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Everything posted by LtMtz

  1. Hi, if i remeber right this is caused by ambient occlusion. Try to disable it in the tufx menu and it should be gone.
  2. Hi @linuxgurugamer I have a problem with flickering when in first person EVA. I recorded a video of it: Video The flickering only disappears when running the renderer in lowest or low setting. I asked in scatterer thread already beacause i thought it's related to the common 1.9 shadow problem. I was told it could be an issue with nearClipPlane being overridden. I'm running the game on dx11. Is it only me who has this problem and can it be solved? Thanks in advance!
  3. That makes sense... I will ask in through the eyes of a kerbal thread if it can be tweaked. Thanks for all the information. Have a nice day!
  4. Hi @Shadowmage is there a possibility to have dedicated configs for IVA and EVA Scenes? It seems that tufx handles them all as the flight scene. Thanks in advance!
  5. After more testing I think I've found the problem. Setting the game options renderer quality to the lowest (fastest) or second lowest (fast) level solves the problem. Same behaviour with mods (even outdated graphicmods like eve and ks3p) or without. All other game graphic options can be set freely without causing the problem. So it must be the renderer somehow. I'm running the game in dx11. Could this be a problem related to the nearclipplane overriding?
  6. Tried again with only "eyes" it seems to work on lowest settings. I'll raise the settings step by step and focus on the things you've mentioned. Maybe i can find the foul apple. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
  7. @blackrack thanks for the quick response. Of course you can: Video I don't know if it's realy a shadow related problem. But i guess it is, since in 1.8.1 it works well. I have tested it with all my mods and with only "through the eyes" on both Gameversions. Both 1.9.1 tests resulted in 1st person flickering. Its also the same on planets far away from the ksc.
  8. Hi @blackrack i have a question regarding the shadow flickering. Your fix for 1.9 seems to work well, didn't notice any flickering when in normal flight mode. But I'm using "Through the Eyes of a Kerbal" and somehow for the 1st person perspective it's still flickering. In 1.8.1 this problem doesn't occur. Can i do something to solve this, maybe with some setting? Thanks in advance!
  9. Hello @linuxgurugamer, i was wondering if there is any way to make the vessel viewer dependant on a working connection when using remotetech mod? Sometimes i'm too stupid, failing to see the "no connection" dialog and i keep activating/deactivating stuff... btw thanks for making and adopting so many mods! One reason that brought me back to ksp.
  10. Hi Linuxguru, thx for taking care of so many and espacially this great mod! I tried it and it works flawless. What I would like to know is if there's a possibility to show up the window even if i disable gui via F2? Maybe a CFG file or something? The background is I would like to play with no gui, no map and only iva. Well, and for parts its mostly no gui no control. So if the mod window wouldn't obey the F2 gui hide i could still control all parts via the mod "window popup" shortcut defined. Thanks again, LtMtz
  11. Hi, the script is not working 100% correctly but i'll post it again. 1. Install KOS Mod (read about volumes) 2. Place the content (3 txt-files) under /Kerbal Space Progam/Ships/Script/ (this is volume 0 in KOS Mod) 3. run the partact_rpm file Well maybe you can tweak the script. There is alot of programming time while flying through the space. Here's the code. Create Textfile and remove extension. Unless u compile the scripts to .ks (read kos manual) you can simply edit via open with -> editor partact_rpm clearscreen. set mainexit to 0. set mainindex to 0. set mainprintflag to 1. if ag9 = "True" { toggle ag9. wait 0.01. }. if ag8 = "True" { toggle ag8. wait 0.01. }. if ag7 = "True" { toggle ag7. wait 0.01. }. until mainexit = 1 { if ag9 = "True" { set mainindex to mainindex - 1. set mainprintflag to 1. toggle ag9. wait 0.1. }. if ag8 = "True" { set mainindex to mainindex + 1. set mainprintflag to 1. toggle ag8. wait 0.1. }. if mainindex < 0 { set mainindex to 4. }. if mainindex > 4 { set mainindex to 0. }. if ag7 = "True" { toggle ag7. if mainindex < 3 { //Init if mainindex = 0 { set partactmode to 1. }. if mainindex = 1 { set partactmode to 2. }. if mainindex = 2 { set partactmode to 3. }. set userinput to "no-value". run partcfg_rpm. //Program Parm set maxcnt to 7. set maxstrl to 35. //Tag Menu----------------------------------------------------------------------------- set tagexit to 0. set tagindex to 0. set tagprintflag to 1. if ag9 = "True" { toggle ag9. wait 0.01. }. if ag8 = "True" { toggle ag8. wait 0.01. }. if ag7 = "True" { toggle ag7. wait 0.01. }. until tagexit = 1 { if ag9 = "True" { set tagindex to tagindex - 1. set tagprintflag to 1. toggle ag9. wait 0.1. }. if ag8 = "True" { set tagindex to tagindex + 1. set tagprintflag to 1. toggle ag8. wait 0.1. }. if tagindex < 0 { set tagindex to 8. }. if tagindex > 8 { set tagindex to 0. }. if ag7 = "True" { toggle ag7. if tagindex < 8 { if tagindex = 0 { set tagname to taglist[0]. }. if tagindex = 1 { set tagname to taglist[1]. }. if tagindex = 2 { set tagname to taglist[2]. }. if tagindex = 3 { set tagname to taglist[3]. }. if tagindex = 4 { set tagname to taglist[4]. }. if tagindex = 5 { set tagname to taglist[5]. }. if tagindex = 6 { set tagname to taglist[6]. }. if tagindex = 7 { set tagname to taglist[7]. }. //Part Menu------------------------------------------------------------------- set partexit to 0. set partindex to 0. set partprintflag to 1. set lastindex to 0. set menum to 0. //Enum for Menuitems set lnum to 1. //Linenumber for printout if ag9 = "True" { toggle ag9. wait 0.01. }. if ag8 = "True" { toggle ag8. wait 0.01. }. if ag7 = "True" { toggle ag7. wait 0.01. }. set plist to ship:PARTSDUBBED(tagname). //Gen Partlist //Max Parts and Stepwidth if plist:length > maxcnt { set maxnump to maxcnt.} else { set maxnump to plist:length.}. //If tagged parts exist list per menu if plist:length > 0 { until partexit = 1 { if ag9 = "True" { set partindex to partindex - 1. set partprintflag to 1. toggle ag9. wait 0.1. }. if ag8 = "True" { set partindex to partindex + 1. set partprintflag to 1. toggle ag8. wait 0.1. }. if partindex < 0 { set partindex to 10. }. if partindex < 10 and lastindex =10 { set partindex to maxnump-1. }. if partindex > 10 { set partindex to 0. }. if partindex > maxnump-1 and partindex < 10 and lastindex <> 10{ set partindex to 10. }. set lastindex to partindex. if ag7 = "True" { toggle ag7. if partindex = 10 { set partexit to 1. set tagprintflag to 1. if ag7 = "True" { toggle ag7. wait 0.01. }. } else { //Module Menu------------------------------------------------------------------- set modexit to 0. set modindex to 0. set modprintflag to 1. set lastindex to 0. set menum to 0. //Enum for Menuitems set lnum to 1. //Linenumber for printout if ag9 = "True" { toggle ag9. wait 0.01. }. if ag8 = "True" { toggle ag8. wait 0.01. }. if ag7 = "True" { toggle ag7. wait 0.01. }. set mlist to plist[partindex]:modules. //Gen modlist //Max mod and Stepwidth if mlist:length > maxcnt { set maxnumm to maxcnt.} else { set maxnumm to mlist:length.}. //If mods exist list per menu if mlist:length > 0 { until modexit = 1 { if ag9 = "True" { set modindex to modindex - 1. set modprintflag to 1. toggle ag9. wait 0.1. }. if ag8 = "True" { set modindex to modindex + 1. set modprintflag to 1. toggle ag8. wait 0.1. }. if modindex < 0 { set modindex to 10. }. if modindex < 10 and lastindex =10 { set modindex to maxnumm-1. }. if modindex > 10 { set modindex to 0. }. if modindex > maxnumm-1 and modindex < 10 and lastindex <> 10{ set modindex to 10. }. set lastindex to modindex. if ag7 = "True" { toggle ag7. if modindex = 10 { set modexit to 1. set partprintflag to 1. if ag7 = "True" { toggle ag7. wait 0.01. }. } else { if partactmode = 1 { //Action Menu------------------------------------------------------------------ set actexit to 0. set actindex to 0. set actprintflag to 1. set lastindex to 0. set menum to 0. //Enum for Menuitems set lnum to 1. //Linenumber for printout if ag9 = "True" { toggle ag9. wait 0.01. }. if ag8 = "True" { toggle ag8. wait 0.01. }. if ag7 = "True" { toggle ag7. wait 0.01. }. set alist to plist[partindex]:GETMODULE(mlist[modindex]):allactionnames. //Gen actlist //Max actions and Stepwidth if alist:length > maxcnt { set maxnuma to maxcnt.} else { set maxnuma to alist:length.}. //If actions exist list per menu if alist:length > 0 { until actexit = 1 { if ag9 = "True" { set actindex to actindex - 1. set actprintflag to 1. toggle ag9. wait 0.1. }. if ag8 = "True" { set actindex to actindex + 1. set actprintflag to 1. toggle ag8. wait 0.1. }. if actindex < 0 { set actindex to 10. }. if actindex < 10 and lastindex =10 { set actindex to maxnuma-1. }. if actindex > 10 { set actindex to 0. }. if actindex > maxnuma-1 and actindex < 10 and lastindex <> 10{ set actindex to 10. }. set lastindex to actindex. if ag7 = "True" { toggle ag7. if actindex = 10 { set actexit to 1. set modprintflag to 1. if ag7 = "True" { toggle ag7. wait 0.01. }. } else { //Actioncontrol Menu---------------------------------------------------------- set doaexit to 0. set doaindex to 0. set doaprintflag to 1. set doastatus to 0. if ag9 = "True" { toggle ag9. wait 0.01. }. if ag8 = "True" { toggle ag8. wait 0.01. }. if ag7 = "True" { toggle ag7. wait 0.01. }. until doaexit = 1 { if ag9 = "True" { plist[partindex]:GETMODULE(mlist[modindex]): DOACTION(alist[actindex], true). set doastatus to 0. set doaprintflag to 1. toggle ag9. wait 0.1. }. if ag8 = "True" { plist[partindex]:GETMODULE(mlist[modindex]): DOACTION(alist[actindex], false). set doastatus to 1. set doaprintflag to 1. toggle ag8. wait 0.1. }. if ag7 = "True" { clearscreen. toggle ag7. set doaexit to 1. set actprintflag to 1. wait 0.1. }. if doaprintflag = 1 { clearscreen. print "Enable/Disable selected action." at (0,0). print " ---------------------------------" at (0,1). print " Use action group 9 to activate." at (0,2). print " Use action group 8 to deactivate." at (0,3). print " Use action group 7 to leave." at (0,4). if doastatus = 0 { set doastatusm to "enabled".}. if doastatus = 1 { set doastatusm to "disabled".}. print " You have " + doastatusm + " the" at (0,10). print " selected part." at (0,11). set doaprintflag to 0. }. }. //------------------------------------------------------------------- }. }. if actprintflag = 1 { clearscreen. print "Partact: Actions" at (1,0). print "------------------" at (2,1). FROM {global z is 0.} UNTIL z = (maxnuma) STEP {set z to z+1.} DO { set menum to menum+1. set lnum to lnum+1. if alist[z]:length > maxstrl { set strleng to maxstrl.} else { set strleng to alist[z]:length.}. print menum + ". " + alist[z]:substring(0,strleng) at (2,lnum). }. if z = maxnuma { set z to 0. set menum to 0. set lnum to 1. }. print (maxnuma+1) + ". Exit" at (2,10). print "Info: AG7=Select, AG8=down, AG9=up" at (2,11). if actindex = 0 { print "=" at (0,2). }. if actindex = 1 { print "=" at (0,3). }. if actindex = 2 { print "=" at (0,4). }. if actindex = 3 { print "=" at (0,5). }. if actindex = 4 { print "=" at (0,6). }. if actindex = 5 { print "=" at (0,7). }. if actindex = 6 { print "=" at (0,8). }. if actindex = 7 { print "=" at (0,9). }. if actindex = 10 { print "=" at (0,10). }. set actprintflag to 0. }. }. } else { clearscreen. print "No action on module: " + mlist[modindex]. wait 2. set modprintflag to 1. }. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }. if partactmode = 2 { //Event Menu------------------------------------------------------------------ set actexit to 0. set actindex to 0. set actprintflag to 1. set lastindex to 0. set menum to 0. //Enum for Menuitems set lnum to 1. //Linenumber for printout if ag9 = "True" { toggle ag9. wait 0.01. }. if ag8 = "True" { toggle ag8. wait 0.01. }. if ag7 = "True" { toggle ag7. wait 0.01. }. set alist to plist[partindex]:GETMODULE(mlist[modindex]):alleventnames. //Gen evtlist //Max actions and Stepwidth if alist:length > maxcnt { set maxnuma to maxcnt.} else { set maxnuma to alist:length.}. //If actions exist list per menu if alist:length > 0 { until actexit = 1 { if ag9 = "True" { set actindex to actindex - 1. set actprintflag to 1. toggle ag9. wait 0.1. }. if ag8 = "True" { set actindex to actindex + 1. set actprintflag to 1. toggle ag8. wait 0.1. }. if actindex < 0 { set actindex to 10. }. if actindex < 10 and lastindex =10 { set actindex to maxnuma-1. }. if actindex > 10 { set actindex to 0. }. if actindex > maxnuma-1 and actindex < 10 and lastindex <> 10{ set actindex to 10. }. set lastindex to actindex. if ag7 = "True" { toggle ag7. if actindex = 10 { set actexit to 1. set modprintflag to 1. if ag7 = "True" { toggle ag7. wait 0.01. }. } else { //Eventcontrol Menu---------------------------------------------------------- set doaexit to 0. set doaindex to 0. set doaprintflag to 1. if ag9 = "True" { toggle ag9. wait 0.01. }. if ag8 = "True" { toggle ag8. wait 0.01. }. if ag7 = "True" { toggle ag7. wait 0.01. }. until doaexit = 1 { if ag9 = "True" { plist[partindex]:GETMODULE(mlist[modindex]): DOEVENT(alist[actindex]). clearscreen. print "Activated...". wait 1. set actprintflag to 1. set doaexit to 1. toggle ag9. wait 0.1. }. if ag7 = "True" { clearscreen. toggle ag7. set doaexit to 1. set actprintflag to 1. wait 0.1. }. if doaprintflag = 1 { clearscreen. print "Activate selected event." at (0,0). print " ---------------------------------" at (0,1). print " Use action group 9 to activate." at (0,2). print " Use action group 7 to leave." at (0,3). set doaprintflag to 0. }. }. //------------------------------------------------------------------- }. }. if actprintflag = 1 { clearscreen. print "Partact: Actions" at (1,0). print "------------------" at (2,1). FROM {global z is 0.} UNTIL z = (maxnuma) STEP {set z to z+1.} DO { set menum to menum+1. set lnum to lnum+1. if alist[z]:length > maxstrl { set strleng to maxstrl.} else { set strleng to alist[z]:length.}. print menum + ". " + alist[z]:substring(0,strleng) at (2,lnum). }. if z = maxnuma { set z to 0. set menum to 0. set lnum to 1. }. print (maxnuma+1) + ". Exit" at (2,10). print "Info: AG7=Select, AG8=down, AG9=up" at (2,11). if actindex = 0 { print "=" at (0,2). }. if actindex = 1 { print "=" at (0,3). }. if actindex = 2 { print "=" at (0,4). }. if actindex = 3 { print "=" at (0,5). }. if actindex = 4 { print "=" at (0,6). }. if actindex = 5 { print "=" at (0,7). }. if actindex = 6 { print "=" at (0,8). }. if actindex = 7 { print "=" at (0,9). }. if actindex = 10 { print "=" at (0,10). }. set actprintflag to 0. }. }. } else { clearscreen. print "No events on module: " + mlist[modindex]. wait 2. set modprintflag to 1. }. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }. if partactmode = 3 { //Fields Menu------------------------------------------------------------------ set actexit to 0. set actindex to 0. set actprintflag to 1. set lastindex to 0. set menum to 0. //Enum for Menuitems set lnum to 1. //Linenumber for printout if ag9 = "True" { toggle ag9. wait 0.01. }. if ag8 = "True" { toggle ag8. wait 0.01. }. if ag7 = "True" { toggle ag7. wait 0.01. }. set alist to plist[partindex]:GETMODULE(mlist[modindex]):allfields. //Gen fieldlist set anlist to plist[partindex]:GETMODULE(mlist[modindex]):allfieldnames. //Gen fieldlistnames //Max actions and Stepwidth if alist:length > maxcnt { set maxnuma to maxcnt.} else { set maxnuma to alist:length.}. //If actions exist list per menu if alist:length > 0 { until actexit = 1 { if ag9 = "True" { set actindex to actindex - 1. set actprintflag to 1. toggle ag9. wait 0.1. }. if ag8 = "True" { set actindex to actindex + 1. set actprintflag to 1. toggle ag8. wait 0.1. }. if actindex < 0 { set actindex to 10. }. if actindex < 10 and lastindex =10 { set actindex to maxnuma-1. }. if actindex > 10 { set actindex to 0. }. if actindex > maxnuma-1 and actindex < 10 and lastindex <> 10{ set actindex to 10. }. set lastindex to actindex. if ag7 = "True" { toggle ag7. if actindex = 10 { set actexit to 1. set modprintflag to 1. if ag7 = "True" { toggle ag7. wait 0.01. }. } else { //Fieldcontrol Menu---------------------------------------------------------- set doaexit to 0. set doaindex to 0. set doaprintflag to 1. if ag9 = "True" { toggle ag9. wait 0.01. }. if ag8 = "True" { toggle ag8. wait 0.01. }. if ag7 = "True" { toggle ag7. wait 0.01. }. until doaexit = 1 { if ag9 = "True" { clearscreen. print "Current Value:". print plist[partindex]:GETMODULE(mlist[modindex]):getfield(anlist[actindex]). wait 1. set actprintflag to 1. set doaexit to 1. toggle ag9. wait 0.1. }. if ag8 = "True" { clearscreen. edit partinp_rpm. if ag7 = "True" { toggle ag7. wait 1.}. if ag8 = "True" { toggle ag8. wait 1.}. print "Please make a valid input" at (0,10). print "Use Action Group 7 to continue" at (0,11). set inpexit to 0. until inpexit = 1 { wait 1. if ag7 = "True" { toggle ag7. wait 1. set inpexit to 1. }. }. run partinp_rpm. wait 0.1. clearscreen. print "New Value:". print userinput. wait 2. set actprintflag to 1. plist[partindex]:GETMODULE(mlist[modindex]):setfield(anlist[actindex],userinput). toggle ag7. }. if ag7 = "True" { clearscreen. toggle ag7. set doaexit to 1. set actprintflag to 1. wait 0.1. }. if doaprintflag = 1 { clearscreen. print "Activate selected event." at (0,0). print " ---------------------------------" at (0,1). print " Use action group 9 to get field." at (0,2). print " Use action group 8 to set field." at (0,3). print " Use action group 7 to leave." at (0,4). set doaprintflag to 0. }. }. //------------------------------------------------------------------- }. }. if actprintflag = 1 { clearscreen. print "Partact: Fields" at (1,0). print "------------------" at (2,1). FROM {global z is 0.} UNTIL z = (maxnuma) STEP {set z to z+1.} DO { set menum to menum+1. set lnum to lnum+1. if alist[z]:length > maxstrl { set strleng to maxstrl.} else { set strleng to alist[z]:length.}. print menum + ". " + alist[z]:substring(0,strleng) at (2,lnum). }. if z = maxnuma { set z to 0. set menum to 0. set lnum to 1. }. print (maxnuma+1) + ". Exit" at (2,10). print "Info: AG7=Select, AG8=down, AG9=up" at (2,11). if actindex = 0 { print "=" at (0,2). }. if actindex = 1 { print "=" at (0,3). }. if actindex = 2 { print "=" at (0,4). }. if actindex = 3 { print "=" at (0,5). }. if actindex = 4 { print "=" at (0,6). }. if actindex = 5 { print "=" at (0,7). }. if actindex = 6 { print "=" at (0,8). }. if actindex = 7 { print "=" at (0,9). }. if actindex = 10 { print "=" at (0,10). }. set actprintflag to 0. }. }. } else { clearscreen. print "No events on module: " + mlist[modindex]. wait 2. set modprintflag to 1. }. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }. }. }. if modprintflag = 1 { clearscreen. print "Partact: Modules" at (1,0). print "------------------" at (2,1). FROM {global x is 0.} UNTIL x = (maxnumm) STEP {set x to x+1.} DO { set menum to menum+1. set lnum to lnum+1. if mlist[x]:length > maxstrl { set strleng to maxstrl.} else { set strleng to mlist[x]:length.}. print menum + ". " + mlist[x]:substring(0,strleng) at (2,lnum). }. if x = maxnumm { set x to 0. set menum to 0. set lnum to 1. }. print (maxnumm+1) + ". Exit" at (2,10). print "Info: AG7=Select, AG8=down, AG9=up" at (2,11). if modindex = 0 { print "=" at (0,2). }. if modindex = 1 { print "=" at (0,3). }. if modindex = 2 { print "=" at (0,4). }. if modindex = 3 { print "=" at (0,5). }. if modindex = 4 { print "=" at (0,6). }. if modindex = 5 { print "=" at (0,7). }. if modindex = 6 { print "=" at (0,8). }. if modindex = 7 { print "=" at (0,9). }. if modindex = 10 { print "=" at (0,10). }. set modprintflag to 0. }. }. } else { clearscreen. print "No mod on part: " + plist[partindex]. wait 2. set partprintflag to 1. }. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }. }. if partprintflag = 1 { clearscreen. print "Partact: Parts" at (1,0). print "------------------" at (2,1). FROM {global y is 0.} UNTIL y = (maxnump) STEP {set y to y+1.} DO { set menum to menum+1. set lnum to lnum+1. if plist[y]:title:length > maxstrl { set strleng to maxstrl.} else { set strleng to plist[y]:title:length.}. print menum + ". " + (plist[y]:title):substring(0,strleng) at (2,lnum). }. if y = maxnump { set y to 0. set menum to 0. set lnum to 1. }. print (maxnump+1) + ". Exit" at (2,10). print "Info: AG7=Select, AG8=down, AG9=up" at (2,11). if partindex = 0 { print "=" at (0,2). }. if partindex = 1 { print "=" at (0,3). }. if partindex = 2 { print "=" at (0,4). }. if partindex = 3 { print "=" at (0,5). }. if partindex = 4 { print "=" at (0,6). }. if partindex = 5 { print "=" at (0,7). }. if partindex = 6 { print "=" at (0,8). }. if partindex = 7 { print "=" at (0,9). }. if partindex = 10 { print "=" at (0,10). }. set partprintflag to 0. }. }. } else { clearscreen. print "No Part with tag: " + tagname. wait 2. set tagprintflag to 1. }. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }. if tagindex = 8 { set tagexit to 1. wait 1. }. }. if tagprintflag = 1 { wait 0.1. clearscreen. print "Partact: Tag Menu" at (1,0). print "------------------" at (2,1). print "1. Part (" + taglist[0] + ")" at (2,2). print "2. Part (" + taglist[1] + ")" at (2,3). print "3. Part (" + taglist[2] + ")" at (2,4). print "4. Part (" + taglist[3] + ")" at (2,5). print "5. Part (" + taglist[4] + ")" at (2,6). print "6. Part (" + taglist[5] + ")" at (2,7). print "7. Part (" + taglist[6] + ")" at (2,8). print "8. Part (" + taglist[7] + ")" at (2,9). print "9. Exit" at (2,10). print "Info: AG7=Select, AG8=down, AG9=up" at (2,11). if tagindex = 0 { print "=" at (0,2). }. if tagindex = 1 { print "=" at (0,3). }. if tagindex = 2 { print "=" at (0,4). }. if tagindex = 3 { print "=" at (0,5). }. if tagindex = 4 { print "=" at (0,6). }. if tagindex = 5 { print "=" at (0,7). }. if tagindex = 6 { print "=" at (0,8). }. if tagindex = 7 { print "=" at (0,9). }. if tagindex = 8 { print "=" at (0,10). }. set mainprintflag to 1. }. }. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ }. if mainindex = 3 { edit partcfg_rpm. clearscreen. if ag7 = "True" { toggle ag7. wait 1.}. print "Please save your settings first" at (0,10). print "Use Action Group 7 to continue" at (0,11). set cfgexit to 0. until cfgexit = 1 { wait 1. if ag7 = "True" { toggle ag7. wait 1. set cfgexit to 1. }. }. set mainprintflag to 1. if ag7 = "True" { toggle ag7. wait 1.}. }. if mainindex = 4 { set mainexit to 1. wait 1. }. }. if mainprintflag = 1 { clearscreen. print "Partact: Main Menu" at (1,0). print "------------------" at (2,1). print "1. Actions" at (2,2). print "2. Events" at (2,3). print "3. Fields" at (2,4). print "4. Config" at (2,5). print "5. Exit" at (2,10). print "Info: AG7=Select, AG8=down, AG9=up" at (2,11). if mainindex = 0 { print "=" at (0,2).}. if mainindex = 1 { print "=" at (0,3).}. if mainindex = 2 { print "=" at (0,4).}. if mainindex = 3 { print "=" at (0,5).}. if mainindex = 4 { print "=" at (0,10).}. set mainprintflag to 0. }. }. clearscreen. partcfg_rpm //User set Parameters (max. 8 for rpm) //Part Tags set tag1 to "robo1". set tag2 to "testtag". set tag3 to "cam". set tag4 to "sat". set tag5 to "dock1". set tag6 to "antenna". set tag7 to "goo". set tag8 to "Winch". set taglist to list(tag1,tag2,tag3,tag4,tag5,tag6,tag7,tag8). partinp_rpm //User set Parameters (max. 8) //Please make your input. //For Integer put just the value. exmp: set userinput to 4. //Stringa need to be quoted. exmp: set userinput to "mission-control". set userinput to "mission-control".
  12. Hello Kerbals, as i tried to mod KSP to a kind of nomap/iva only/no gui mode for extremer experience i faced the problem that you cant control most of the parts because the context menues are also hidden. kOS is a realy nice tool for more flexibility and immersion and can help in this case. It can be alot stuff to write into the terminal to execute a function so i've written a script that can control all parts events/actions and fields by selecting them in a menu. You can access a config option where you can set up to 8 Tags directly from the menu without restarting the tool. Additionally you can find a basic userinput function used for setting fields. The maximum line number for items to display is 8 because i've written it for RPM dimensions. If there are more items then the list is simply truncated. Download: http://www78.zippyshare.com/v/Y8aKKGkh/file.html (put the 3 files on your volume 0 and you are ready to go) Credits: The logic of the menu navigation has its origin in the ancient space comuter: Maybe someone can use this or it will assist someone to finish his own ideas. As i got so much from the community already im glad i can give something back. Best regards, LtMtz
  13. Hi dewin, thanks for the links, the third one is a nice one which i will use to get familiar with python!! Well i know a bit about programming but im new to python. Maybe i acted a bit sloppy as im used to uninitialized variables giving its name as string. Now with accurate set string it seems to work or at least giving other message... import krpc conn = krpc.connect(name='Houston') print ('ok') vss = 'VAB' print (vss) conn.krpc.GameScene.editor_vab conn.space_center.launchable_vessels (vss) output: ok VAB Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python35-32\test.py", line 8, in <module> conn.space_center.launchable_vessels (vss) File "<string>", line 1, in <lambda> File "C:\Python35-32\lib\site-packages\krpc\client.py", line 87, in _invoke raise RPCError(response.error) krpc.error.RPCError: Procedure not available in game scene 'SpaceCenter' Maybe i'm just a bit confused. Do i have to change scenes before i can get a list like i would do ingame? Thats the reason why i also tried "conn.krpc.GameScene.editor_vab". Well both tries ended up with same error. From what i read in the manual and forum it made me thinking that you can directly list or launch vessels while being in the space center scene. From what i learned I would expect the vessel-list output in the python shell. And when heading to a launch or another scene shouldn't it change the scene ingame? Or am I wrong here? I also tested with and without mods, no difference. I tested to launch and control a vessel that is already on the launchpad which is working flawless including controling, staging, autopilot, and so on. My actions are visible ingame as i write them into the shell. No clue whats wrong in my space center
  14. Hello djungelorm, i'm still rubbing my eyes, this is an unbelievable mod!! I got a problem which is sure located between my ears but i hope you could answer my questions. So far i got the mod working and run my first basic commands while reading your fine manual. 1. At the moment im stuck with putting a vessel on the launchpad. Here is my python console: >>> import krpc; conn = krpc.connect(name='Houston'); >>> conn.space_center.launch_vessel_from_vab(test) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#162>", line 1, in <module> conn.space_center.launch_vessel_from_vab(test) NameError: name 'test' is not defined >>> So, why doesn't it find my saved vessel which is called test? 2. I tried to list all Vessels from the VAB to make sure its known but i get following error: >>> conn.space_center.launchable_vessels (VAB) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#187>", line 1, in <module> conn.space_center.launchable_vessels (VAB) NameError: name 'VAB' is not defined Im pretty sure im doing something dumb but it would be kind if you could tell me what i'm doing wrong. Thanks in advance! Best wishes, LtMtz
  15. Thank you for the info StoneBlue! So this should be the missing part then: output_log: http://www1.zippyshare.com/v/TyAbSiGn/file.html
  16. Oh, sorry im new to this. Thought exception would be enough. I got the KSP.log and MiniAVC.log too. Didn't find anymore with .log extension. KSP: http://www18.zippyshare.com/v/OlPokZWO/file.html MiniAVC: http://www7.zippyshare.com/v/lAoHkGsu/file.html Hopfully these files will do?!
  17. Hello, thanks for the fast reply . Here's the Exception.log http://www59.zippyshare.com/v/NAc9v17a/file.html
  18. Hello Tabakhase, i only know your fine mod from pictures because i cant play it on 1.1.3.. I think your mod is mandatory to make this game a perfect experience. It would be realy kind if you could make an updated version for 1.1.3.! Thanks for the time you've already invested on this great mod. Sincerely LtMtz
  19. Hello Malah, i've downloaded your fine QuickIVA mod recently and I really appreciate it. It's a must have for a hardcore experience! The reason why i write you is that i'm on 1.1.3. and got some strange behaviour. I've tested it with and without other mods. 1. A minor toolbar (stock and blizzy) bug - which doesn't let you change the settings of the settings file - settings and its menu are still shown correctly - you can manually edit settings file 2. Major: No control of your vessel - it seems you cant steer the vessels anymore (keys: wasd + qe) - sas/rcs can still be activated though This is what i found in the Log so far: 120.7695: MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'FlightDriver.SetPause'. at QuickIVA.QGUI.SettingsSwitch () at QuickIVA.QGUI.Settings () at QuickIVA.QBlizzyToolbar.OnClick () at QuickIVA.QBlizzyToolbar.<Init>m__0 (QuickIVA.ClickEvent e) at QuickIVA.Button.clicked (System.Object realEvent) at Toolbar.Command.click () at UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) at Toolbar.Log:log(LogLevel, Exception, String, Object[]) at Toolbar.Log:error(Exception, String, Object[]) at Toolbar.Command:click() at Toolbar.Button:click() at Toolbar.Button:drawInToolbar(Rect, Boolean) at Toolbar.Toolbar:drawButtons() at Toolbar.Toolbar:draw() at Toolbar.ToolbarManager:OnGUI() 127.1562: MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'FlightDriver.SetPause'. at QuickIVA.QGUI.SettingsSwitch () at QuickIVA.QGUI.Settings () at QuickIVA.QGUI.DrawSettings (Int32 id) at UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) I already read that you plan to update this plugin. I just wanted to contribute my info as i didn't find anything about quickiva errors on 1.1.3 so far in this topic. Apart from begging for an update , i wanted to ask if there is a chance for an "1st person eva view with forcing" option to be added. Well, "1st person eva view" isn't stock so i wont put to much hope in it. But as all the known mods which had such features are outdated and not working anymore it would close a real gap and would make your mod even more a must have! Thank you for all your time you spend on this project already. Wish you all the best, Sincerely LtMtz
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