multiple kerbals at the same time with the settings you selected. Deleting the "KolonyTools.AC" section of the DLL might return the AC to its original stage (no guarantees!). The Kolonisation Dashboard had the option of hiring kerbals of each trait at level zero, plus a button to hire a random kerbal, but this was depreciated in favour of the TRP-alike system to make it less clunky and stop confusing noobs who didn't look in the "Hire Kolonists" tab.
  3. True. but I was talking about MKS on its own. Without any other mods or its bonus ancillary plugins (konstruction etc.), the functions you described are indeed still useful, but the core essence of what MKS is for (to me, anyway) no longer serves a purpose.
  4. Very little. Recyclers, kerbitats, the habring and the entire production chain will become useless. MKS is designed around USI-LS and, failing that, TAC-LS (partially) but, given most of the mod is dedicated to the challenges of sustaining kerbals on distant colonies for years, without any LS mods its basically just a bunch of fancy parts and a limited offworld refinery system.
  5. Try editing this bit of the dll (under KolonyTools/KolonyTools.AC/CustomAstronautComplexUI) and changing the two values to what you want: if ((double) this.ACLevel == 5.0 || !this.kerExp) { newKerbal.experience = (__Null) 9999.0; newKerbal.experienceLevel = (__Null) 5; Debug.Log((object) "KSI :: Level set to 5 - Non-Career Mode default."); } WARNING: This could break things if done badly!
  6. Nope, I checked-this is hardcoded into the DLL. Not sure why you'd want anything other than than lvl 5, though.
  7. My base looks like a plus-shaped millipede with all the rover wheels, but it doesn't jitter (well, as detailed near the start of the thread, it does thrash around wildly if unrestrained). Test it out by removing the cradles, but you might want to try brute-forcing it with the ground anchor before you go dismantling bits.
  8. Hm, I've never had a problem with that. My base does gradually move over time thanks to tiny physicshops on load (with tethering), but it doesn't shimmy like that-maybe that's because my base is all on wheels, and it's the legs that are the problem. Try dismantling the legs to rest it on the ground or using the KIS ground base as an anchor?
  9. The weldable ports function as perfectly normal docking ports, just with the added ability to compress. I also christen that lot "Coral Station" because of it reminds me of this: (FYI you can post images by just pasting the link in like this: http://i.imgur.com/OEbRENI.png and it will (unless you instruct it not to, as in the case of the demo link-must have the .png/.jpg/.gif etc. on the end (just rightclick the pic and open it in a new tab-that will give you the embedding URL)) automatically display it as a full size, windowless image
  10. From what I've picked up it could be some time before that gets added so you should probably keep EPL for the time being. Also, use the construction ports from Konstruction (comes bundled with MKS) to permanently join vessels-they let you combine them into one vessel so they don't waggle around and reduce physics load by counting them as one single vessel.
  11. Nope, the Skycrane is still here (under the Engines tab, comes with Adv. Construction or (with CTT) Heavy Rocketry). The orbital yard and pad are part of the depreciated EPL integration and will be removed in the future with the ongoing switch to Ground Construction (the integration cfg is still available as an optional download, but will not be officially supported-you will still be able to build rockets on-orbit with MKS resources using standard EPL parts). ATM GC-MKS integration is still embryonic but the onsite manufacture of DIY Kits and (I believe) orbital construction capabilities are on the roadmap.
  12. What I think this is suggesting is that ammonia is stored in liquid form inside the tanks. When you're transporting water, you don't cart it around it as steam, do you? Changing this will require input from the KSP-IE people, since it's their stuff that will break if I reconfigure ammonia to be a gas-and I consider it unlikely that they really care.
  13. I just Save Scum it and click that famous little button "Revert To Launch" . (this is a probably a little offtopic now)
  14. When you're on launch ascent you will have the throttle wide open anyway (I don't use them beyond ascent, that would be absurd), and with a few fins (or using the SXT "Linebacker" gigantic boosters, which have some gimbal) you can achieve enough control to perform a decent enough gravity turn until the boosters burn out, and you can straighten up and maneuver with flywheels/RCS to orient your LFO engines while coasting to the circularisation burn (the SRB way is slightly less efficient owing to the reliance on high initial acceleration, costing ~3500m/s to get into orbit compared with the optimum ~3400m/s, but this is pretty marginal). The whole point of SRBs is to provide a cost-efficient kick to get craft to a high enough altitude to circularise-provided you can use them correctly.
  15. Oh, I'm not going to the Mun-I kinda bypassed it in the progress tree (with only a single mission that biome-hopped through just 3 biomes before realising it had only just enough DV to get back to Kerbin (I finished with under 10m/s to spare)) on the way to Minmus, and now I have a fully functional Minmus Base (Boogie Base, also pictured on page 62), the Mun is too high-gravity, cratered and otherwise boring for me to bother with. As you can see from the picture, I'm a heavy user of SRBs (I always stick on >2kms of ASL booster DV with an ASL TWR of >2 at launch), and you can imagine my delight when I discovered the gigantic 2.5m boosters from SXT (so now they look a lot less messy)-a launch vehicle for a base would probably be much bigger given that Omega Station is designed to get to Dres orbit under its own power (the boosters and KS-25x4s only got it about 3/4 of the way to orbit, the KR-2Ls circularised it and will take it the rest of the way to Dres orbit, where it will latch onto a 'roid and act as a refuelling and resupply (refining fertiliser from minerals from asteroid rock) waystation for outer system missions, so the dry mass is a lot lower than the base pictured. Perhaps @PolecatEZ could donate a screenshot of the launch vehicle? PS @Djohaal what is that contraption on the left?
  16. I reckon that lot weighs about as much as my Omega Station (without launch vehicle) from Page 44, which weighed 6kt, cost 2M and looked like this:
  17. I had a look around, there was a thread that discussed integrating TAC/MKS, but nothing actually came of it beyond four pages of arguing over mod superiority. Rock can be refined within ART into Water, Minerals, MetallicOre, Substrate and Karbonite, but the efficiency of the converters is godawful (0.1%) and the rate of production is so slow you could get to Jool and back before it finished filling a 5m kontainer (9/hr). Dirt sifting is usu. a much better bet (but that's not saying an awful lot)-though I do have an idea concerning the Mass Drivers. Maybe they could run on not raw rock, but rock dust, which would require the raw rock to be refined in a module capable of crushing the rock down and picking out the stuff of a high enough grade to use in the drivers (since you can't really just stick a few pebbles in and blast off, like the car from BTTF II). This would counterbalance the new, much easier ways of getting Rock in a much greater variety of places, since you would need to lug a special ISRU around and wait some time to fill up rather than touch down, drill for a couple of minutes and go. The Jaw would produce dust by default (while having an alternate configuration to produce raw rock instead with the bonus of a higher production rate; and the surface-drilled and byproduct rock would be raw), and the three processing modules would gain Rock (R) and Rock (D) modes to enable them to process both raw and crushed rock. If someone would make the model for the crusher, I could do the rest.
  18. Wrote a new Rock CRP cfg for PRing that takes into account planetary and biome geology (so icy planets areas will have less, if any, rock)-I'm not sure why I'm so hyped for this, given the limited uses of Rock (aside from mass drivers, they're awesome).
  19. Just checked, they automatically got tagged onto your original PR
  20. Commit that to your git and I'll PR it in for you if want . I might write the Rock CRP cfg as well if I get time.
  21. If you haven't found it already, it's MountableSupPak.cfg Sometimes when in map view, it shows asteroids as in orbit (even if they are on a hyperbolic trajectory) until you target the roid, at which point it shows their orbit properly. And yes, things can perform reverse gravity assists with a retrograde flyby to slow down-asteroids never spawn in Kerbin orbit so by default they always come in on hyperbolic trajectories unless something brakes them (check its orbital direction-if it's retrograde they it was probably captured, if it's prograde then something weird is going on). Oops, confused it with lime.
  22. The version that's on the git master branch is the latest release, since RD only updates it (by transferring everything over from the dev branch) for a new release (also, the redipak and SK-62 don't have a Rock mode, might want to add that).
  23. Well it wasn't, the 2.5m and 3.75m MPUs had the same efficiencies for both. Regardless, I bundled that in the PR as well.
  24. In #1237 I went round and added Rock as an available bit to all drills (equivalent in production to their Dirt modes) and as a byproduct to all raw resource conversions equal to the sum of the regular outputs (excl. Recyclables) except in the case of Gypsum->Fertiiser (1/5 of normal, since gypsum is basically fertiliser1 and to give the Minerals version an advantage), Hydrates->Water (1/4 of normal, you aren't going to get much rock out of ice) and sifters (40% of total inputs for Dirt sifting and 20% of total inputs for Lode sifting, the stuff you're feeding in is mostly rock anyway). Now we're just waiting on @JadeOfMaar to PR in their new Kontainer tex (I'll make the PR for you if you can't figure out how) and RD to update the CRP. 1Not really. IRL it's a soil neutraliser, but doesn't actually contain any nutrients.
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